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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. have the same arangment as norway
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. You and ya Norwegians :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. At least the poster found it funny - as intended :innocent: chill man :cool:
  4. Now don't be miss quoting our Winston again, it's been done to death and you lost :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Answer from WTO, is the only Brexit we voted for type
    1.No way, thats the 'wrong' kind of Brexit...........:punch:.

    Answer from folk that are more flexible
    2.Hold on, Norway are not part of the EU...so yes, that could work....
  6. How I went about my decision to support Brexit:

    1. A half-way decent deal with the EU, whilst honouring the principle of being "out of the EU", would be marvellous.
    2. No 1 above is hugely unlikely, based upon my analysis of the situation and of the EUs goals. The fall-back positions would be remaining in the EU, to a greater or lesser extent ... or leaving on WTO terms.
    3. Out of the realistic choices in No 2, my preference is to leave the EU and if that meant WTO terms and a degree of unsettled commerce and economy as a result, it at least meets my requirements for Brexit.
    Decide what you want, predict the consequences as best you can and pick the path that gives you the nearest thing to your goal.

    That's how I made my choice. I believe my method is sound, even if you don't agree with my conclusions.
    Naturally, the Left/Liberals/Globalists, even if they agree my methodology has some merit, will still insist that the great unwashed would be incapable of thinking in logical, analytical terms and will thus start yelling, "They didn't know what they were voting for!". Such is the overweening arrogance and lust for control of the Left, the Liberals and the Globalists.

    I have enormous respect for the German people, if not their leaders. They tend to be logical in their approach to problems, industrious, energetic in thought and in execution, clever and the individuals I have met have been friendly, welcoming and a pleasure to know.

    Unfortunately, German leaders tend to suffer from a certain degree of arrogance and, perhaps, messiah complex. However, the same can be said for people attracted to positions of leadership in pretty much every country, so I don't single out Germans for this.
    I will say though that the Brits used to have a penchant for "running things" and providing the "benefits" of Britishness to the rest of the World. This attitude was one of the motivations at the core of the drive to create the British Empire. I don't believe that this is a realistic view of most modern Brits but I see a measure of this mindset amongst several European nations and the Germans are a clear example of it.

    I don't mean to cause offence but I am realistic enough to realise that some people might take offence at my thoughts.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. I'm perfectly chilled or I wouldn't be contributing.

    I was just taking a leaf out of @Loz's book - he's nuked over 1'000 posts. Just as well he's not an American president.

    You can disagree with a post, or dislike a post. But giving it the N treatment is when it just doesn't make any sense - it's just semantic buffoonery. It doesn't deserve anything better.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. hey Loz that wasn't really directed at you, rather a general comment,
    no harm done :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Norway have to abide by the eu four pillars don't they, as well as the ecj and european laws, as well as make yearly payments to the eu ? The clue might be the European Economic Area name?
  10. We even posted what Churchill actually said with his full speech but to paraphrase, he believed there should be a united states of europe as the fuckers kept going to war every 30 years and hoped a european body would stop the europeans fighting. He also made it clear that we would not be part of it as we tended only to get involved when the europeans got out of hand.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Just so that I can appreciate your position, how many times have the ECJ rendered a verdict affecting Britain that you didn't like, one that would not have been given had the UK not had its decision overturned by it?
    I am genuinely curious as I know almost nothing about the ECJ or why Brexiteers loathe it so much.
  12. i think prior to the vote an independent review and detailed +/- of the exit should have been presented as a diligence to ensure everyone had the data to support the claims by ether side on the Impact..
    as i'm sure they will now be a huge hole for the EU subsidies that were propping up various trade/ farming economic structures..
    a sad tale either way i think..
  13. Your just being difficult.o_O

    You might not like their deal, its not crash out, wto or wtf.

    But Norway are not an EU member.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. You act like you're new here so I shall explain.

    My nukes are normally dished out for very specific, educational reasons and would thus be very rare indeed. Unfortunately, at least four emotional and aggressive members of the forum retaliated unfairly to my assistance, which then triggered short but damaging nuclear wars between myself and the parties in the wrong.

    Had I been remiss in helping to educate some of the unrulier members of the Forum, I would no doubt have received and given only a handful of nukes ... but if you don't abide by your own principles, you're no better than a heathen scratching out a living in the margins of society.

    NB I strongly urge you to read this post before it gets nuked (by emotional and aggressive folk) into the Wasteland or wherever it is that posts receiving numerous nukes go.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I've read it!
    Go on then, spill the beans - who was in the nuclear war? Who won?

    This forum can be so entertaining!
  16. I call this state of affairs, "Being in the EU but saying you not are in the EU". Norway, Switzerland ... they get upset so you have to refer to them being in the EU in a round-about way. Feelings matter!

    Oh dear.

    Compromise: Norway is in the EU but is not a voting member of the EU. Sorted!
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Fucked if I can remember. War is Hell and I am trying to forget!
  18. I think this is why you struggle in understanding. Although it's claimed all 28 are the same within the eu, they are clearly not, in finances, legality, standards and so on. We just feel to get the best for the U.K. that it should be dealt within the U.K. and that includes eu laws. Often we exceed the eu laws because we are able to tailor make them for the U.K. but we are in a organisation where we expect the same laws, standards to actually work say in Bulgaria as would work in Sweden

    To explain it in it's simplest terms, One size doesn't fit all and trying to fit a childs size 3 t shirt on 28 adults of all sizes, doesn't wash with , don't worry, we are all wearing the wrong size t shirts so at least we are the same
  19. This is a brilliant new Brexit slogan! Respect!
    • Like Like x 1
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