so how do those figures fit with this earlier sentence of yours "It would also mean our trade in services is not covered, these are the services that account for 80% of our economy".
Dukey, 749thingydude and the greyish shadow are all the same, they are never here together but spout the same doom
25% of ours up here, the rest is tech, manufactring ect, so, they will do a deal to protect services and banking, leaving our remaing 75% unprotected.
Christ! Half the population has been discriminated against since time began and you think society doesn’t have a duty to go above and beyond to re dress the balance of millennia of abuse. Making a big leap here, but assuming a mysoginist such as yourself knows 10women, 2 will have been sexually assaulted and 7have been sexually harassed. If you think that women’s experience does not demand the kind of gesture afforded by the rape clause, to tell women, society supports them there is little hope for you as a human being. But you keep counting the pennies the policy would cost and sleep soundly, knowing no one will be visiting you in the night
So far every prediction I have made about legal challenges to Brexit has proven to be correct, but you call them rants. Here is another prediction for you. A £40k BMW will still be a £40k BMW after Brexit, it will just come with a few thousand pounds less of nice kit on it. BMW will sell the same number of BMWs, assuming we don’t have a recession and all other things remain equal. People will still want to by a 3 series, they just won’t get Sat Nav and parking sensors or whatever they drop out of the package as standard to get to £40k and accommodate the tariff. This is what Porsche did in the recession in the 90s. Want these things? That’s an extra! So the answer to your question is, it is us who be worse off and not certainly not the German car industry
You sir, are an idiot The idea just because women are the fairer sex that they must all be victims is fodder of deluded nipple suckers. I know more strong women and most women would not call themselves victims just because they are women As to your two links, you have been rather hoisted on your own petard. I'll give you a hint, no one outside of Scottish politics was saying this, only the snp nasty party tried to make it about rape and to support that, you post figures from ENGLAND & WALES, dude, get a map, the second link doesn't even mention Scotland By your own links, your claims on womens assault are based on figures not from even your own country, what a dick. Where did you borrow those figures from, Norway?