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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. see what fin?
  2. exactly.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  3. your funny, but rarely have a single answer. I see what you did there...very little
  4. you certainly didnt deviate from the norm with that contradictory drool britania piece.
  5. The millionaire ERG fanatics pushing for a hard Brexit want deregulation, ie little or no curbs on the excesses of multinationals and banks. As they see it, the EU stands in the way of that and that's the real reason they want out.

    Rees Mogg and Johnson are not working class warriors, fighting for the working man, they're multi-millionaires out to line their own pockets.

    So naïve...
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  6. Because you have been yellow snp brainwashed fin, it doesn't mean the rest of the nation has. Nothing wrong with the U.K. making a decision that it wants change where everything else has been tried.

    Your double standard continues on a daily basis fin. One minute you say a smaller government is better in regards to Scotland but see the U.K. leaving 28 to be a smaller government as wrong

    You claim the U.K. independence vote is wrong for Scotland even though it was a U.K. vote and over a third of Scots wanted to leave. You also refuse to accept indi scottish vote because that wasn't the result you wanted either

    Rather than tring to convince others your fight for freedom fin, try taking the rose tinted glasses off, the two major independence votes in the last 4 years, you have sought to over turn because they didn't go your way

    You have never been after peoples freedoms, you just want the scottish ukip to win every vote and nothing more
  7. There has never been a hard brexit, there was a vote to leave the control of the eu or stay under the control of the eu, we chose to leave

    Whilst you use Moggs opinion, albeit in a rather twisted manner to suit your own purpose, his voice was just one.

    You think soros, Blair, Merkel, Cameron, Branson were thinking of the common man when they pushed remain? Perleeeze, don't kid yourself. There were far more millionaires, bilionaires and multi nationals pushing for remain under one cause, and it was never the the common man
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Again, the vision of leave on offer from the leave campaign was the soft option of the Norway/Swiss model, combined with 350 million a week for the failing, privatising NHS.
    To say that all leave voters wanted to sever all links just doesn’t wash
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  9. so much divisive bollox in every post.
    yip, i'v been radicalized. i blame ducati forum, so many well argued points from both sides of the devide stating, (and confirming the conclusion i came to in 2013-4) we are led by donkeys. but i'm the Ass for choosing a different path.
    yip, one of is an Ass right enough.
  10. no matter how much fluff you try with as a remainer, the vote was leave the eu or stay in it, we chose leave

    Now, you keep getting yourself confused and in trouble because you keep confusing the two, deliberately.

    We chose and continue to choose, to leave the control and organisation that is the eu project. Most brexiteers have continually said that, but have always added we are not leaving the euorpean countries or it's people as we have a bond with the european people and will remain a strong ally to europe

    If you keep confusing the people and countries of europe with the management company that is the eu project, then it might explain why you struggle with the vote
  11. Not donkeys fin, fish, your led by people wish fish names
  12. as we all came from the sea, i guess it could be spun as one of your more accurate posts
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Surely someone can give a clear answer to these ?
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  14. Easy:

    1. We could opt out!

    2. We're all going to die!

    Delighted to have had this opportunity to assist you.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Remainers cannot answer sensible questions other than with doom and gloom 'predictions' due to them being experts o_O
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. 1. We could opt out!: we can now, but is that still true following implementation of Lisbon Treaty. I thought not?

    2. We're all going to die!: good to see you are taking a long term view over this. I’m not expecting to last another thousand years so won’t see if the Fourth Reich endures.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. It's nice to have the facts instead of so much false news to sift through.
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  18. Continual key questions remainers refuse to answer

    (1) If we had a second vote it would be one all, would there need to be a third and if so would that be best of 5 then?
    (2) at what point do you stop neverendums and start acting on the peoples vote?
    (3) If you feel 51.% for and 48.1 was too close to call, how would you have reacted if the same figures were reversed so remain won by 51.9% would you have refused the vote saying it was too close?
    (4) vote leave was clear as was vote remain, if however remain had won, how would you feel about the leave side then asking for a second referendum as the vote never explained what remain actually meant and their demand for a rerun with clarity of remain?
  19. Again, utter made up bollocks.

    Your comments suggest a complete lack of knowledge and understanding of lean techniques and JIT in particular - suggest you study the works of Taiichi Ohno and the Toyota Production System for reference.

    If you came for a job working for me and gave that response at interview, your feet wouldn't touch the ground.
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  20. MPs Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston resign from Theresa May's Conservative Party

    So 7 labour leave. Plus 1 today. and now 3 conservative.

    So it looks like UK politics IS going to change due to Brexit..
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