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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I don’t need to read old articles in the Irish Times that you’ve Googled.

    I spent 12 years working for Diageo in whisky marketing.
    I was there when Diageo and Pernod carved up the Seagrams business. Chivas was not jointly owned. Pernod bought it. Diageo was chiefly interested in Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and bought that.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. actually it does noob, its called devotion. its called a UK. its how we earn our tax receipts, despite what you have been told to believe, or refuse to research. for reasons i can only imagine. ant money we receive from the uk gov is a partial refund as a % of what we earn using their Formula. its not an allowance.
    we can also raise some extra cash via several other taxs
    these are classified Scottish exports as are yours English.
    except, some products under certain conditions (yip, quite a lot of the big one) goes into the Unknown origin section. and is added to the rUK figures.
    GERS figures, v, devious
  3. How cool is that, then you can re affirm to fin that 75% of Scotlands drink industry is not owned by a single Scottish company. This would help with his "scotlands industries exports"

    Not sure what devotion your drinking fin?
  4. OK, fair does, i forgot the rule, never argue with a thick britNat. i will put you on ignore for a while, its feeling a lil cringy now.
    Later :upyeah:
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. but 70^ of the uks' gin industry is. anyhoo we still make it and export it and earn the relevant devolved tax from the production of it,
    tho any duty or vat collected from it in the uk goes to the UK treasury, then we get a partial refund.
  6. My point was very clear fin and I suspect you know this

    As much as you rant on that the U.K. leaving the eu won't work but Scotland leaving the U.K. would, the risk is far greater for Scotland as very few of your major companies/industries are actually Scottish.

    Knowing the eu will insist on a hard border, as they are in Ireland and knowing you will either have to use the euro or create your own currency which is likely to cost billions to start and would be worth far less than the pound, Those major non Scottish companies may move south to avoid extra red tape, borders and currency consequences.
  7. I’d be prepared to bet that post Brexit, the Scots will move for Indy Ref II. And it will get through. The Scots don’t want to leave the EU.

    I’m so sure of this that if there is any company running a book on it I will go and stick a few hundred quid on. Let me know if you hear of one. Thanks.
  8. Doesn't Trump own 90% of Scotchland :thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I have visions of Scottish Salmon (not Alex) with guns, fin messes with your head
  10. Oh, and it's nice to see you all getting on so nicely brw (btw) :kissing:
  11. i bet he pumps you first exe
  12. Last time I said that you said he only owns 45% :joy:
  13. yip, your half the man i am so, aye, sounds about right. :D
  14. Feck, I am only half a micron tall :kissing:
  15. You made the mistake of confusing the snp with Scots, 38% of Scots wanted to leave the eu. I suspect given the time lines, most will wait and see how brexit works out. The longer they wait the more likely they are to see brexit work through the re-alignment and then back onto our own terms moving forward.

    This is the problem for the snp, they peaked at 2014 and despite still maintaining power in scotland, it has been a decreasing power and an even smaller representation in westminster, as Scots trusted them less and voted a third of the snp mp's out.

    You also have the agreement where it needs the U.K. governments permission for a legal referendum. We had to wait 40 years for an eu referendum, the snp wanted another one after 12 months. I doubt there will be another indi vote before the next general elections in 2022. even more so given the snp refuse and have refused to be clear on some key points Scots need to know

    You might find a few after 2022? but if I hear of any, I'll let you know.:D
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. which is probably why you think it wont hurt when you fall exe.
    pulling out of the EU wont fix yer stature.
  17. Yes indeed, a bit like AC, I can only roll from here o_O
  18. You used to be so much fun, find it within yourself once more :p:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. r
    gliddofglood said:
    I’d be prepared to bet that post Brexit, the Scots will move for Indy Ref II. And it will get through. The Scots don’t want to leave the EU.
    You made the mistake of confusing the snp with Scots, 38% of Scots wanted to leave the eu

    .i will indulge you just this once.
    but you think 38% should be the will off the people up here and 52% is the settled will of all the Brits.
    oh i so know what is coming next.
    if the ScotGov and Parliament represent the will of all the people living in scotland, that means 80% of the whole of Parliament, thats All SNP, All bar one labour, All Green, All liberal bar one, voted for the course taken by the Scot Gov. yip, we have debates and votes for such things.
    plus Remain voting MPs up here. so, no, on this issue the SNP aint the "scots".
    anyhoos, enough of you for the night.
  20. Night night :):upyeah:
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