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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Why would the result of a second referendum have any more relevance than the result of the first?
    If the majority voted leave,would it make remainers happy?
    And if the majority voted remain,do you honestly think that those who voted to leave the first time would be satisfied?
    I know I wouldn't- the EU did the very same in various countries until they got the result the EU wanted.If anything it would demonstrate even more clearly that democracy is now dead.
    Parliament voted by a huge majority to hold the first referendum.
    Both main parties stood on manifesto promises to deliver what the people voted for,and both main parties have wasted the last two years trying to weasel out of that
    Another referendum would only fan the flames of resentment.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. Exactly the problem.
    I can’t see any options for a 2nd ref that wouldn’t cause an issue.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. FB_IMG_1550687131965.jpg
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  4. No, but alluding to a comment earlier that is not how business works. A company directors primary legal responsibly is to the shareholders.
  5. I think as our politics have become more on an international scale through the eu, there has been convenient alliances between multinational politicians and multi national business's whilst forgetting non of them exist without the people.

    The brexit vote, and I suggest many of the established mep's about to lose their jobs in the upcoming european mep elections by parties and movements who feel the same, are simply people seeking to address that imbalance by using the one voice they have left, the vote
  6. you should see the lithium battery thread, man that's hostile and long
  7. You still haven't explained, and I'll make it quite clear for you......."THE RISE OF THE FAR RIGHT IN BRITISH POLITICS". You can talk about Anna Soubry making statements, The ERG, UKIP all you want, but I'm talking about the far right, as you spoke about. You seem to be confusing some people on the right of the political spectrum with the far right.

    You think genuine far right groups, such as The EDL and Britain 1st are "On the rise"? Please clarify that statement and what criteria is used to justify "a rise"

    Once again, please lay out the rise of THE FAR RIGHT in this country.

    Wiki's definition below.......

  8. The far right in the U.k. is similar to racism in the uk

    The funniest thing here, the biggest increase in genuine far right is in europe and in their many countries where they bare face openly admit to being far right, Germany, France, Visegrad group, italy etc etc etc and we genuinely have nothing like that.

    However according to the far left, of which we have far too many of and do exist in numbers, the far right are on every street corner in he U.K. .I do wonder if they have been watching too many series of 24 in one day
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  9. I’m still waiting for the Thatcher thread that should be a few pages and some fun :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I thought this was worth posting again. A real world UK exporter assesses the additional costs:
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  11. Good that things are in pretty fair shape as we approach the "Car Crash/Cliff Edge" Brexit:

    LONDON, Feb 20 (Reuters) - British factory orders picked up this month after dipping in January, and output is expected to be solid as Britain leaves the European Union, a survey from the Confederation of British Industry showed on Wednesday.
    Although the CBI warned that Brexit talks were rapidly approaching “crisis point”, its data painted a more positive picture ahead of Brexit than many recent surveys of the sector.


    New labour market data from the ONS has revealed that in the last quarter of last year, 167,000 more people became employed. 2018 ended with 444,000 more people in work than a year before. The UK’s employment rate now stands at the joint-highest it has ever been since records began in 1971. Meanwhile almost 60,000 fewer people are relying on zero-hours contracts.

    The unemployment rate has plummeted too, with as low levels not being since since the end of 1974. Unemployment fell by 100,000 over the course of the year, meaning every day 274 unemployed people found a job. Meanwhile, wages have risen again by 3.4%, and excluding inflation real wages are up by 1.3%.

    I don't want to downplay the risks and level of immediate problems with a no deal but am conscious that the media are happy to overlook some of the positive economic news.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I know that buddy,I've been running mine for the last 25 years.
    Thing is,businesses are just an entity,and they don't get a vote.Business are not universally good for mankind,especially big business,and in my opinion business should have no dog in the Brexit fight.Political concentration on whether Honda or anyone else stays or goes is immaterial...why should the country suffer for a minority,regardless of whether they are in the City or a car factory?
    People are the only things that get a vote.
    I read your earlier post,and your concerns appear to be solely related to your business and what difficulties you may encounter in continuing.
    When the question was asked in the referendum,no one mentioned your,mine or anyone elses business,because your and my success means sweet FA to the 17.4 million who feel their best interests lay outside membership of the EU.
    (Some of those people may even work for you btw).
    Businesses thrive because the owners work with the hand that is dealt them by circumstance,but that does not entitle them to a voice with which to scare or manipulate public opinion into favouring an environment that suits the business at the expense of the people.
    Otherwise we might as well go back to the times of Victorian mill owners and putting kids up chimneys...it's bad enough that the wealthy establishment already treat us all like puppets,we don't need another bunch with their own agenda lecturing us on where we've gone wrong.
    Uncontrolled,selfish capitalism is one of the reasons people voted to leave the EU,(cheap/and or foreign labour may well suit business at the expense of those who were born here, for example).
    Would you have voted to leave if you were at the bottom of the economic pile with no prospects of advancement,or would you still vote for the interests of Chris George Ltd & Lightning_650 PLC?
    #25792 Lightning_650, Feb 20, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
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  13. ‘Like’ doesn’t seem good enough.

    Well said.
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  14. Not that that's a loaded question.
    And you claim to be surprised you don't get direct yes or no answers to such questions.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Ohhhhh!!! Another 'expert exporter' but with a totally opposite view to our 'expert remoaner exporter' well I never :eek:
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  16. I would suggest that someone who believes that Hitler and Mussolini were on the left of politics would need to be pretty far to the right .
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  17. I know there's little point ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. The notion of another vote keeps cropping up whether its a peoples vote or a vote on the deal, this is all put forward by back seat drivers.

    As @noobie keeps re iterating the vote was cast and leave won, not conditional on a given deal.

    But here's the thing, we voted leave, and as a ship can only have one Captain we then entrust to the Captain negotiating the best deal. It's unfortunate that we just happen to have a crap Captain. Any road up deal or no deal we want to leave, it was a democratic decision that needs to be actioned.

    We've already discussed the shortcomings of the possible choices of a peoples vote.

    But proposing a vote on the type of deal not only is this trying to organise a mutiny against said Captain BUT its complete stupidity. Lets say someone can think of 2 or 3 choices of type of deal and one comes out on top, how the hell do you negotiate that. Junker and Tusk would have a field day shafting the UK because the vote tells them of the only deal that the Captain (TM) can accept.

    So as @noobie been saying for 800 pages leave won lets leave, if we get a deal then fine if we don't that's fine too. Businesses will work with the hand they've been dealt.

    • Agree Agree x 3
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  19. It does not take much of an imagination to realise you can ask questions in stages.

    Leave or remain

    If Leave wins the above ballot vote for your preferred option


    The May Abortion

    It’s only those with a fear that leave will lose that peddle the Story that having a choice splits the Leave vote when it need not
    #25799 749er, Feb 20, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. WTF :p you want 2 more referendums o_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
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