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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Good idea.
    There's a future for you in Westminster.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  2. Sod that, I’ve seen the pay, I’m after an EU commissioners job.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  3. Fin as I've said many times before, only one party has national in it, and that's the crazy fish people party
  4. I think you are confusing that with "fuck, we lost bwahhhhhhh, lets spend 3 years looking for any reason to overturn a democratic majority vote"

    The vote did specify leave and that is all that was asked for, we know it, the government knows it, even the eu know what it is, remainers seem to be out of the loop of knowledge.

    Using your sillyness, 16.1 million remainers didn't know what version of remain they were voting for
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  5. one NATION torys?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I can see you are going to go apo-bloody-plectic when “No Deal” gets ruled out.

    Apart from a small minority of hard-line Brexiters, including the swivel-eyed-loons in the extreme Nationalist section of the ERG, nobody else will complain ... because most reasonable people see “No Deal” for what it is ... a very bad idea.

    As you say, “the vote did specify leave and that was all that was asked for”. That has meant there are all kind of options on HOW to Leave ... If Parliament can find a way to Leave that it doesn’t think is a bad idea then I’m sure we will. If on the other hand it can’t ... then it could well come to a “People’s Vote” :)
    • Like Like x 1
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  7. remain was abount as unambiguous as can be
    it was the brexiteers that painted many pallatable ways of saying what vote leave meant
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Ah, Dave agreed with you, you loose :blush::upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. theres v,few winners in brexit
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Due to the EU council and their bullying approach :):upyeah:shoot themselves in the foot to 'punish us' lovely people :heart_eyes:
  11. true? doable?.
    RYANAIR will bar British nationals from acquiring new shares in the company and will strip current UK investors of several rights in the event of a hard Brexit.

    The Irish airline said that it is putting plans in place to protect itself from a no-deal Brexit and ensure it will remain majority

    EU-owned and controlled.

    All Ryanair shares held by

    non-EU shareholders, including British ones after Brexit, will be treated as “restricted shares”, meaning that they will have no entitlement to attend, speak or vote at any company meeting.

    Furthermore, Ryanair added that the prohibition on non-EU nationals to acquire shares will mean Brits will be barred from buying shares in the firm.

    “Consequently, with effect from hard Brexit day, UK nationals will not be permitted to acquire ordinary shares in the company,” the firm said.
  12. I just bought some, thanks for the heads up, it's going to cost them a lot to buy them back :kissing:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. Yep ... continue the way we’ve been going.

    Those that voted Leave wanted a change ... but a change to What exactly wasn’t made explicit. The myriad of options started to become very clear very quickly in 2016 ... https://jonworth.eu/varieties-of-brexit/

    In one sense the Leave campaign made a mistake by not explicitly ruling out all options but one in their campaign. On the other hand, if they had then they would have lost.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Ahh, would you like me to fill in the gaps fin? The eu has insisted that companies suddenly petending to be european must show a majority european company. Ryan air in particluar being snakey feekkas, slipped up on how they did it and the eu have caught them out
  15. no need. i see you left a bit out.
    EU regulations stipulate that airlines must be more than 50% controlled by investors from the bloc to fly freely across the continent.

    The company said the resolutions have been passed by the board and they will come into effect on the day that UK nationals no longer qualify as EU residents.

    As it stands, Britain is legally on course to crash out of the EU without a deal on March 29.

    Last month, IAG, the owner of British Airways, Aer Lingus and Vueling, also placed a limit on

    non-EU shareholders, but insisted it was not linked to Brexit
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Nope, again using your own standards against leave

    Did people vote remain expecting change from within, did they vote to remain to keep the status quo, did they vote to keep the status quo whilst seeking to change from in. did they vote remain to join an an eea, did they, did they, did they who knows

    Those that voted Leave wanted a change ... but a change to What exactly wasn’t made explicit. :joy:
    You can't get more explicit than voting to leave you desperate fool you
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  17. Tell me fin, when did they bring that new rule in? :D
  18. when ever you couldnt spin it otherwise
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Finm said Spinm :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. this is you init?
    • Funny Funny x 3
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