Featured Billy No Mates Tour 2024

Discussion in 'Touring' started by johnny, Jul 9, 2024.

  1. I see that summer hasn’t arrived in Europe yet either.
  2. Strange things in the sky

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  3. Better hurry up, back to the Harz thurs.....with bikes in the van :D
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. First rest again

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  5. are you alone??

    fare play if you are, its a nightmare getting others to commit to a trip. if i waited to ride my bike out with mates it wouod be twice a year

    also ive had 3 mates now that have sold bikes because they weren't riding them enough (or were scared of them)

    also plenty of mates "thinking" of getting a bike but never actually committing.

    what are you doing for security? its something that also puts people off of a trip
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  6. Found an open restaurant..
    I rock

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  7. Coke straight out the bottle, you’re a legend.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. One of the best trips I’ve done was on my own. I’m with you re not riding if your mates aren’t around, which is why I mainly ride solo in the UK. No issues with security on any of my trips, I just use a Roadlok, and common sense when deciding where to park the bike.
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  9. This, never had a problem over many European tours but avoid parking in public places in larger towns overnight.
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  10. Naming that hotel would be useful if you don't mind, TIA:upyeah:
  11. Great thread. Interesting topic of trips solo.

    It's a good point getting mates to commit then the inevitable back out nearer the time.

    I've long since given up on arranging trips to be left disappointed with the retraction.

    I do 99% of my jollies solo nowadays, I do motorbike to the TT, manx solo, I've just come back from a solo jaunt to the southern 100 on the island and I took a pushbike on that one.

    Good on you @johnny for having the "sod it, I'm going" mindset. Enjoy your trip , I'll watch this thread and read your updates.
    #31 H2pots, Jul 13, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  12. I've had so much of this with people I know over the past few years that I've given up supporting people talking about buying a bike, offering meet ups, ride outs etc. I just do my own thing and have done for quite a few years now. My stock answer is now "just give me a shout if you are going."

    The biking community is generally so willing to talk to other bikers, that I can only recall one time in about 3 years that I've stopped at a biker meeting point and not stuck up a conversation with other bikers.

    It does take a little bit of guts though to get on with it and do it solo.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I ride solo if my Son isn’t about, there are just too many variables when trying to arrange the ‘right’ time when it isn’t family members.

  14. I have a big 1.5 metre chain and a u lock
  15. The plan tonight was to swap sd cards with the GOPRO and load up some stills. But announcing your plans is a good way to hear God laugh. Today it was mainly the CR3xx roads around Lux. route went sideways midday as they always do but made a recovery
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  16. I got one of these - a new generation of U-Locks tested against angle grinder attack rather that bolt cutters. No bigger or heavier than normal, just different metal technologies.

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    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. Soz. Been a lonnnnnnnng day. France, Chunnel, 4 hrs to get back home including a nasty RTC on A12 that closed it both ways. 2 vehicle head on. 7 hrs later back home.
    The hotel is called the Paris Hotel. It’s opposite the train station. Pics are the inner courtyard & garage & alley from road with big metal solid gates:upyeah:




    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. 3 floors, clean but a bit tired inside. Not a problem for us. No lift though so lugging up big luggage can be a bind. Pluses are big square in centre a 20 minute slow walk. For restaurants etc.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. Beautiful weather this morning, italy everywhere


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  20. More strange objects

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