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Bit of sucho-analysis ....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. I kept mine upright over winter.....on paddock stands, my tyres look just the same - please advise :rolleyes:
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  2. Get professional help before you kill someone else, esp if you think its fun to cause cars to think you are steering at them. Or give up riding and take the bus
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  3. It's also worth checking your tyre pressures. I find that once they are a bit low - maybe 32 instead of 36 - the bike is more reluctant to turn in. Because it then feels odd, I tend to back off and the whole corner entry is completely bolloxed. You wouldn't notice this much running around town, but once out on the open road it makes a big difference to the feel of the thing, and therefore your confidence. As mentioned, squared off tyres will also feel crap on turn-in and the two together are like riding a pig on stilts! :eek:

  4. Sounds like a head thing, tyre pressures/training et al wont make a difference. The bike might just be a symptom of something else, usually is with me. If it's just commuting (doubt it) buy a car and ride the bike for fun.

  5. Yep understood bradders best advice .... We all know that if I did not "steer" at them they would not get spooked by sight of motorcycle as they seen me coming miles away like I do them.

    Not to mention I am trying to grasp how "spooking" them that way is bad and can make an accident I honestly fail to grasp that. For them to see me counter-steer at them I need to be going literally towards them. Unless in a straight line going for head on (not my idea of fun) they would have to be stationary on lights at for example round about to see that...... and yet they get spooked despite you know paying attention at what is coming....... Yep all clear.

    If you did not get that do not get "spooked" I am just trying to be sarcastic here but for now only had 1 coffee....
  6. Tyres are 300 miles old but will double check pressure maybe the gauge I used is a bit off.
  7. Walk up behind a horse, sound off a airhorn, see what happens when that gets spooked. Now add thats its actually 2t in weight, contains a mother who has screaming kids in the back who is doging other cars, mad london cyclists and then some tit looks like he's riding towards them? If you dont get how that can cause a serious crash or major worry (not to add they think all bikers are wankers) then you need do need help :upyeah:
  8. I know some sneer at the thought of being instructed on advanced riding, however everything you've said Luca would be covered by a good IAM club, its not just about riding to the "system" our club do track days, off the road advanced training etc...... all the things your worried about, give it a try mate, I had only passed Direct Access , and then went straight to Wey Valley :upyeah:
  9. You don't se countersteering , its so subtle its not something you see , the road isn't motogp.
  10. Which is why you can ride a bike fairly well..you didn't have 20 years of practising bad habits then Stick your head in the sand that you know best :wink:
  11. You can see the initial move as to tip the bike left in you literally move bar right. That or they get spooked as they do not see a bike coming so a surprise there ;P
  12. It is a common misconception that countersteering works by the bars being initially turned the wrong way and the bike then reacting to this input A MOMENT LATER, by leaning the other way.
    The process is actually more of a continuum, where merely the PRESSURE on the bars, TRYING to turn them the "wrong" way produces the necessary gyroscopic reaction immediately, without the bars actually MOVING in the wrong direction at all.
    At least that is my understanding (trained engineer to HND, 1970s).
  13. Correct from my feeling of bike. You literally just have to push slightly to get bike to start tipping in but because of an angle bike is at start, ends up in later, plus movement of hands/bike you can clearly see someone pushing the bar if you want them to see it ;)
  14. Got back in the groove yesterday. Woose lines on rhs gone and only 5mm on lhs. New rear sets helped me a lot balancing the pegs and smoothly flowing over bike as i tip it in. Love the DP seat. Much better than the sergeant i did have on it. This helped too.

    Note to self. When using QS remember to switch the bastard on. Love the crack of the whip noise it gives me.
  15. Lucasz - are you having a few stiff vodkas to calm your nerves before going out on the bike?

  16. You know it sounds like a great idea ..... till you start riding
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