I’m guessing we can never make any deals then? 2 years of exciting ‘let’s get it done’ work by business 2 yrs of ‘wtf do we do now’ by politicians 2 yrs of continued moaning by remoaners 2 yrs of ‘its not fair - we want independence’ by Scots More of the same then.
You boys need to cheer up. Paul, you sound like you have been fighting for a toy and now you have it, you have just found out it’s broken You got what you wanted. Where to next? Where would you like to see the U.K. go? Is your vision that you want a free trade deal with the EU? Or do you think we should take a completely different course and focus on financial services? Sony and Panasonic may have left but the City of London has record levels of employment.
Nothing. For 99% of people. Nothing at all. We will still buy food, cars, houses, go to work, go to pub, get drunk. We will still go on holiday, but the deals to attract us may get better as countries compete to make transition easiest and therefore more attractive. Cheaper, more long haul? Unemployment will remain as it is, and busienss will invest because the govt will improved terms for investment (tax breaks etc) May be a bit longer to get over the channel, like it was maybe 15 yrs ago when they actually did check passports and ask what you were carrying, but Eire will try and improve traffic there for holidays etc and become a ‘hub’ into the Eu, thi]is taking some investment benefit. Same with NI. For 99% of people, nothing at all.
OK Id like to see an all encompassing effort from All in the UK to get on with it. Id like to see ALL british companies brought back into British ownership (especially the stuff around infrastructure electric power and so on) Id like to see employers employing british citizens as a first port of call not moaning about losing their cheap exploited eastern european labour. Id like to see All british companies getting their stock from or made in this country rather than overpaid middle top management paying shit wages in the UK and buying cheap copied shite from china and so on. any good for starters?
If I can clear up the sony and panasonic bit first to explain why things are more positive than people feel. Sony are moving their legal head office to Holland and despite the move, Sony won't shift personnel and operations from the existing UK operations. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-46968720 Panasonic also is moving their legal head office to Holland but again, read the company statement and you will find t said "fewer than approximately 10 people would be affected out of a staff of 30". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45351288 I only mention this as much of the doom and gloom info out there hides the positives. We are in a unique situation, we have saved europe from itself twice before and have been an empire and it was, I feel, that which made us cautious of the eu's intent to create it's own empire. We do not want to go down that road again, it is full of failings to come as the eu is finding out. I don't feel we are becoming more insular but I do feel we are offering a more bespoke U.K., one tailor made for the People of the U.K. to offer the outside world what we always have but in a more tailored finish. Much of the changes needed to be made will be the same whether it is wto/free trade, Mays deal etc such as increased border control. The U.K. always puts itself down more than it needs to, it seems to be the British way but some of the leading companies, advances, engineers, medical etc etc have come from the U.k. The day to day stuff won't change a great deal as bradders says but any changes will be by the U.K. for the U.K.
I understand it fully, you want us to vote on whether we leave or not, based on what other countries think and not what the people of this country think. I'm sure when the frenchies have national votes, their first thought is, hey lets ask the brits first. Not a trap? No legal out for the U.K. unless the eu allows it If we find a better deal with a non eu country, that the eu already has a deal with, the eu can veto it the backstop we are told is temporary despite every politician from ireland saying it cannot be an insurance and temporary I believe my smoke was stolen and you have over indulged sir
I wanted and voted to remain. I'm now fed up of it all and can't be bothered one way or another. The only things that will impact on my life (and many other mere mortals) I beleive will be increased bureacracy when I want to go on holiday to Europe
I think we will be sold down the river, with a pretend Brexit and firmly feel we are better off totally out and then working from there. There is no way the Gov / Parliament will allow another vote with leave under ETO rules as this is likely to happen, especially now Project Fear has ramped up as this I feel will swing the vote - fekkin bullies...
I haven't On one of those options, extend article 50, it's not as easy as some would suggest. No matter what we say, we would need the permission of the other 27 which is unlikely. The european parliament elections are up in May this year. All the seats we used to have (73) have now been divied upto the other 27 members as well as some eu officials . This means the extension at the longest could only go till May which lets be honest, 2 months extension will make no difference at all. Even if they got around the seats issue you would still have the issue of the europeans having Brits still in the eu whilst still wanting to leave, they now want this to move forward and soon as the eu has massive debt problems that is even seeing the powerhouses in trouble
It seems some moderator doesn’t understand the difference between my thread and this one, which has become a debate about which path the U.K. goes down in terms of which type of Brexit My thread was based upon us leaving without a deal. Which is where we are right now. How do we re shape our economy to suit the new political, economic and trading reality. I don’t think we can keep going as we are. I think we will need to take a good look at our strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly. Take a good look at all our options such as being a low tax economy. What’s the point of being out of the EU to keep doing what we have done and to shadow the EU?
Where I have said recently that I want a second referendum? Months ago I said we will be leaving without a deal. The U.K. has voted to leave the EU and to regain control of its borders, money and immigration and now the same people who wanted that are complaining because the EU wants to do the same, to control its border with the U.K. to stop any old tat coming into their free market. Parliament doesn’t know what it wants. There is no longer enough time to get the legislation through. The PM says there will be no extension. The PM says there will be no second referendum. We have a Remainer PM who couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. We have an opposition whose membership is overwhelmingly Remain but is led by a Brexiteer. You couldn’t make this up We are leaving without a deal on 29/3 unless someone, somewhere has a massive change in position.
I would be very surprised if Parliament leaves without a deal. There are plenty of Tory MPs willing to resign the whip to stop it happening. We may even have a GE before then anyway if May loses the next vote of confidence. The whole Country is sick to death of the whole thing and the damage it has caused to the unity of GB will be with us for a long time to come.
You want to take back control of our borders whilst asking the EU to give up control of its border. And you want to be free to do free trade deals with Africa whchthas half the GDP of France