Have you still got the pipe that connects the tank (quick release) to the upper fuel pipe set and / or the tank overflow pipes please?
Hi, Very inyerested in doing the single swing arm on my 899, how much for the complete swing arm, rear wheel and rear brake? Thanks Rich
Not to worried about the front wheel design as it's hidden behind the discs ans fender. And it all depends on the price of the sssw conversion!! Thanks
I’ve done the conversion on my 899. You’ll need the longer brake line & ABS cable off the 1199. Also gearing is a bit awkward to sort if you want to keep the gearing as 899 o/e. p.m. me if you want any info. Will also have my carbon 1199 BST for sale as soon as TNT deliver my TKCC one. (long story).
Thanks for the info, I knew you needed a fair amount of bits to do the conversion, but I didn't no about the abs cable so thanks for the info. What's BST? Sorry new to this as its my first ductai. Thanks Rich
@Richard Innes This one You’ll need a longer chain; 108 links if I remember correctly. Also due to the longer swingarm, the rear shock link from the 1199(with f/p bar) helps. I kept the same 520 pitch chain as well. The 1199 runs a 525 so the whole c&s kit needs to be 899 or 1199; not a mix of each
Just the rear. Waiting on FedEx to grow a pair and re ship my new TKCC rear to me; as I already have the front from them.
Waiting on another Forum member who’s got first dibs. If no reply from him I’ll let you know. New wheel turned up today so trying to swap them over this Saturday