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Bit Of Banter With Db

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducbird, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Do you think doing 'lines' on Siri has the same impact on the offender as writing it with chalk on a blackboard?
  2. nope, you need reminders in your face left in strategic places.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Do you mean *chalk* or do you mean "chalk"?
  4. I just hope you remember this when it's time to vote :smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I get horrible "flash backs" when I've had Scottish Broth soup - so much so I have stopped buying it.
  6. whose we? you have farage, we have sturgeon/salmond. i dont think we got the short straw.
  7. The latter, but it always got hoovered up before anyone could read my work
  8. Its all getting too fishy to my mind
  9. Farage? Who's he?

    I knew we'd eventually get to battered/fried food eventually.
  10. on a cold sausage roll right now. v.nice.
  11. Just had double chocolate gateau while waiting for next qualifying stint - on now!
  12. My cupboards are empty
    Anyone fancy cooking for me :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. cooking up? here you go.

  14. Ewwww I was thinking more a roast beef dinner
  15. loz started it.:smile:
  16. Slow cooker has been working on tonight's stew but owing to a cock-up in the getting-out-of-bed department this morning, it's going to be ready around 8pm.

    This cooking lark is complicated :frown:
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