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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Thought by now people would learn that predictions are exactly that . Not worth even listening too . Its facts that matter . Fact is we are out of the E.U . , thank f**k , and things haven't gone into meltdown , as predicted , in fact things are looking up . ARM sale for 24 billion to japan . Aussies wanting to trade direct . U.S. admitting we won't be at the back of the que . Even Crankie is beginning to realise that she has a tiny nation that voted 1million to 600k for in and were dwarfed by the vote from yorkshire never mind the rest of the out vote .
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  2. All I'm trying to do is point out that for every article that is being posted (whichever side it's on) there is the exact opposite also being published, to balance things out.

    As I have said before no-one knows what will happen. Predictions are, as you say, just that. Trouble is there are NO facts yet.
  3. Not true, Hell Tee!

    We know for a fact that Juncker is a sociopathic poopy-head.
  4. I'll give you that one @Loz
  5. And there won't be any facts,because no one can predict the future.
    The only thing you can state with any degree of accuracy is history,and even then what is written down can be distorted to suit the view of the recorder.
    The Remain side of the argument had what has happened in 40 years of EU membership to promote their cause.But despite the good things that have come from EU membership,they just chose to bang on about what MIGHT happen IF we voted for the exit door.And when they did use the good things,they used the wrong ones: for instance screaming that EU membership is responsible for ALL of the UK's employment rights laws was a bit of a fib...we had paid holidays etc long before we joined,and those of us who enjoyed them back then saw the lie straight away.
    So maybe IF they had concentrated on the genuine accrued benefits of membership,and stopped screaming the dire warnings,it would have been a different outcome,I'm absolutely sure.
    But the Remain argument was long on threats and short on facts: for reasons only known to themselves,they didn't promote the positive case for staying.
    The Leave campaign had a lot more history to draw on,as they could use historical ,"facts" from before and during our membership. And unfortunately for the Remain side,there are millions still alive who can remember life before we joined and since.There is no doubt that claims were made by some on the Leaver side that were patently untrue,although nowhere near as many or lurid as claimed by critics on the Remain side.
    There was really no need to lie,because the historical FACTS,(as interpreted by the recorder),were available as evidence.But as usual politicians couldn't leave us to make our own minds up.
    For those who didn't get the result they voted for,blame your own side,and the media.
    The Remain politicians got it spectacularly wrong again.Their arguments were lazy,Cameron etc were still too buoyed up by their GE victory and in the end it just came down to finger-wagging at Joe Public.
    They gave absolutely no respect to those with age and/or experience,especially those at the lower end of the income scale,and as a result they got the bloody nose they so richly deserved.
    Then their friends in the media did their bit:
    Shrieking like harridans with predictions of doom gloom and misery
    Cherry picking words from interviews with those on the Leave side and trumpeting them as examples of any negative character trait you can think of.
    Accusing everyone wanting to Leave of being a racist...(dear oh dear...how to win friends and influence people...NOT!!!!)
    And being shamelessly biased towards their own kind,i.e the comfortable middle-classes and the generation that has had the best of everything in their brief lives.
    Both the political and media elites ignored worries about Sovereignty,ignored those over 60,and ignored the positives of EU membership over the last 40 odd years.
    Talk about shooting your argument in the foot,the Leavers could have sat on their hands and said nothing,and still have won the Referendum!
    Facts won the argument,because history has the only facts available,and has taught those of of us who have lived it.
    Dire predictions lost the argument,because the Remain side ignored the facts and relied on the promise of misery.
    #2168 Lightning_650, Jul 25, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
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  6. [​IMG]
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  7. Shame that UKIP etc didn't have the budget that the Remainiacs had.
    Would have been good to see this on prime time TV:
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  8. Forget it. Brexit means Brexit. There are no deals to be done, no way to fudge this or water it down if Britain is to remain governable..
    We have to stop thinking in terms of "remaining in" the single market. There isn't a single market, there are 28 (soon to be 27) separate ones controlled by a single regulatory regime. The talk by remainers, corporate vested interest, Europhile politicians and EU commissars of "staying in" or "having access to" the single market is in truth a desire to keep the UK under the regulatory control of Brussels. It has nothing to do with trade. We do not need to be under the heel of the single regulatory regime to trade with EU member states. That is against WTO rules. We can trade with EU states under WTO most favoured nation status without accepting ANY EU conditions or controls over our economy or governance and that is what we must do.
    If the EU imposes tariffs on us, pay them and impose reciprocal tariffs against EU trade with the UK. But such tit for tat pointlessness won't happen. Large sections of the German economy would collapse without its UK trade, to say nothing of the EU's faltering economies which are close to collapse already. They have far more to lose than we do and out in the real world there is no appetite for spite and obstructionism in Europe's trade relations with an independent UK. EU ideologues will want to to mete out retribution on the UK, of course, and as authoritarians they hate to relinquish control, but if they will have to get used to it or they will get a sharp reality check from their own side.
    #2172 Gimlet, Jul 26, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2016
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  9. Desperate stuff from the EU. So they 'grant' us a TEMPORARY emergency brake of 7 - 10 years and after this we are back where we started. All the while we continue to pay into the EU coffers and remaining in the EU. How very benevolent of them.

    Am I missing something, but isn't this what we have just voted against?

    I'm with Theresa. Brexit means Brexit. :)

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  10. Thatcher Mark II :mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask:
  11. If only...
    • Agree Agree x 1

  12. now i know youre TTP lol
  13. TTP? :Shifty:
  14. The UK is still in the EU and have seen no plans to leave.
    I still don't think we will leave :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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