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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I forgot to add re the eu border police link and I know probably no one will look through the entire thing, may find these comments of interest

    Article 104
    Functions and powers of the executive director
    1. The Agency shall be managed by its executive director, who shall be completely independent in the performance of his or her duties. Without prejudice to the respective competencies of the Union institutions and the management board, the executive director shall neither seek nor take instructions from any government or from any other body.

    Article 6
    Accountability The Agency shall be accountable to the European Parliament and to the Council in accordance with this Regulation.

  2. This forum is more influential than you thought.
    On Newsnight, some unidentified government person said that Theresa May was adopting Ali's Rope-a-Dope strategy.
    You read it here first this morning!

    Our thoughts are being shamelessly ripped off by Westminster. o_O
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Takes less than 5 minutes to read.
    If democracy means that little to folks,then we truly are fooked.
    This is an email address that allegedly goes to Viktor Orbans office.
    [email protected]
    It's possible that he might be willing to use Hungary's veto to stop the extension of Article 50.
    A lot of Facebook users,(including myself),have emailed asking him to please do that.
    I am sending similar emails to the Italian PM's office and possibly Portugal if I can find the address.
    Might be a waste of time,might not.
    #28204 Lightning_650, Mar 14, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2019
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  4. I'm really loolking forward to Meaningful III, The Thriller In Westminster
    • Funny Funny x 4
  5. aye. and to think i would of been a lib/lab voter. who though they where a bit mad.
    while not everybody that votes for them believes in their core policy. they do recognize there competency, discipline and integrity. after the shambles of the traditional partys finally being laid bare for all to see and has been for many of us for quite some time. in my eyes, even if civic nationalism is a foreign concept to you. to suggest otherwise makes you nothing more than a troll and a petty minded shit stirrer
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Colluding with foreign powers.
    You can be hanged for that!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. #28208 Lightning_650, Mar 14, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  8. The EU drafted the Exit Agreement - not our government - this is why it's crap :bucktooth:
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  9. It's not that I don't care about democracy bud, I'm just trying to keep things light-hearted whilst the very obvious ineptitude of the UK politicians continues to come into the limelight.

    Personally right now I'm almost resigned to the fact that there's probably only 3 choices:

    Mays deal which is pretty bad and pointless if any of the current crop remain in charge during the next 5 years of its enactment. There's a chance it could work out, but we'd need an entirely new party to take up the helm at some point and then wriggle out of the backstop by investing time and effort in to the tech required to manage boarder controls. That clearly needs time

    Leave before the July on WTO. Now that the tariffs have been decided an extra couple of months helps people get their house in order regarding setting UK list prices of products (up or down). Then we still need someone else in charge for all future negotiations. It also gives opportunity for other trade negotiations to take place and business to settle

    2nd referendum which isn't ideal but if the mood of the electorate is as strong as some suggest then I genuinely think that the results would be similar to the first, thus we leave under the tariffs set as above.

    Anything else as this precarious time 'could' result in the withdrawal of article 50 in my opinion.
    #28211 damodici, Mar 15, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I "Liked" this post as it has much to commend it and mirrors closely my own thoughts in many respects.

    With regard to the above bit, the existence of a Europe-wide policy regarding taxation and transfer of liabilities is perhaps desirable in tackling the "chase the lady" approach employed by multi-nationals. However, such a policy is sub-optimal (see below). It should be that case that if people care about taxation and the pathetic levels paid by, say, Amazon and Starbucks, it is for people to act upon this.
    Most effective would be customers shunning the products and services of tax-dodging businesses. Second most effective is people voting for national political parties who promise on (and deliver) tax legislation that combats "bait & switch" non-taxpayers. Cooperation between countries, through taxation treaties, would and could be put in place (and has been, in the past.)
    The third approach to this issue would be to wrap up individual countries into a single-state administrative construct (eg, the EU). The EU Commission decides what is best for people, attempts to impose their decision, the people are never in a position to vote for the bureaucrats who are responsible for policy, and the only recourse for rejecting implementation of the policy is to hope their elected MEPs will remember to keep voting down the proposals as they are re-introduced for the EU Parliament vote, again, and again, and again.
    The EU approach might be effective for the purposes of pinning down the taxation of multi-nationals However, I view this solution as akin to using a planet-killer asteroid to crack a walnut. Furthermore, it fails to address multi-nationals who transfer tax liabilities out of the EU. YMMV.

    Yeah. Normal programming resumed. "The EU has given us, via our own money, many pleasing and delightful gifts and all we had to do is pay for them and promise to remove ourselves from the decision-making process as far as is possible".

    If you had said, "At least the EU has gotten the trains running on time", that at least would have been helpful and enlightening : o )
    • Like Like x 1
  11. strange logic. every brexiteer to a man says they need us more than we need them. they aint fools, so surely they would draw up an agreement that would reflect that?
    now that you have seen what the UK Gov and the official opposition actually is. is it any wonder it was left to them to come up with something. i can think of a similar negotiation going on back in 2015-6 between two Govs it was full of little traps here and there that could of cost us plenty in the way of Sovereignty and many many billions over the years. the wee guys spotted it and refused to back down. the big guys threatened to close us down. something they have always wanted to do, the big guys eventually walked away after having their baws handed to them in a plate.
    The EU know what the UK Gov is. they know with them, the greater good isnt part of the plan.
  12. from somebody that has spent an an awful lot of energy belittling somebody trying to bring their Gov home.
    the brexiteer likes the idea of the govs being as close to the people as possible. but they never take account of the size of the country, the resources of the individual country, the climate, the geography the history of the country. they always use conspiracy to prove their point but every one that sees a bigger picture is a tinhatter. odd.
    yip. in a programmers world we would all be in our individual box's of equal size with equal resources with the same intentions withe same ambitions. never interacting unless to say hello
    its bollox. thats not how people work. somebody always wants to be king.
    For as long as there's countries the size of Russia, America, China ect with organizations that can afford to pay people to sit in the desert and play their part in imposing their employers beliefs, ideals and to protect "their" assets, with the typical size of European country, your always gonna need a large block of sovereign country's to compete.
    we are after all a v, competitive species.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. i'v been contacted on here by the bbc after discussing a topic on here a few years back.
    yip, they is watching.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  14. I hope not, Boris was one of the worst in my opinion.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. and one of yer typical governing brittish elite.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. It's worth remembering, and I predicted this three years ago when TM took over, that any Tory leader with even a modicum of ability is going to keep his powder dry and will duck any substantive controversy/criticism until all the Brexit "poison that lurk in the mud, hatch out".

    Boris has invalidated his candidacy for Top Job, simply by being Boris. Gove has done his best to play both sides against the middle but it is purely a question of whether party members are able to hold their noses sufficiently tightly to support him. Rudd? Hammond? Javid? Meh.

    None of this is relevant, of course. "Who will lead the Tories after Theresa May?" will soon be of much relevance and general interest as the question, "Who will lead the Greens?". People won't care about fringe political parties who used to be a big deal (just look at the Liberals if you want proof!).
    • Like Like x 3
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  17. Who will lead the Greens?". People won't care about fringe political parties who used to be a big deal (just look at the Liberals if you want proof!).
    the greens took a tory seat that had a safe majority last week with a 40? point swing.
    i Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the ALDE group in the European Parliament (essentially the Euro Lib Dems), is by no means our standard go-to guy for political guidance. Like most European politicians he’s been criminally silent on the outrages being perpetrated by the government of Spain, and in general he’s a bit neoliberal for our tastes.

    But his speech from yesterday is powerful stuff.
    are we gonna get an extension? hmm. i dont know if any of you seen this yesterday, but worth a wee watch if your interested.
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