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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. yip, he is a dab hand at the "remain means remain"....
    watch more and you will see at comittee level they are inabout and well respected by the impartial.
    follow cherry, follow sheppard, follow M,Black. the only reason it repetative is because your watching the same shit
  2. You might want to read and re-write that last bit buddy, it doesn't favour your cause, here to help :upyeah:
  3. Because we still don't have one?
    Because there are still votes happening?
    Because nothing is yet confirmed?

    If everything is awesome, it would be all done and dusted now, the plan would have been signed off, we would be counting down the days to Brexit Day and drinking our warm real ale from glass mugs with handles.

    "There is no plan for a no deal, because we're going to get a great deal" - Boris Johnson, 11 July 2017
    "There will be no downside to Brexit, only a considerable upside" - David Davis, 10 Oct 2016
    "The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can chose the path we want" - Michael Gove, 6 April 2016
    "The Free Trade Agreement that we will do with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history" - Dr Liam Fox, 20 July 2017
    "I hadn't quite understood the full extent of this but ... we are particularly reliant on the Dover-Calais crossing" - Dominic Raab, 7 Nov 2018

    Remember those? :rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 1
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  4. Amazing to think back that without the intervention of Gina Miller, May would have simply decided her "deal" was the best, and having signed it last autumn, we would be meekly waiting for it to commence in a couple weeks.

    Enemy of the people? Maybe savior!


    A world without Meaningful Votes just wouldn't be the same.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. And every single one of the feckers has gone missing recently. Arseholes the lot of them.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. thats why yorkshire is what it is. just think, if they had had some strong representaion, would they have voted leave?.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. nothin i can do will ever help that. nothing anybody could do could help you out the holes you dig for yerself.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Indeed. I recall : o )

    Why do you believe that none of that ever came to pass?
    What could be the mechanism behind the absolute, abysmal failure to come up with a withdrawal deal that did not involve a lot of lube (and fortitude) to endure? Why was every single action that could have lead to a positive outcome for realBrexit tainted with either utter failure or apparent incompetence, or both?

    Bear in mind, the UK wasn't tasked with inventing an entirely new form of trade and government from scratch, but merely putting into place something that every nation in the World (bar twenty-seven of them) already employs, using an existing framework (WTO, in case you've forgotten). Surely you must smell a rat here? No? Seriously?

    I asked you to dig deep, and you ignored my request. Do better this time!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I thought this was fairly good


    No mention of Unicorns though :(
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  11. david steel has gone now too.
    warra waste of money eh?
  12. I think language plays a part fin, down here Orange is this
  13. Good morning Glidd. For @damodici who made a very valid point I will attempt to keep this as short as possible and have acceded to your request:).
    I agree, but IMO it's a bit of an ideal.
    Agreed, that was an oversimplification on my part.
    No. I was referring to the fact political parties want to get elected and therefore their economic policies, particularly with regard to income tax, VAT, Excise Duties, have to be acceptable to the electorate or else they won't get voted in. I recall a GE, many many years ago where the Lib-Dems manifesto included the fact they were going increase income tax and spend the extra money on schools and the NHS; they didn't get voted in.
    Corrupt = acting dishonestly for gain.
    Agreed, but there would also be more 'uncorrupt' money there.
    You do if it is being shielded from tax until the point in time when the shield has to be removed and tax paid.


    Agreed on the first sentence. Since tithes were first invented people have evaded (illegal) and avoided (legal) paying and paid the bare minimum they can get away with. This will never change as its contradictory to human nature.
    Actually, the 'Philip Green' companies are not owned by him but by his wife. They are, however, managed by him. The divi referred to was paid directly to Tina as the majority shareholder. Tina then bought the yacht. Everything PG 'owns' is actually owned by Tina (you want to hope, for his sake, he has a good pre-nup in place!). Yes, this is smart tax planning, he was resident in the UK for more than 180 days/year at the time and thus would have been liable to whole load of tax he could otherwise have avoided. The banks lent the money to BHS so it had the cash to pay the divi - fools. What he did with the pension fund is arguably criminal.
    True, following the money is one way to get to the big players in that industry, but everyone who partakes has a part to play in stopping/minimising the drug trade. Again, this is probably another ideal.
    Yes. See my post above. Oxymoronic as it is, we all benefit, and not just from UK companies but all large, investable, corporations that do it.
    Agreed, but my intended point was I do not agree with the increasing federalisation of the EU, of which something like this is an example, and against which many object, hence Brexit.

    Now I'm probably another several pages behind :confused:
    #28294 West Cork Paul, Mar 15, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019
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  14. Two part answer:
    1. incompetence
    2. reality

    Incompetence because nobody in power would ever be able to achieve the unbound goal of "Brexit", purely because it was (and still is) an unknown quantity. Sorry to labour the point, but I truly believe that if the Government had done its homework before the referendum and to have provided more insight into what the outcome would be, then I think it would have been a lot easier, a lot clearer, and a lot more certain about the outcome of the eventual referendum vote. The result may even have been different, but at least everyone would have known exactly what it was they were voting for, warts and all.
    The vote should have explicitly stated things like still/no* membership to the common market, blue passports, WTO terms, whatever that deal was going to be.
    The government are still arguing about what colour their Brexit needs to be and there's 14 days left; this is before it's even put in front of the EU27 to be approved!
    All of this should have been done first: agree the deal within the Government, agree the deal within Parliament, agree the deal with the EU27 and then have the Referendum and decide if that truly is the Will of the People.

    Reality because see above. Suddenly the Government is realising that we have 40 years of integration to undo and we still haven't agreed which bits need to be undone, let alone started doing them. The border controls is a perfect example; where the fuck are all these new customs officers that are supposed to be checking all incoming goods when we leave in 14 days time under WTO/No Deal/Half Deal/Whatever* happens?!? Are we calling in G4S again, ffs?!?
    I'm all for sitting in the shitter and counting how much money I am charging while wiping my arse instead of actually working, but the Government has taking this to new heights!
    It appears that they have done nothing but sat on their hands for more than 2 years rather than actually doing anything.

    I know that you want me to think it is all a big conspiracy because Theresa May is a Remainer (agreed) and doesn't really want to leave, and is being controlled by our new EU overlords (I'll have a pint of what you're drinking) but I am always reminded of Occam's Razor, and that it requires far too much joined-up thinking to plan this so well!

    Sorry guys, but you were sold a dud. Don't be angry at the Remoaners, be angry at the guys that promised you everything and delivered nothing.

    (* delete as applicable)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  15. That ain't it, chief. Your blindspot its betraying you here so I suggest you sit down and wait for an easier conversation! Nevertheless:

    Is it so far beyond your level of comprehension that you cannot conceive of a government so wedded to the principles behind the EU that it takes every opportunity to ensure that Brexit can never come about, or if it does, it is short-lived? Is it beyond all probability that such a government would exaggerate difficulties, ignore opportunities, drag its feet and play-act helplessness - in fact, all the behaviours and antics we have witnessed for nearly three years now - in order to hoodwink the electorate?

    Do you actually believe that the Tories, under May, have made every (any) effort towards delivering a Brexit worthy of the name? Do you seriously believe that they have been working earnestly to achieve a lasting independence from Brussels and that it is incompetence that has prevented them?

    Have you never asked yourself why May has never used the threat of WTO Brexit in an effort achieve a better WA than the one she allegedly obtained from Brussels? If you quote, "No deal is better than a bad deal" here ... I will emerge from your screen and slap you : o )

    Do you know how negotiations are carried out? I speak to so many people these days who believe that negotiation is the art of beginning at a compromise you would accept and moving on from there, that I have to ask that. I had no idea that so many people have no clue how genuine negotiation is meant to be conducted.

    You cannot be this naive, Ant. I know you aren't this stupid. It is either laziness of thought, complacency of attitude because you are an extreme Remainder or ... you are a consummate troll and the joke's on me. I really hope it's the last one!

    PS. I tried to "Delete as appropriate" but your post stubbornly refused to disappear : o )
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I’ve noticed that you often now use the phrase “extreme remainer” but it doesn’t mean anything. Remainers want to remain in the EU. You can’t be more or less extreme when it comes to remaining. I know why you’re using the phrase, though. It is to suggest that there is some ludicrous swivel-eyed fringe amongst Remainers that is the mirror image of the ludicrous swivel-eyed fringe of Leavers that actually exists. They are the ones who honestly don’t care what the consequences may be of leaving so long as we leave. Those consequences may be real or imagined - we can’t know yet but we can have a pretty good guess.

    The “extreme remainer” rhetoric is just to make those wanting the status quo to seem utterly unreasonable.

    Well I won’t have it, do you hear? I won’t have it!
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  17. Could an extreme remainer be someone who will do anything to stop the U.K. leaving the Eu ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Not wishing to butt in - so I'm butting in - but the term "Extreme Remainer" is a nod towards the FBPE crowd who refer to "Extreme Brexiteers". It's meant ironically, in part, but there is a serious aspect to it.

    To illustrate -

    Remainer - Someone who voted against Leave and would have preferred to Remain

    Extreme Remainer - Someone who voted against Leave and will do everything within their power obstruct Leaving, no matter the cost to friends, family, democracy, etc

    Compare with:

    Brexiteer - someone who voted to Leave the EU

    Extreme Brexiteer - someone who voted to Leave the EU

    I have typed this explanation previously but as you show every appearance of being new to the thread, I repeat it here.
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  19. Didn’t delete as appropriate - it’s all shit so gave it a crap :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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