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749 Brake Lever Guards

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Spjallen, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Wise words Bradders. Where is that agree button!
  2. Ps Simon. You have them on wrong bars. You need to swap left for right.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Thank you. Best I go and get in the garage then.
    #23 Spjallen, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  4. Never been a big fan of these ,they never look quite right on the bike IMO,more at home on a moto-crosser. ...;)
  5. Me neither but if you want to pass scrutinnering you'll have to fit some.
  6. Well after a bit of fettling and taking the advice I've moved things around and the whole thing is much more aesthetically pleasing but more importantly nothing is catching. Played around with the throttle cables on top as underneath. Can't decide which is best. Guard fits better now and can do its job.


  7. Fits better than mine, I'm on the edge of adjustment with only one svrew holding it. Will probably get the gaffa tape out ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. It's so much better with the start button on the left. Even though its huge. I've a 748 Ducati switch I'd prefer to use but don't fancy the Job / have the knowledge!
  9. Mike only up the road from you..he has more knowlege than you'd realise ;)

    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Your bars are very short, lots poking through into middle beyond clamp. Make some more space for yourself simon by pulling the bars out until flush with clamps. This will also increase leverage for quick turn.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. +1 unless they are scaffold poles. Mine are almost flush on the inside
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. Cheers guys. Really appreciate the advice.
  13. Leverage equals faster turn and wider elbows for overtakes ;)


  14. Is there any advantage to throttle cables coming in from the top? I was thinking its good for clearance but with the starter sx on the left its not needed for that. Also crash damage, maybe better protection in my existing position??
  15. Dont think it matters, only if it snags something ot dirsnt allow clean smooth movement. 848 QA was upside down no problem
  16. Bars all done and flush as suggested. Bit more of a fiddley job than I expected as I had to move the clutch and brake lines as the angles were wrong. Done now so Happy days. All good experience if / when I have to do anything with the bars, clutch, throttle brskes at the track it should be alot easier.
  17. Have you done the ergonomics yet? You always looked pretty comfy and at home on the SS have you set up arms/knees/levers the same?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. You are a mind reader, just being doing that! Done the basic set up and copied the angles as much as I could. Tbh the first real test will be when I test it early next year.
  19. Something I didnt do before I sold mine and regretted it since

    Hoping I kind of have ot right but first day at Cartagena in Feb will be messing with it, second day getting 'on it' and theird day have Mick Dickenson race clinic

    Bring on 2015----glory or recovery beckons!
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Go on bradders!!
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