Breaking Bad

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Game of Thrones...:upyeah:
  2. A show about cancer, family problems, the manufacture and peddling of crystal meth and gang warfare. Did you expect cuddly kittens?
  3. Lets cook indeed! Best thing on telly since.... Well telly really! Loads better than that Game of nonsense stuff which rears its Byzantine head again soon... Shame it's over nothing left to look forward to, oh except summer, road trip, being alive and all that! Let's cook.
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  4. Hey listen up Biatch! You need to give it more time Bro ;-)

    I'm on season 2, episode 8. That's the best thing about working in France, I get to watch 2 episodes a day on the train!
  5. Not seen it but have all 3 series on DVD to watch sometime. I take it its good then.
  6. Yeah, very good.

    The best thing about coming to it late is that I can watch it from start to finish in a couple of weeks. It took most people 5 years to have the pleasure. :upyeah:

    There are 5 seasons by the way Sam.
    #26 Robarano, Mar 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2014
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  7. The wire for me. Got bb to watch yet so my opinion may change.
  8. Brilliant series that really makes you think! Just so believable and superb quality throughout.

    Favourite UK drama: Luther
  9. The Wire vs Breaking Bad - tough choice

    BB - great 'stories' but it's a more of a cinematic drama, complicated plots
    The Wire - wider ranging, harder to get into, needs commitment, feels more 'real'

    Personally The Wire still just nips the win for me.

    PS If you are struggling post BB then I suggest: Broadwalk Empire, or Treme and Generation Kill (both David Simon of the Wire)
  10. :cool: I've never seen The Wire. I think I'll take a look at it on the back of feedback on here.
  11. The wire is superb, but watch it from the start, however, for me, breaking bad is better! Watch either and you won't be disappointed :)
  12. Have you got "True Detective" in the UK yet? Superb series with Matthew McConagchy and Woody Harrelson. What about "Banshee"? (Possibly biased as main character is played by a Kiwi) another good one.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Yeah, we are about 4 shows in. I liked it after the 1st episode so downloaded it from the US where it's been shown in it's entirety. It's a little difficult to follow at times, but good.

    I soon as I saw that Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConagchy were the leads, I thought it'd be good.
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  14. Not seen either Breaking Bad or The Wire.

    But I have been watching Line of Duty. Final episode on Wednesday and it's been effin brilliant. All previous five parts still on iplayer.

    How does LoD compare to BB/TW anyone?
  15. As good, but American so a bit different if you know what I mean?
  16. Line of Duty is good - the Wire is brilliant, BUT you MUST stick with it as it's award to figure out what is going on for the first few episodes until you get your ear attuned and your knowledge improved of the Baltimore drugs scene and PO-lice...

    I first watched it after seeing this (from 2006), and if you like Luther you can watch Idris Elba in his breakout performance.

    #36 Twin4me, Mar 19, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  17. Watched all the wire most of breaking bad upto series 3 all game of thrones upto series 4'all episodes of true detective can get.3g signal at work and have skygo.on a tab 12hour nights so get to watch a bit sometimes.
    I personally think the sheild was the tv ran to 7 series nothing out of bounds. Now really cheap on dvd
  18. Ding ding ding ding ding
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