Or to put it another way there was time long ago when the Earth was a ball of ice, but fortunately enough greenhouse gases were emitted to melt it and make it habitable. If it wasn't for greenhouse gases, the planet would be a ball of ice again.
Since we cannot just leave coal and oil fired power station open to keep the lights on...... There is no alternative to clean energy. The best stop gap in my opinion is nuclear, but thanks to democracy the tree hungers with no understanding of the ultimatum we are facing blocked the building of new facilities until it was too late. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this would be so much easier with communism...
It won't solve the problem, but planting trees is just the business for all sorts of reasons. I've planted quite a few.
Trees are good Glidd, but when they die they release various gasses; bit like us really. And I am well aware that the earth's temperature has fluctuated through a number of hot / cold cycles with green house gas concentrations significantly higher than today all without any "runaway" effect taking place. We live in a finely balanced world with many, and complex, feedback mechanisms maintaining an equilibrium of sorts, if it wasn't so we wouldn't be here, it never was, and never will be, in stasis. We have bigger and more important problems than climate change.
I'm afraid it wouldn't. Our energy crisis has been created by politicians not private enterprise nor even tree huggers. Neither democracy nor the market has played any part in the sorry process. The clue is the Climate Change Act 2008, the handiwork of a callow and adenoidal son of a communist, one Ed Milliband when he was Secretary of State, and a legislative Trojan horse from which the last Labour Government spread out its acquisitive state tentacles as it sought to tax everything.
or you could look at 2 options I posted that would reduce demand in this country a tax on electric vehicles and reducing demand through lower demand via less inward migration the 2nd point is not a global solution but it is a local solution for a shortage of power generation and excess demand in this country Nuclear would be only be a viable option if they had a secure method to getting rid of the waste. Bottom line is energy can never be destroyed it is always there, as potential kinetic heat or another form of energy, it can not be destroyed however the cold economic reality is the cost of harnessing that energy - something no government wanting to be elected in 5 years time really wants to face up to .
it's been suggested we moved out from Africa because of farming. the slash and burn techniques used to clear forests for planting increased the c.o2 levels which caused the extended warm period we are still in and are contributing to now.an ice age is long over due.