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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. all yer man does is expose the brexiteers that bother to phone in to defend their reason for leaving the EU. they don't have to phone in, they dont have to expose their thought processes. they dont have to provide all the proof that is needed on how poorly informed the uk public are.
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  2. I would estimate the only JOB listeners are 90% Remainiacs so no sensible Brexiteers would waste their time on him Finm!
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  3. Democracy eh?

    Leaked Letter from Dame Lucy at the unit for co-ordinating Brexit

    By JOHNREDWOOD | Published: DECEMBER 26, 2018
    Readers will remember past leaks from a senior official, Dame Lucy. Another has come to my attention……

    Dear Frank (I’m not sure who he is)

    The Prime Minister is rightly pressing on with the Withdrawal Agreement. As you know, the Cabinet Office has been strongly behind this initiative, as it offers us the best chance to protect all that is best about our current membership whilst fulfilling the letter of the remit to leave the EU on 29 March 2019. We have carried out a substantial scoping exercise, and presented Ministers with the enormity of the task, reflecting all the inherent agreements and arrangements that have arisen from 45 years of membership of the EEC/EU. We have also responded to those Ministers who have said they are looking for a compromise between Remain and Leave, and wish to reflect the Opposition position that there must be no damage to jobs and trade. Some Ministers as at the Treasury and Business recognise that it will take a lot of time to try to get these features of our current membership into any future partnership agreement, though they would like to do so.

    The truth is there has been no Agreement on offer which duplicates our membership of the Customs Union and single market which also meets the requirements to exit freedom of movement and to leave the EU. Because of this we worked with the EU on the sequencing proposal. Now it is established that the UK has to sign up to the money and a number of important obligations up front to reassure the EU, we can proceed to highlight the possible addition of better trading terms and some agreement on customs once the Withdrawal Agreement is signed. As you can see from the WA we have allowed plenty of time, with 21 months to be followed by up to a further 2 years. This means of course there could be one or more General elections before the negotiations are finished. The Opposition policy of wanting to stay in the Customs Union and single market would not be pre empted before at least one General election had occurred, which might be best in the circumstances, assuming we need all the time laid down to try to sort out a future partnership. Meanwhile, though we have technically left, all obligations and legal arrangements remain the same.

    There is concern in the Unit that the WA might not get through the Commons. We have briefed Ministers to stress there might be no Brexit without the WA, and to highlight the uncertainties rejecting the WA will create. We need to help them respond to those who argue that just leaving and trading under WTO terms is a true Brexit. The government has successfully stressed that such a Brexit would be “hard” and like falling off a cliff. We may need to send out more of the material from the scoping survey showing just how many things might change, and how they might change for the worse without the continuity provided by the WA.I understand there are a few large multinationals prepared to forecast problems for supply chains and transport which we must give prominence to. The government is very preoccupied by the Union, so it is good that the EU stresses the significance of the Irish border issues.

    This current fluid situation leaves open the danger of just leaving by default. That is why we must draw attention to the risks, and help Ministers stress the advantages of staying in and spending more time trying to get the future partnership right. In practice once we have signed the WA our bargaining position is much reduced, so we also need in private with Ministers to lower expectations of what can be achieved in subsequent negotiations. Treasury and Business seem aware of this, but some other departments are less well informed. We need to ensure the Trade department does not raise hopes of any early breakthrough for a Free Trade Agreement with the USA or some other non EU state, as that would be seen as provocative on the continent. We also need to ready departments for the rush of new EU legislation likely to come from the new Parliament and Commission, which we must implement thoroughly in our usual way.


    • Useful Useful x 2
  4. I got this for Christmas - it's PDG. Reasons to be cheerful Part One.

    #21004 Arquebus, Dec 27, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2018
  5. I just had my 2nd Christmas dinner o_O
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  6. No such thing. They are all round the friggin pipe.:D
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  7. Met say there will be an increase in crime after Brexit - best cancel it immediately, no other choice really - I mean if you can't trust the police.... :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Aye, project fear is ramping up, yet the French buy Gatwick in a doomed UK :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  9. You really couldn't make this stuff up. French will shut Gatwick as there will be no demand to fly to 3rd world UK after Brexit - nothing to do with anti-competition you know :grinning:
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  10. If this leak is true, it emphasises how low May and her allies are aiming. Managed WTO Brexit is looking essential and despite supply chain issues, we will overcome and ultimately be in a better place.
    • Agree Agree x 9
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  11. I won't be voting ;)
  12. EU democracy; isn't that an oxymoron?
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  13. excellent. tell me, who or what do you mean by the UK?
    how will the uk gov replace the income tax we will lose from from the end of free movement?
    we have a trade surplice, half of our exports go to the EU, earn tax from those exports, one or two come directly to the Scot gov, you haven't told me how those exports and tax will be replicated, how will the UK gov reimburse the losses that are in the pipeline?.
    are you aware of how the devolved govs are funded?
    if the answer is, from increased central gov funding, how will the rUK sell it to you lot?. a sizable group already think we are over funded.
    how will a future tory or labour gov convince its southern audience that has suffered years of austerity that EU funding needs to be replicated up here while securing the votes of down there?
    with the resent changes to the Scotland act without our permission that covered areas where we, tho limited, could tailor our economy and sell our brand abroad, and with a UK Gov thats been shown no to GAF about the political consequences, and seeing as we are all in it together, what have you done to protect our democracy and sovereignty we could exercise here?
    a quick recap, taking the uk as 4 separate nations, and london and the S/E as part of england as a whole, we have the lowest unemployment rates, in the UK, the only nation with a trade surplice, the highest? rates of GDP in the UK, the highest rates of foreign inward investment
    no borrowing powers (i could go on for hours), yet, come election time, the old tactic of, the biggest deficit and we are a nation of scroungers, will no doubt be used time and time again, So, just answer the fookin question, who or what is the fugging UK?. and how the ferk did you fall for the bull that we have more protection from globalization and neoliberalism outwith the EU?. you know we need immigration up here so it cant be that.
    you dumb fuck. :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  14. The trouble with the constant copy and pasting of old relics of info, 5th on the list, not top :D


    Started on the local water early fin? :D

    You could ask the Germans how they are coping

  15. noobs been predicting the collapse of the EU for two years now, but with support for the EU at its highest level in 3years on the continent i guess its just more of the same with the noob analysis.
    anyyyyyyhoooo. its yulel fest and i am off to party, no more till the new year.
    seasons greetings from the SNP and green party
    • Funny Funny x 3
  16. Translation:

    I'll be checking for noob's reply every fifteen minutes ... so thirsty am I ... so very, very thirsty ...
    • Funny Funny x 5
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...mmigration-law-to-lure-non-eu-skilled-workers

    You haven't realised yet fin have you, you've been converted. With your, We need more more people to feel the multi national machine and companies, more people means more profit More I tell you MOREEEEEEEEEE
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