Britain's First Secret Trial

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by antonye, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. yeah, theres 55 odd million in england and 7 million in Scotland. all figures approx.
  2. see the wall's still doing its job then. :smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. hahaha 'back of the net'
  4. Theres 4 wasted pages of thread then. Panic over.
  5. I wouldn't say that.
  6. Why would Boris be any worse than Dave? He's run things - on his own merit which Dave hadn't done. He's very bright and he's extremely amusing. And he actually says things he thinks instead of just spinning stuff.

    There were plenty who thought that Churchill would be a disaster as PM - too maverick.
  7. Glidd has bought the Buffoon Boris PR ;)

    Intelligent, articulate, ruthless and affable. What is there not to like about him being PM?!
  8. I cannot believe that you compare Churchill with Boris. You've been drinking too much.

    He may be affable and likeable but he is still an idiot. At least Winston had bottle, charisma, a vision and above all worldwide respect. Boris can't even demand respect on HIGNFY.
  9. I like Boris. That puts him ahead of ever other politician there is or has been in at least the last 15 years.
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  10. Boris is perfect for that foreign place called London. A quintessential upper class english buffoon to entertain the hoards foreigners (read London inhabitants). He should not be allowed to progress any further, Britain needs leaders - not bleeders.
  11. Bleeders...thats leaches, right?!
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  12. i like borris also. i could almost vote tory if he was leader... well maybe not. but i do like him.
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  13. I like Ozzie Osborne, but I wouldn't vote for him in an election. Unless it was a drinking game of course.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I'm not sure Ozzie Osbourne would have lasted long in the mayor of London job.

    BTW - they didn't come much more upper class than Churchill.
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  15. Boris is a textbook example of the charming psychopath. Amusing, mendacious, unscrupulous, ambitious, popular ... he would be an ideal candidate for Prime Minister, if he wasn't a Tory. Actually I think he would be better suited to be Mayor of New York City, his birthplace.
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  16. Class is irrelevant if one has the right ideas and attitude. As are all other irrelevancies such as gender, race, sexuality and footie team.
  17. I don't know about that.
    If you don't support West Bromwich Albion, are you really fit to be Prime Minister?
  18. Well you could be right, although I have never seen him as a psychopath. That would mean that he is entirely an act and underneath the surface, he is completely ruthless and doesn't give a stuff about anyone. I see no evidence for this, but I'm sure you could supply some and then my opinion might change.

    Another American connection, eh? Well well.
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