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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Well if he had his prioritys right then I should think so, it's a quality range :)
  2. My point was , there is distinct lack of professional journalists these days and that isn't down to funding but more tv stations and print media have seen cheaper options available.

    Look at channel 4, sky, bb2, most of those presenters and they are just presenters even though they carry a nuj card, are not journalists but combative news and tv presenters, They ask a question and before two words of an answer comes back, they interupt with another question.

    Traditional media look down on social media but traditional media levels have sunken so low that neither can be trusted. Most wouldn't know an independent journalist if it slapped them smack in the face and that isn't fundings fault
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Agreed with you there Noobie, (partial agreement btw lol)

    But you still have not answered the Liam Fox trust question. Curious..
  4. I wouldn't trust him, he's a chancer who through bullshit and ducking at the right time, has made a bloody good living at the tax payers expense

    That however cannot rule out genuine agreements put in place as soon as we are free to take them up once we leave
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  5. Post #28637
    Unanswered question alert!

    We have a pattern here, people spouting pessimistic tripe and utter bollocks, being asked to clarify, then disappear for a couple of days. Then come back talking shite again :thinkingface:

    That’s basically the remoaners argument :bucktooth:
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. On tv this morning it was said the French might veto us having an extension.
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  7. I had the same thing exi when I put a link, a pdf and the statement all from the eu themselves showing they are to create an eu border force that would not be responsible to a single government, even when they are operating in that governments country and increasing that body from 1,500 to 10,000.

    Not a single remainer could deny it as came direct from the eu themselves and supported what many of us have and continue to say. The eu's function is to centralise everything in Brussels and turn nations states into county councils.

  8. The rest of Europe (row as well) want to know wtf we want. No surprise that others are losing patience.
  9. The vote made it very clear what we wanted, it then went into a remain voting houses of parliament where it has weekly, been sabotaged.

    What we want is clear, what the house of commons will allow us is another thing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. What I meant is that UK cannot do(implement to be more precise) a deal with any other EU trading block member until both are members...can do some sort of pre-agreement for a no deal scenario. I think this is the case here....
  11. Translation:

    Trust Experts!

    Why? Because you can trust Experts!

    : o D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Thats purely the HOC fault and various MP's playing party point scoring, on both sides of the channel, whilst trying to muddy the water.

    In its most basic form, the UK voted to leave, thats what the UK 'wants' as per the result.

    Then TM & Eu pals came up with a deal, that wasn't wanted without a change to the backstop.

    At that point the EU knew what we wanted. The way the EU negotiators keep saying we don't know what you want is frankly bollocks.

    If they listen to those stood in front on them, and not back benchers or the opposition playing the 'spanner in the works' game then its fairly obvious.

    What they're actually doing is saying they don't know what we want just to keep the guessing game going in the hope the whole thing will get called off. According to the EU's own admissions, and what our useless bunch of MP's have come up with, the only current obvious 'Wants' are as follows:

    A: TM's deal with a backstop edit so unilateral exits can be made
    B: Leave on the 29th March

    The recent rejection of No Deal is pointless as it doesn't stop that end date of the 29th March. Whatever Jeremy Corbyn says is again pointless as he's clueless and does nothing but pie in the sky thinking. Whatever the TIG say again is pointless as they're not even a political party and have no manifesto or technically voter support

    Even John Bercow's recent intervention doesn't make any statement of preference either way, he simply says the deal needs changing to be able to vote on again.

    So, its either change the deal, or leave on the 29th March.

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  13. Maybe you can give us a cost analysis of such an exercise and also who needs to approve / authorise it. How do you get the EU on board with this.

    Would it all be staffed by remainers. Maybe these people can decide that a referendum is no longer necessary due to the negotiations that happened without a mandate.

    BTW wouldn't you pay for the plans for the house once you've decided you need a house or do you just buy plans for the sake of it. Do these principles apply to all potential decision making.

    I am completely unpersuaded by your logic.
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  14. Or,

    C: Withdraw Article 50 Notification and call a Referendum/ General Election/ General Strike. (Delete as appropriate to political leaning).
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  15. These thoughts just occurred to me.

    Maybe I misunderstand, but I thought everyone wanted control of the borders? On the build up to the vote there was a huge amount of publicity showing huge numbers of migrants from outside Europe (pictures with Farage stood in front protesting about the foreign invasion).

    We want to control immigration, is a phrase often repeated by the Conservative party.

    Are we now saying that there is no issue?

    Realistically the border force would be deployed on the front line of Southern and Eastern European borders.

    @J biker - what's your opinion?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  16. Withdraw Article 50 Notification ...some may want too (well the commons and the remainers) but good luck getting in government again if you are the party that tells over 17 million people, you don't count nor does democratic majority votes

    and call a Referendum.. during the last 3 years, the vast majority calling for this, have been those trying to stop it and lost a democratic vote that they refuse to accept or abide by. They also keep trying this having convinced themselves they would win, nothing suggests they would

    General Election...... Given the current standards no party could guaranty they would win, constant polls show labour to lose though. The other issue, parties will change mandates, In labours case they would mandate to stay at a time over 60% of their constituencies voted to leave, It's likely to tear most parties apart and none have the brownie points in the pot to survive this.

    General Strike......How very dare you sir, do we look French? !!
  17. 46E09967-AA51-415D-A13A-DC9A161D6C4B.jpeg

    Belief systems versus experts.

    You won’t be wanting an ambulance if you have an accident then?

    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Sorry but you've missed the point.

    The same amount of work is done. The same questions are asked. The same deals are offered.

    The difference that I have proposed as a solution to this mess was that the government should have done the referendum at the END of this process rather than at the BEGINNING.

    The difference would have been that everyone would know what they were getting, rather than the current 50 Shades of Brexit, everyone would know if they would be better or worse off because they could compare the deal with the current situation, companies would not have to hedge themselves to protect income, and there wouldn't be such a massive divide driven through the country.

    Once we knew the position we *would* be in (not *could* be in) it's at that point you ask what the will of the people is.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Except between Eire and Northern Ireland, obviously...
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