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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. It would be in accordance with the referendum result and the promises of Tory and Labour politicians prior to the 2017 GE. Thus preserving the democratic principle and the social compact in the UK (if nowhere else).

    If you need more reasons than that then ... yikes.
  2. The saddest thing about all of this is how its added some clarity (to an extent) as to how bloody inept, selfish and frankly childish many of our politicians are. Actually you could say exactly the same about the majority of journalists.

    I appreciate not 'all' politicians are out for themselves, and some god forbid 'might' on rare occasions give a straight answer to a yes or no question, but i think its pretty accurate to suggest thats a rare trait found in most of them.

    Maybe its not sad, maybe its what we've needed for years? Maybe (hopefully) the political system in the UK will start to get overhauled and change for the better.

    I've sincerely just had enough, not just of the Brexit issue of remain or leave, but having to witness the games and half truths (at best) from our politicians and journalists (most of which are questionable) every single day for the last 2 years. If the idea was to wear me down, to absolutely brain numb me in to not really giving much of a shit to either side of the argument then bravo, good job, well done, you did a cracking job.

    I honestly never thought i'd be jostling in my mind with the choice about whether I'd rather our political elite be dictating more parts of my life, or do i stick with that chap who can't put on a matching pair of shoes that used to run Luxembourg?

    Maybe, just maybe, J-C-J has been on to something all this time? I mean if your job involved having to sit and listen to absolute and complete bullshit and lies all day, everyday, then i can see why getting hammered and whacking on any shoes you can find laying about would be appealing. Shit if i were him i'd mix it up and go to work in some pants and a parka, why not, at least its an honest thing to do and can't be hidden.

    I may have been too hard on him in the past, perhaps he's not a dick after all? Perhaps he's just misunderstood, that crazy old bastard

    For me, and i can't believe Im saying this, I'm actually up for one last vote. A 2nd referendum (not this 'peoples vote' shite).

    Unfortunately without one I simply cannot see a line being drawn underneath the bollocks of the last two years, and there needs to be. We need legally binding text in place so that no news outlets can discuss the result ever ever again.

    Moan about the result, JAIL.
    Suggest it wasn't fair, JAIL.......you get the idea

    Simple choices:

    1: Out and trade under WTO until any future deals with the eu and/or rest of the world can be undertaken

    2: Stay in the EU
    #23122 damodici, Jan 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
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  3. Respect the referendum result?
    That's so last year...
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  4. Thanks, Yvette! You are a true defender of democ-

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  5. Might have gone better if there was a plan publicised/accepted before Art 50 was triggered.

    They've treated the whole thing like a Boy's Own adventure.
  6. They've treated the whole Brexit thing like it isn't really happening. Hopefully they'll be proved wrong on this.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Yes and no on the first one. Yes we do want to control our immigration but could you clarify what eu border we are asking them to give up control of? If you are implying Ireland then you are incorrect. Even if it goes to wto/free trade, we are tied and quite rightly so, to the GFA which forbids a hard border of the old days and we have said all along we will abide by that.

    We want to be free to do trade deals with the world, the same as any other non eu country and the eu themselves, what is wrong with that?

    If I've read your second line correctly then you seem to be implying? That it has to be either Africa or France and that is simply incorrect and false. We will deal with any country who wants to deal with us too, and the Frenchies are not that far behind the Germans in selling us stuff too.
    #23127 noobie, Jan 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. That’s the main problem, I think.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. So you don’t understand this simple point?

    Leaving the EU demands a hard border. There is a hard border between the EU and every other country it does not have a freedom of movement agreement with. Freedom of movement and the single market are linked and are at the core of the EUs values.

    You voted to take back control - to remove freedom of movement and to leave the single market. Every person who has voted for a Hard Brexit in this poll wants that. Except, for in Ireland, where you don’t want a hard border, you are OK with freedom of movement. Well here is some news for you.

    1) the border is shared with the EU, they have a say in what happens
    2) along with the benefits of free trade and freedom of movement, come obligations. Obligations such as regulatory alignment.

    You don’t want regulatory alignment. You want to do deals with countries which are different to the EUs deals and so allow all this cheap food. Cheap = crap, by the way. I don’t want crap food. Neither does the EU. They don’t want hormone treated beef entering the EU across an open border in Ireland. Or cheap toys with carcinogenic paint from China.

    You don’t want regulatory alignment because taking back control means making your own laws. Sovereignty! Sovereignty!

    Now we get to the bit where the EU must be pishing themselves laughing. You want a hard border everywhere, except in Ireland, where you expect the EU to just roll over and drive a big hole through the integrity of the single market in terms of regulatory alignment. The EU have shown some flexibility in allowing time to develop the technology to move the administrative border away from the physical border so as to preserve the intent of the GFA. The backstop is to say, if the U.K. can’t solve that problem then NI must stay in the single market/customs union. Or the border moves to the Irish Sea. It’s not a trap, the EU would prefer the problem be solved so that the GFA can be adhered to.

    It is not possible to comply with the GFA and have a Hard Brexit. One has to give. This is a fact which has been obvious from the start. For a short while last October I said that due to this fact Brexit is finished, but quickly realised that, of the two options, it’s not Brexit that is dead, its the GFA, because those who want Brexit can’t or don’t want to consider the implications for the Irish border. For evidence of that, look at this poll result. Look at your own attitude to the backstop - “it’s a trap”. Look at your attitude to borders- “hard border everywhere, not in Ireland for the GFA to think about” whilst ignoring the EUs duties to that border.

    You have believed the lies of people like James Dyson, a man who used to campaign for the U.K. to join the Euro and only became anti EU after he lost a court case and who has now moved his company to Singapore so he pays less tax and more importantly, can continue to trade with the EU tariff free. So he believes that the chances of the U.K. leaving without a deal are high.

    Rees Mogg has moved his business to Dublin.

    Do you still not feel mugged off yet? Do you still not see you have been sold an impossible dream?

    If the people who voted for BREXIT are happy with leaving without a deal and happy to break the GFA and are happy to be worse of financially for the benefits to be gained by being out of the EU, then fine. I accept I am in the minority and Vote Leave won. I understand some of the sentiments towards the EU, I know it’s not perfect and I know that there is more to life than money. However, dont pretend that leaving the EU is something that it is not and pedal the lies told by the DUP, Rees Mogg and Dyson, because I am not stupid enough to believe them.
    #23129 749er, Jan 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
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  10. Good point well made :eyes: but where is it :thinkingface:
  11. Whilst waiting for a reply, just a quick chuckle at how the eu works.

    From the adhb which is a trade industry body for English meat trades

    We often hear about the "what about the poor farmers, they will have nowhere to sell their meat too"

    In 2017 the U.K. imported 80,200 tonnes of sheep meat. The very same year, 2017, we exported 89,000 tonnes of which 83,600 tonnes went to the eu.

    Call me old fashioned, but if we were serious about animal welfare, carbon footprints, value for money and reduced time between cull to the table, then it seems for Lamb, we have enough of our own U.K. lamb for our own needs. Lamb is not the only section were we seem to import stuff were we already have enough here already

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  12. You want a hard border everywhere, except in Ireland, where you expect the EU to just roll over and drive a big hole through the integrity of the single market in terms of regulatory alignment.

    Shall I draw you a picture?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. New Zealand lamb is cheaper. Their sheep eat grass all year. Ours don’t. They have to be fed trurnip in the winter

    Our farmers sell our lamb to the EU because they get a higher price for it there than here, so they will be worse off or we will for having to buy more expensive lamb.

    Vote Leave promised cheaper food

    What’s your next point?
    #23133 749er, Jan 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
  14. I put it down to the first part of your post as that is all that is needed to show you are wrong and I'll ask you a question on the end.

    Actually I'll change a few words in your sentence to show the honesty of the situation and put it back to you

    So you don’t understand this simple point? By leaving the EU , and insisting we will never have a hard border on our side, it appears the eu are demanding a hard border in ireland

    And that is the simple fact. We all the way through this process have re-affirmed our determination to abide by the gfa and not have a hard border on the U.K. side.

    Now, having left the eu and with the republic not being part of the U.K. what they have on their sides is a list of options and whatever they decide will be their decision and their decision only. it really is that simple

    No one from the U.K. has the ability to put a hard border on the Irish side, point blank no one. The only people who can put a hard border on the Irish side, is the Irish or the Irish at the insistance of the eu
  15. so lamb from outside the eu is cheaper than lamb in the eu? got it, cheers :D
  16. Why, do you have new crayons?

    You still can't get it in your noggin. We, the U.K. will abide by the gfa which forbids hard borders. What the eu and Ireland do on their side, is down to them
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. Dude, your post wasn't there, you wrote nothing at all - just the quote of Noobies - then when I quoted your nothing post you went back and filled it in. I know that and you know that too. Unfortunately you then went back and filled it in with superficial crap trap. Do I want a picture? Well next time either words or a picture would be better than fook all :thinkingface:
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