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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Christ on a bike! It’s the unilateral decision of the U.K. to leave the customs union and single market which creates the hard border. Nothing else. If we had no obligations it wouldn’t be an issue but we do and it is.

    Time will prove you wrong.

    No one believes in your approach. Not even Farage and Rees Mogg who both respect the integrity of the single market. What do you know what Rees Mogg, Farage, the U.K. government, the EU etc know that they don’t?

    Maybe this will help you?

    When will you stop believing the guff the Daily Mail puts out?

    That’s my last word in the subject. I had hoped to move away from this topic and talk about more positive stuff by starting the new thread, but the moderators moved into this thread which is mired in pointless debate about stuff which is long gone, such as a second referendum.

    Hard Brexit won’t affect me - I am not an overhead, but a profit generator, and one of the better ones in my company so if there are redundancies it won’t be me. Instead of a mortgage, I have a big pile of cash. I feel sorry for those that have been lied to and are about to be hit hard by companies leaving.
    #23141 749er, Jan 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Project Fear - Andrew Marr: Marshal Law and Curfews is on the statute books if needed after Brexit - or perhaps they are planning from when the disrespect the referendum :eyes:
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. I can see what your saying but you omit any responsibility for the eu and ireland themselves as to what choices they take on land which is not ours

    The eu, through the gfa being in place, has a fantastic opportunity as a get out clause, to amend border requirements. This is just one of the choices they have, they are choosing not to. We can't force them to do that, we can't make them do that only they and Ireland can decide what happens in Ireland after we have left

    In your world, neither the eu or Ireland will take any responsibility for what decisions are made in Ireland, even when the U.K. abides by the gfa to ensure there are no hard borders.

    Let me ask you a few questions
    1 which side has said from day one, there will be no hard borders?...hint U.K.
    2 which side has said, unless you chose the option that allows us to continue to control you after you have left, then there will be a hard border and...hint, eu
    3 which side only within recent days, has said, we will have a hard border with armed forces personal..hint...Ireland
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. I don't want to repeat an early post but if the UK leaves on WTO there is every likelihood that many foods will come down as the protectionist tariffs (the EU's) are removed. There will be transitional support for UK farmers as they adjust to life outside the EU.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. 'Scuse me, but so what, if there is a hard border? - I can see our border control force will have to increase to do the job properly, but what is wrong with that?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Just watched Andrew Marr interviewing Simon Coveney and after Marr quoted Barnier stating that the EU/Ireland and the UK would have to work hard to find a technical solution to the border in the event of a no deal Brexit. Coveney seemed to be absolutely inflexible and committed to a hard border, madness! I Don't understand the position they are taking as it will be so damaging to Ireland and mission impossible to implement.

    Back to the earlier report I posted about the technical border: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2017/596828/IPOL_STU(2017)596828_EN.pdf

    There are solutions out there and I believe this has been used as a stick by the EU. It has backfired, and resulted in the derailing of an agreement.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Absolutely agree which is why in reality (ignoring Coveney!) neither Ireland, the UK or the EU will be putting a hard border in place. If no deal is reached, nothing will change and their will be accelerated negotiations on the trade deal to avoid the need for a hard border. A technical working group should also be set up to bring in the technical border solution.

    There is so much mis-information on the media with Remainers stating incorrect figures and other "facts" and I wish the journalists would pick them up on. Just heard that the UK was the slowest growing of the G7. NO!!! That was 2017 and we are now the fastest growing in the EU.
  8. For those that don't have time or interested in looking through the technical border study report. Here is one section:

    6.3.3 What is required for a Smart Border 2.0 solution?
    A bilateral EU-UK agreement regulating advanced customs cooperation avoiding duplication and with possibility to carry out tasks on each other ;
    Mutual recognition of Authorised Economic Operators (AEO);
    A Customs-to-Customs technical agreement on exchange of risk data;
    Pre-registration of Operators (AEO) and People (Trusted Commercial Travellers programme in combination with a Certified Taxable Person programme);
    Identification system by the border;
    A Single Window with one-stop-shop-elements;
    A Unique Consignment reference number (UCR);
    Simplified Customs declaration system (100% electronic) with re-use of export data for imports; Mobile Control and Inspection Units;
    Technical surveillance of the border (CCTV, ANPR etc). All of the concepts above are based on international standards.
    There are several different options from a technical perspective for how identification at the border can be undertaken. One way is to use a Gateway solution as tested on the Sweden- Norway border, where existing infrastructure, like mobile technology networks, are used without additional investment costs for traders and travellers. RFID and similar technologies can also be utilised.
  9. There will be transitional support for UK farmers as they adjust to life outside the EU.
    in the last year or so, the EU earmarked 160mill CAP payments for Scotland, recently Gove admitted the money was payed to english farmers and the money was gone and wont be payed to our farmers.
    There is so much mis-information on the media with Remainers stating incorrect figures and other "facts" and I wish the journalists would pick them up on. Just heard that the UK was the slowest growing of the G7. NO!!! That was 2017 and we are now the fastest growing in the EU.
    v,true, they never do. the UK figures are never broken down either. our economy grew at twice the rate of rUK last year with half our exports now going to the EU. torys MP's in Scotland are saying they will block any attempt for the Scot Gov to be involved in any futre trade negotiations. Labours answer is to close down the trade hubs set up abroad buy the Sctgov and use the money saved to mitigate tory austerity up here instead. wtf?
    why should i support brexit and what party should i lend my support to?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Don't shoot the messenger bud, I'm merely pointing out what he apparently paid according to the Guardian, 3rd in the list isn't bad.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I must have missed when reading that article you posted, the bit that said troubles

    Let me show you the troubles of late, before brexit, hardly any

    last few days, this happens by those in Ireland, protesting that the people of Britian have used democracy


    This highlights how bad it has gotten for remainers that they ever try to create project fear in such a way that should be embarrassing to most in Ireland

    It's again worth pointing out, that that pretend hard border, was inside the republic and not inside northern ireland
  12. Here you go: (3rd para on the second screen shot)


  13. I understood that part but to be honest, the "return of the troubles" has been very selectively used

    Most leavers have said as well as the U.K. government, to avoid concerns of the troubles suggested by others, re-igniting, the U.K. government will hold fast to the Good Friday Agreement and there will be no hard border and they have said this, daily

    The Irish government at the request of the eu along with some remainers have shouted ...THERE WILL BE GUNS IN THE STREETS AND BOMBS ON EVERY CORNER UNLESS YOU DO AS THE EU TELLS YOU

    Now the two, as shown by that stupid stunt on the Irish side, shows the British democratic majority vote, supported by the good friday agreement and led by the U.K. government insisting no hard border and are serious on the matter

    and the eu, ireland and remainers want to play games and even now continue playing with project fear and treat this as nothing more than a "unless I get my way then I will be so desperate that I will make a mockery of the past" shameful that they have played with the past in this way
    #23155 noobie, Jan 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2019
  14. Personal tax and corporate tax are different things
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. A word of advice. Better to deal in facts and not emotions.

    32 working days left for Parliament to agree to Mays deal and then debate and pass 9 complex pieces of legislation. That excludes the amendments already tabled by Cooper, Grieve etc and any amendments to the 9 bills

    Tick tock
  16. Barely bother posting on this now, but no matter how many times border issues are raised, Brexiteers continue to be hard of hearing..

    Then, Leadsom, re leaving date, it can be pushed back 'couple of extra weeks'.... This from a supposed firm Brexiteer. What planet are they on?

    A shame for Brexiteers as well as remain camp, because this lot are clueless and are trying to steer a rudderless ship. Now at the stage where I wish they would just 'do something' and stop feking about.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I have,
    we had an issue,
    it went to a democratic vote after the government and almost all sides of the house approved the vote.
    From that vote the government received an answer to the question asked
    The vote was to leave the eu (no depending on the deal was attached)
    Both sides of the house majority voted to launch article 50
    Both sides said they would abide by the vote in their 2017 ge manifesto
    The irish hard border question as raised, the U.K. government has been steadfast in it's obligation to have no hard border on it's side of the the border

    Now please captian crayon, which one of the above is not a fact?

    I think you will find the loudest shouters and screamers are the extreme remoaners behaving like children because they lost a majority democratic vote that they all actively and willingly took part in. It's been two and a half years people, surely you must have run out of soy milk and advocado's by now, or get some councilling.

    I would agree on this but feel much of the indecision was trying to bring the 48% along and trying to please all of the people all of the time, this was never going to work. They should have done what both sides agreed to abide by, the decision by a majority democratic vote then by now we would almost be finished and ready to move forward. The eu realise they are losing a jewel in their crown and instead of being manouverable, has sought to be that nasty shit arse of a lawyer in a shitty divorce.

    Yeah no different than the other rueters you keep posting, this one has been in place since ww2 so hardly caused by brexit
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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