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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. We've started, so we'll finish...

    Hmm. I think we're losing a bit of context here...

    This was particularly good.

    Naturally. My point is that we shouldn't just give in but try and make the bastards pay their fair share. Eliminating offshore tax havens would be a huge step forward in this.

    So we agree on moral turpitude, then. His wife doesn't do any of the wheeler dealing or contribute in any way. Certainly in no way that would justify her paying herself £1 bn. The sheer greed of these people is so staggering it's like trying to comprehend the size of the universe.

    Sure. But which is more efficacious and fairer - stamping out the drug cartels' money laundering, or ripping up peasant's coca fields? Easier to get tough on the peasants, isn't it? Looks good, achieves nothing. Meanwhile the cartels invest in London real estate.

    I understand your point but we are going to have to agree to disagree. It's too easy. Let's not tax corporations because somewhere along the line they are really just altruistic vehicles to help pensioners. Right.

    It's a point of view. I'll take the rough with the smooth.

    You and me both!
    • Like Like x 1
  2. This is so spot on, I'm not surprised that @Exige gave you a "crap" rating. Failing to produce any arguments to contest your viewpoint. Maybe because there aren't any.
    • Like Like x 1
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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  3. Loz, you and @noobie take "patronising" to new levels. I've been too polite to point it out before, but someone has to tell you - rather like when you have a bogie in your nose or poor breath. You need a friend to tell you the truth.

    Now stop it at once!
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  4. I think this is somewhat unfair. I can see it’s good for a cheap laugh but at the end of the day it implies that you either have to support the austerity-dealing, banker-loving, couldn’t-really-give-a-shit-about-the-less-well-off Tories or the Momentum-funded, if-it’s-not-a-minority-lesbian-it-doesn’t-count Labour Party. There has to be a third, more normal moderate party and the LibDems try to be it, however unsuccessfully. Part of their lack of success stems from having no newspaper batting for them and a completely binary way of looking at politics in the UK. you only have to look at the H of C: two rows of benches opposed to each other. In most other countries it’s not like this. You can have more than just two opinions.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Just a minor inconvenience but well worth it to “take back control”!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I think you’ll find that Brexiteers have scored a superb own goal - having a Brexit (no longer part of the EU) that is even crapper for them than being part of the EU.

    But silly me! They should be delighted because the UK will no longer be part of the federal project and that was the only thing that counted in the first place. Result, then!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I only forget to brush my teeth as it hides your b.o. what's a fella to do?
  8. This is below your usual standard, Noobs. I was expecting a wittier putdown.
  9. I say you're wrong sir and given it's Friday, suspect you may have been at a few Alpenbitters, for those unaware that is a swiss beer and not people who are bitter from alpen land:D

    The vote was to leave. wto/free trade is the only end result that matches this, we knew it was all or nothing as anything other than fully leave is not leave at all.

    The remainers in parliament will have delivered to the remainers of the country, a worse deal than they currently have and with no end date so will keep them within that federal state, and possibly sending Ukip back in even larger numbers to the eu council to join even more right wing anti eu members in the upcoming eu elections if we are still there.

    Apologies, my retorts normally reflect my , "out of ten" I see the person at, at the time of reply. Today your only around 3 so the reply matches that score. I hope you can do better so I can do too
  10. It’s an example of one of the possibly many unthought of inconveniences of leaving the EU.
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  11. There are times when I feel like everyone on here is my interwectual supewior, but this one sentence (and some of @gliddofglood remarks) reminds me of the definition of a consultant. "Someone who knows a thousand ways to make love but doesn't know any women"

    What we have now is a request of the people to be actioned by politicians within a fixed deadline, supposedly.

    What your proposing is lets think up a theoretical question assume a theoretical answer budget for the whole of the uk to debate it then debate it with 27 other countries, all at their leisure due to no deadline and then put the question to the people who will then have all the information they need cos it's provided by impartial sources (honest). We could also have a brainstorming session for some other theoretical questions.

    Everything about it is like hearding cats flippin impossible. If anything the consequences would be the ultiimate empire building for mandarins and it would probably harden the Brexit vote.

    @gliddofglood puts forward a moral argument that I find persuasive. But there's a reason why there is a groundswell of opinion across Europe which is anti EU. That's because people at the bottom feel like they are getting shafted by theoretical economists that can only get their act together for those in power, academics and corporations. we're supposed to be grateful for the crumbs that fall from their table and now they're saying fuck that.

    This shit storm we're in at the moment has been made worse by that snap election TM called and now everyone is a back seat driver with one hand on the controls.

    Wether your a brexiteer or remainder the future isn't what you wanted.

    #28371 Topbox, Mar 16, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2019
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. "Ours is not to reason why, Goat bless yer, Governor, strike a light, you're a toff!"

    If only these well-informed Remainders would share their wisdom instead repeating "Disaster! Disaster!" all the time. They could start by addressing the actual issues that Brexiteers raise instead of spouting the ridiculous one-track doom-mongering.

    It makes you think that Remainders in power have an agenda that they are not keen on sharing.

    Not an argument, son.

    Real, for a group of people who could be bothered to express their views in a Twitter Poll that not many people will see.

    Bollocks. See my reply to Lightning above : o )

    "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the raging greenie out of thine own nose; and then shalt thou breathe clearly to cast out the cute little bogey out of thy brother's nostril".

    You aren't this stupid, you're trolling. Are you Speedos?

    Remainders, both UK and EU based, controlling the process of Brexit, ensuring that it cannot be a success and that it doesn't last long, even if Brexit actually happens ...is not a *Brexit own goal". It is "an assault on the democratic principles upon which the UK has long pretended it is based*.

    FFS, stop holding your breath all the time, it is affecting your cognition.

    "One is put down in accordance with one's ability to put down".

    (I paraphrased.)
    #28372 Loz, Mar 16, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2019
  13. *shakes head in pity*
    Genuine pity. do the 77th pay that well?
  14. From the standpoint of 'democracy', how do people feel about May going for a third vote on her failed deal? Surely they should be moving on by now.
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  15. it seems that those that can swing it aint voting for unicorns so thats good. just a bung. a bung that will get added to the national debt, the national debt that will get added to our deficit as a population share then used regularly to prove that our gov and economy up here is a basket case.
    but, hay, "democracy".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I hold my hand up and admit I am not conversant with the rules of Parliament and maybe this is permissible, however, it does seem to be a strange state of affairs. Paraphrasing Robert the Bruce (and at the risk of fanning the flames of Fin’s fire so early this morning) ‘if at first we don’t succeed we’ll try and try again’. It appears to be a war of attrition. First a 230 majority against, then a 149 majority against (with 75 who refused the 3 line whip - imagine if they’d toed the line? The WA would have passed by 1 vote), it seems to me May is hoping that as the clock ticks down those voting against the WA change their minds and vote Aye on the basis it’s, in their minds, the least worst deal before time runs out.

    No, it doesn’t seem democratic, but then, in relation to Brexit, democracy left the House a long time ago.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. Personally I still think they should take the Royal Rumble approach.

    What do you think Junckers?


    And what about you Hulk Hogan?


    Looks like we're on :upyeah:

    #28377 damodici, Mar 16, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. aye, the Bruce, watching the Black Widow spin its web.....
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  19. I'm holding out for HMtQ dissolving Parliament from now until 2 April.

    That would be one bitchin' Brexit: The TV Series season ending.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. I have given you a hand bag (don't look upon it as a lock thread) free speech is fine on here, he's such a twerp:bucktooth:
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