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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. no gov is allowed to tie the hands of a following gov noob. democrasy produced a majority at holyrood and westminster of pro EU partys to act in the event of substatial change in curcumstances.
    i think brexit is a substanctial change in curciumstances
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Only if you are assuming that the people on this forum are typical of the nations populace. I expect we can agree that - if only due to the lack of females - that assumption would be wrong.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Polls I have seen seem be up to 55% in favour of remain, so still relatively close ?

    I'm not so sure the people are as against no-deal as the politicians are.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. And between that time of that insert fin, you know we have had a brexit vote which the U.K. voted to leave the eu but ALSO a general election were the snp were continuing to mention indi 2, you know this as did the Scottish people who had had enough and kicked out a third of snp mp's from parliament.

    Those are the facts too fin that you may not like but know to be true, now as regards too
    no gov is allowed to tie the hands of a following gov..... even labour know if they allow a second vote, every government including devolved governments will struggle to have a vote on anything, knowing within weeks it could be challenged and have some on the losing side, ask for another election. Neverendums never have a stop voting and start acting point in them as not a single remainer in this whole thread has suggested the answer to this
  5. I think I stated before the only real outcome of this whole Brexit is a split population.

    my family is in the UK, and 100% anti EU, and im sat with my family in Germany now, feeling the effects of what were presented as 'facts' at the time of the vote, but seem to have dramiticly changed since then ( money saved, etc)
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  6. Do you think there will be a new Scottish independence referendum soon, unless Brexit gets cancelled ?
  7. there is soo much uncertainty at the moment, its not a great situation either way...

    im off to the Middle East with work in a week or so and dont know if there will be issues when i come home after the 28th March deadline..
  8. Funnily enough Nat it isn't anti eu, we see the way the eu is going down the federalist and centralist route and have simply said it's not for us and it's a direction we do not want to go down. Good luck, we are leaving but will remain a friend and a close one

    The hostility from the eu I do not take personally because I know they are trying to protect the project which is at risk more from the european elections than a member who wants to leave and remain a friend. I've lost count of how many people in here on the leave side have continually said, we are leaving the eu project, not the europeans or european countries as they will always be our friends (French are debatable though :D)
    • Like Like x 3
  9. Hi Noobie, yep is a very strange times, and by the way, im all for the trade agreements that were the building blocks of the EU, but i also hate the fact its now turned into a political movement, and you will be very supprised to hear how many Eu national hate the way its going as well..

    with any luck it will start a snowball of discontent and the 'power' redistributed.... ill hold my breath.!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. with a majority of seats any westminster gov would die for.
    who are they talking about here?
    The cornerstone of Scottish political discourse up until now, amongst both those in favour of independence as well as those opposed to it, is that Scotland is freely and willingly a part of the UK. We are not a colony held subject against our will, and all that is required for Scotland to leave the UK is for the voters of Scotland to say so......... ........ Even once famously stated back in those pre-devolution days that if Scotland wanted independence it only needed to return a majority of SNP MPs to Westminster.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Latest major poll shown on the news yesterday showed 44% leave with no deal. If a poll happens it will be engineered so this option isn't available and if it was they would split the vote with a crap deal option. Democracy in action you say :thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. Which all sounds very lovely fin but what is the actual point you are making?
  13. What were the percentages for Remain?
  14. True, and that's why I'd only ever take any notice at all of a poll-of-polls like this one.

    That is just an opinion - and one that is only shared by the smallest minority of extreme Nationalist Brexiters. What matters now is the political reality and the view of those in Parliament and it is pretty clear that the overwhelming majority - even most Brexiters, indeed most of the ERG - don't agree with you.

    Patently untrue. Soft Brexit is an option supported by many Brexiters ... including the majority of them in Parliament.

    Saying this over and over again does not make it true @noobie. Clearly different strains of Brexiters in Parliament and in the country would prefer different strains of Brexit ranging from very Hard to very Soft.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. Zero :blush:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Ps, it wasn't 56% if that's what you were thinking, there were more options :joy: the news was that it was overwhelming to leave with no deal ;)
  17. It is true - fook right off with your soft shit, it wasn't on the ballot paper, your lot made the soft shit up - thanks for listening :blush:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. The poll of polls that suit your version, how refreshing

    My opinion as a brexiteer is just an opinion but yours as a remainer is fact? okay, I see how it works now :D

    Anything to support this?

    So you think leave meant half in, half out, a time share option, the hokee cokee option of your left leg in, left leg out, or perhaps an airnb option?

    Most brexiteers understand the hard/soft division was created by remainers, the actual leave deal would be the wto/free trade deal which is the only deal that removes control from the eu. No other option does this.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. But that’s still only 43% remain.
    The Leave vote is split in this poll as 16% for the deal and 28% for WTO, which is 44% for Leave.
    Don’t know at 13% is enough to swing things any way, so I don’t think the poll reveals anything meaningful other than more still want to Leave than Remain, but the number of options the question asks about influences the response you get.
    You’d likely get a different set of answers to a two stage question:
    1. Leave or Remain? (That’s already been done).
    2. Deal or “No Deal” (WTO) when frustrated Remainers get to vote on the manner of leaving (BRINO wins?).
  20. So Juncker has discussed with May, the option of her delivering a positive vote on an amended WA, to the EU for them to then debate if they can accept.

    Instead of putting an unamended WA to the MP's tomorrow (heavy defeat again). Make the necessary amendment (legally binding codicil) to get it through, with the DUP on board.

    Then deliver to the EU. Sit back and watch them sweat for a change.
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