Wild Asda? Do they have staff with blow guns whilst you're shopping, with Dave. Attenborough providing a voice over?
i haven't looked at their profits.....bet its similar.... plus whats all that token shoit about......if they want to give money to charity why involve me..........
I dislike Tesco enormously and think that they along with the other major supermarkets have been bad for the country for a long time but as they are not state owned I dont think what they pay their senior staff really matters too much as long as the said staff all pay their taxes. Likewise I`m sure the company pays plenty of tax too. We as a nation have to accept the blame for the rise of Tesco et al because we as a nation keep using them. If enough of us did things differently then they would really see their figures go south or they would adapt to cater to our new requirements. If you dont like them dont use them , as they would say , every little helps !
but you the public need food just like electric water yadayada....the profit margin and their wages are obscene and its you the public that are paying far too much for these things........