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Bless Those Little Snowflakes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by outintheopen, Feb 19, 2020.

  1. I don’t eat a vegan diet.

    I eat meat.

    I don’t drink cows milk for health reasons. It’s also unnatural.

    I didn’t produce the data. If you are so angry about that chart, take it up with the people who produced it and the publishers.
  2. don't be angry, it will lead to a hart attack quicker than any burger filled diet.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. my lil bro is a hard nut but give him a few slices of bread and hes all fucked up.... he had something like chronic fatigue disorder? for a few years before he realised it was wheat that fucks him up...
    diet is important but scientists suck arse as they are always changing their minds.. well, the "science" of whats acceptable to eat keeps changing, as i said re eggs, now the are a super food....
  4. My post was kore that, if you believe everything, we’d be lucky to live on water (but not rain water ;) ) and lettuce
  5. Good to know. So if I ever have a fight with him, I’ll bring a baguette and some sour dough rolls :upyeah:
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  6. The approach I have to food is that if it’s not found in nature I try not to touch it. Of course I don’t follow it all the time. Now and then I have a pizza and pay the price.

    so I don’t eat processed foods

    I eat fruit and vegetables in their natural forms.

    I eat grass fed beef, pork, chicken, lamb in their natural but not processed forms. So steak yes, sausages no.

    I stay away from foods associated with inflammation such as soya, dairy, wheat, gluten.

    It works for me and I feel much better for it.

    no disease progression and no brain fog for as long as I stay off the crap stuff.

    Research also shows processed food is bad for your libido.

    you should give it a go for a few weeks and see how you feel.
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  7. mate, i have never been a fan of processed food my entire life.. my diet is probably 50% fruit (couple of home made smoothies every day)
    and i probably only have a takeaway every few months at the most. my biggest guilty pleasures would be bacon and dairy products. ive gone without those for months in the past but felt no better for it and i like em alot! i do eat about a loaf of bread a week but its hard to make a bacon buttie or steak sandwich without bread!!! i think the only processed food youd find in my cupboards would be tinned spaghetti and a few different sauces...
  8. From what I’ve concluded from your posts you are unhappy and blame farmers for your own health problems and inability to eat certain foods. You are the one who has used out of date, inaccurate, irrelevant and simply wrong information in the form of studies, graphs and charts you have plucked from the internet which have been manufactured by people with flakey agendas and suit your argument, then questioned me who has several degrees in agricultural science (not that matters) but more importantly over 30 years experience in the field your arguing about. You posted that information therefore you are the one I’m aiming my responses at. If you don’t like it don’t post it!
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  9. I am sorry to hear about your brother. I know someone who has the same diagnosis.

    I can understand people’s frustration at the constant changing opinions of “science” and food, but what is 100% irrefutable is the experience of thousands upon thousands of people like your brother and myself and my sister and.....

    during WW11 when diet was curtailed by rationing a guy called Dr Swank noticed that the relapse rate of his MS patients halved. Big Pharma does not like people knowing this. After researching his patients he came to the conclusion it was diet and told his patients to follow the diet that I now follow.
    He had tens of thousands of patients all do better by eliminating wheat, gluten, dairy, trans fats, processed foods etc. It is hard to do though as your brother will no doubt agree, especially in social situations.

    I love a pepperoni pizza. I had one last week. But what usually happens a few hours after is a get really tired, limbs feel like lead, fall asleep, into a really deep, deep sleep, then I wake up about 4 hours later.

    sometimes I get the squirts off the cheese, but my relationship with dairy is improving.

    invariably I get brain fog and concentrating is more difficult.

    there is a theory that many neurological conditions and auto immune inflammatory diseases are caused by gut leak whereby the shit in your gut leaks into your blood stream and your immune system goes nuts attacking the crap and your own body. Personally, I subscribe to this theory because of the direct cause and effect I have between bad food and MS symptoms. It may be different for other people. The theory also proposes that the reason the diet i follow is successful is that it allows the gut to heal to a greater or lesser extent and so the damage done by the disease is reduced.

    the NHS in England does not promote this anti inflammatory diet yet. While I trust my neurologist I don’t put all my faith in regular science or healthcare. I look elsewhere and have experimented with a few things.

    turmeric is good. As is cinnamon. I know a few people with type 2 diabetes who rate these also. I buy a product called Protandim NRF2 which is said to stimulate the body’s anti inflammatory response and it’s really good, but £50 a month.
    #169 749er, Feb 23, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
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  10. Bollocks, my health condition is multiple sclerosis

    cause - unknown
    Cure - unknown
    Treatment - known

    People with MS and other inflammatory diseases do better by avoiding dairy. That’s a fact. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who will testify to this. It is information that big pharma has tried to suppress.

    it’s also a fact that farmers like you have fed and are still feeding cattle with feed they would not eat naturally.

    it’s also a fact that farmers are to blame for the BSE and salmonella in eggs health scares. You brought it on yourselves, and us. Some farmers have reacted positively and produce product as nature intended.

    I enjoy dairy products, but at the end of the day drinking the milk of another mammal exists no where else in nature.

    your degrees are meaningless in comparison to lived experience.
    #170 749er, Feb 23, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
  11. I guess we are all different in our character and our physicality. I dated a veggie- almost vegan- girl for a year and she was not lacking in energy or skinny & grey looking unlike some.

    Not eating beef doesn't seem to do the Indians any harm. Then look at the Dutch who slurp down record amounts of dairy and are the largest size of Europeans available. Theres people that smoke like trains and never cough, theres a shit load with lung cancer too.

    In the end we all should do what we think is best for ourselves -so long as its not harming anyone else- and if it feels good its all we really need.
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  12. This threads making me hungry
    • Funny Funny x 2

  13. I agree. I would love to eat the stuff I used to eat. For all our sakes though most farmers need to upping their game to that of the best farmers
  14. there are many things in nature that are specific to only one creature so i dont think you saying its unnatural for humans to consume another mammals milk carries any weight, as because we have the ability to do so, it is as nature intended . i do agree that some humans cannot consume certain food stuffs but that is largely down to evolution... im in no way unsympathetic to these people as it must be difficult as fuck, but what you, me, or my brother can or cant consume without problems does not mean all of humanity should not consume it.... should we all stop eating nuts because a large amount of people are allergic to em? (personally no nuts ever go near my mouth) but nuts are supposed to be really good for you and are unprocessed. (mostly)
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  15. I understand what you mean and it obviously is something that is very important to you and affects your life.

    Its all complicated by a persons view point. For example if UK farmers focussed less on animal care, perhaps the price of meat would come down? If you were a poverty level mother this might be good news?

    There's rarely a one size fits all answer.
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  16. well Chiz, at no point have I told anyone what they should or should not be eating from a moral or ethical point of view. The mammals and milk thing is nebulous, I agree. You make a valid point which I can see merit in. It’s near impossible to draw a line between beef and milk. I have a cat who drinks milk. He kills everything he can get his hands on. Never drinks the milk though when he could if he wanted to. He prefers to start eating before the animal he has killed is dead. So he could get fresh rabbit milk for example if he wanted. As I said, I had a pizza last week, so I don’t have a veganesque moral crusade going on.

    I have relayed my experience of a change in diet. I have suggested that people give it a go and see how they feel. If a few folk try it for a few weeks and feel better then that’s great.

    My two points on this thread were

    1) shouldn’t really be calling people snowflakes because of their diet. A lot of people don’t have a choice


    2) farmers need watching, for everyone’s sake.

    Most of them plead poverty. Anytime you see them on the news or hear them on the radio it’s always not making enough money.

    I used to drive by the auction in Lanark and you would see them pulling into the Car park in their discoveries with “EWE 1” or “TUP 1” number plate.

    It’s only luck BSE didn’t become CJD on a massive scale. They have made an arse of it before and they will do it again.

    interesting that the rest of the EU didn’t have a BSE problem. I am thinking you don’t need a degree in farming to know you don’t feed cows to cows.
    #176 749er, Feb 23, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
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  17. i think most people calling those that cant eat what the mainstream does snowflakes is just a lil dark humor (well it is on my part) and doesnt mean we dont give a fuck... you many times stated that its unnatural for one mammal to consume anothers milk , i disagree... as far as farmers and their practices go, i think it is like any industry where some are complete rogues but most aint.. do they need watching? for sure as like you have said, some practices that have been considered cool in the past have proven to be not so cool...but i dont think the blame lies at the farmers feet, its the supermarkets and perhaps ultimately the consumers fault... everyone wants cheap and there is only so far you can go with that before corners are cut...
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  18. I think they are calling people who say WE shouldn’t eat those things snowflakes.
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  19. Giving cats cow's milk is unnatural. Cats are carnivorous, almost exclusively.

    Humans are naturally omnivorous. Anything that doesn't poison us is fair game, nutritionally speaking.

    Of course, allergies will change the rules somewhat, for individuals. As will aberrant behaviours, such as veganism.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. giving cats cows milk is unnatural? you dont think a cat (albeit not one of these domestic rodent types) has never killed something of the bovine family and consumed all it had to offer? i think you are being silly here....
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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