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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Trouble is we come back to the old problem of monetary union without political union. It just doesn't work. The Euro, if its done nothing else, should have taught us that. Ireland, like an independent Scotland could have the Pound as a trading currency but you'd have no say over monetary policy. Everyone knows this and that is really why Scots voted for the union last time round IMO. Salmond's have your cake and eat it bluster made no sense and people knew it. The lack of a definitive currency solution cost the nats the vote.
    I've always felt the British Isles - that is England, Scotland, Wales and a unified Ireland could have a fine future as a federal alliance of sovereign states. But that's probably a matter for future generations.

    I remember when Greece joined the EU and the best value holiday destination in Europe disappeared overnight. If they Left the Euro it could return and Greece could begin to rebuild its economy.
    • Like Like x 3
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  2. I'm not certain theres ever been an EU rule that says all Countries must have the same price Bob?
    Denmark is the cheapest place in Europe to buy a new car and export it to your home country.
    Because the added national taxes make it the most expensive place to buy a new car domestically,so manufacturers price them the cheapest before tax is added!.
    It also seems that specifications differ between countries,maybe they do this to justify price differences?

    Also,when I go to France and look at new bike prices I find they are absolutely horrendous in comparison to the UK price.
    But talking to acquaintances over there they tell me it's very difficult to buy a new bike here but then register it in France,although I don't have experience of that personally.
    Finally,if Ducati don't want to sell bikes here they'll bump the price up:if they do want to sell them they'll keep them similar to other similar bikes.
  3. But without him persevering with his beliefs,this particular ball would never have started rolling.
    By the way,I just heard him being harangued on the BBC about him stating that EU money saved might not be spent on hospitals etc.
    As usual,media word twisting:
    In the past he said it COULD be spent on hospitals etc,just like all politicians I'm pretty sure he never said WOULD.
    And how the hell could he say that anyway,he's not even an MP let alone the Prime Minister ffs....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I notice Eurocrats were quick to suggest this morning that the EU would welcome new members such as Scotland. They weren't so keen in 2014 when the independence referendum was inflaming secessionist campaigns across Europe. Spain was particularly against the idea and one veto would scupper Scottish membership. None of this is straightforward and is fraught with unintended consequences. If Sturgeon acts in haste she may well repent at leisure.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. There's no romance without finance....
  6. I like that idea. A sort of BU - British Union. Good call.
  7. Have you been in my barn ?????????
  8. So did a minority in Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland,or don't they count?
    It was a vote throughout the United Kingdom,and a majority wanted to leave.
    And if Scotland decide to hold another Independence referendum,good luck to them and the majority will get the result they hoped for.
    It will not make a blind bit of difference to most of us,business as usual,many places don't care for the Scottish banknote so the euro won't make any difference.
    Personally I have always believed the euro should have been launched as a standalone European currency that all countries had to accept alongside their own,(including the UK).i.e,dual currency tills.Acceptance of foreign currencies has been the norm in many places in europe for years,so not hard to do at all.
  9. I bet Helmet Head and Porky Chops are having serious (second) thoughts about what happens if they go for Independance again and becoming a member of the Euro as well as the EU..............

    ..........particularly as several other member states have suggested they may want to leave as well.

    That would be a typical 'out of the fat and into the fire'.
  10. And then she really will be all on her lonesome. Scotland - part of nothing. Just an irrelevant little land in the north of Europe.
    Still, maybe that's what the Scots want.
    I really can't get my head around Scottish independence which entails European non-independence. It makes no sense at all.
    Do the English really stink that much? I thought that Scotland organised its own taxes, its education system, its health service. What does it want, the right to make war on people with its own army?
  11. I reckon they will call it the Gr-Oat.
  12. sizzle...sizzle...

    Scottish BBQ is up.
  13. Yes, a very good point. For those in positions of power it is rarely about doing the right thing and more often than not about carrying their agenda. But it was a strategy that back fired on David Cameron and it could backfire on wee Eck and helmet heid.

    Alex-in-a-dress ? That is a new one on me :Wideyed:
  14. I say alliance rather than Union because the nations within the alliance remain sovereign. That is the crucial difference with the EU and where it comes unstuck.
    Scottish Devo-max is in the direction of a federal alliance but the real thing cannot come into being unless the same terms apply to all the nations of the UK and the nats don't want that because that would make England too powerful.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. you will be returning to the mother land then glid?:Finger::smileys:
  16. Channel Tunnel live pics!
    • Funny Funny x 6
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  17. Exactly, which is why the idea that "ever great union" was merely symbolic was bollox.
  18. I was taken by the part of the wee Krankie's speech where she referred to England as one of Scotland's "best friends" - to me she sounded like a grasping relative trying to stay on the right side of the rich aunt or uncle so as not to be written out of the will.
    Best friends my arse!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. no chance.
    I'd far sooner live in Scotchland than live in England. I prefer the Scottish. Sorry lads.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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