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Britain going back to the Dark Ages

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Salmond and his cronies, especially that Mary Nesbitt lookalike with the bowl haircut can fuck off back to their country dancing kilt wearing troglodyte chums. Its time the cunts moved onto the 21st century.
  2. Get off that fence now, you'll get splinters

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  3. I'm not sure where you live Finm but where I live they don't like the people in the next town never mind from another country. Still we are a very balanced people.......got a chip on both shoulders :biggrin:
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  4. i didn't realy mean it, i live on the west coast. (full of the English) :biggrin:
  5. Corrected for you. :smile:
  6. that's what i said
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  7. what if the next town is in the next country.
    do you hate them even more :rolleyes:
  8. dont hate any one. except xenophobic, two faced humorless knobs.
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  9. And hypocrites. Don't forget hypocrites. ;-)
  10. Me neither. I like everyone. Apart from my Neo-Nazi ex girlfiend and her C18 chums.

    btw Fin its 'humourless'. This is not America...well not quite...
  11. nope dont like them ether (going back over everything i might of said on here) :wink:
  12. It is the right of all forum dwellers to make shit up, for when it suits them.
  13. gave up trying to spell years ago, i blame these spell checkers can it be changed to UK sorry scots?
  14. oh turn it in for christs sake woman...you accuse me of some utter tripe...if it keeps you happy im happy for you...in the capitalist society that seems to get you so turned on, dont expect my sympathy when you start whining because every website you go on is full of (s)adverts, dont whinge because you keep receiving spam, junk mail, spam text messages, marketing calls..dont complain because DVLA seill on you registration details to anyone, dont whimper when you name and address are readily available for purchase from your bank, the council or any other corporation you have had to deal with....dont get upset because the banks sell debts to each other..this is the utopia you seem to want...i hope youre enjoying it...
  15. u dont know bugger all what i do mate so wind your neck in
  16. Do they have to be xenophobic, two faced, humourless and knobs or will any one or combination do the trick ?
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  17. Quality, delusional quality. :upyeah:

    Remember to come out your arse long enough to take breath :wink:
  18. this has to be the thread of the year!
  19. and anyway..back to the topic....
  20. What was the topic anyway?! I kinda get lost...
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