If Nissan shut down the factory in Sunderland then why not buy it cheap and make British cars ? Same time we can grow our own tomatoes and salad Just have to pay a few quid more for foreign holidays hardly a big price to pay for freedom
If you enlarge the picture Jimmy, you'll see chukka useless and junker , one holding a petrol can and the other with matches
Weird given most remainers in here ride a ducati where you have to have a leap of faith it won't let you down. I wonder if owning a ducati has sucked the very enth degree of optimism from them? Grumpy old farts
So to conclude the last few pages Honda + EU Japan free trade = seventy ten The UK minus 7 Labour politician's = elevensy one Multiplied by No Deal = Diane Abbot Gotcha
I read earlier that they are a limited company,not a political party. This by-passes the requirement to state who funds them and where the money comes from...they obviously learned a thing or two from the slimy warmonger Tony B.Liar. https://nyebevannews.co.uk/independ...wsruri7bmCMdR1BfIq0XCr4_98E7rSqqNaOJasLw9rdlA
Labour, sensing their ability to plan stuff for the right moment, have today announced that after a 33 year ban from the party, Derek Hatton, the former leader of Militant, has been re-admitted to the Labour party
Oh he's in the background pulling someone's strings, I have no doubt. I just wonder who's pulling his
https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexwickham/30-mps-labour-independent-group?ref=hpsplash The Leslie-Umunna faction is being challenged by a rival splinter group led by a number of former advisers to Tony Blair, including his former chief of staff Jonathan Powell and speechwriter Philip Collins, who have been holding meetings with the aim of forming their own party.
Perhaps, though all idealogues think this way, and they are in plentiful supply on both sides of this.