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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. But this is the problem isn't it, 'their deal' is 'mays deal', thats the deal they want to happen. They don't want to change it and therein lies the problem.

    Had that deal been presented way before and not left so late, the best thing to have done was to immediately move to WTO planning. A stalemate would then have left both sides planning properly for WTO and if nobody blinked the 29th March would be easily achievable.

    Instead you had bunches of our Politicians close to tears (Dominic Greave alway looks pre-blub) and vast amounts vocally opposed to 'No Deal' and citing catastrophe. Thus playing in to the hands of May and the EU (one and the same as far as this deal is concerned)

    WTO terms is now the only acceptable outcome, the EU can't budge anymore such is the hand they've played, theres no time for anything else, not even Jeremy Corbyns 'super duper amazing deal' which alas we all know was a none starter the minute he parted his lips.

    leaving without a deal was always the most likely of outcomes frankly, its just a pity that our politicians haven't shown the backbone to be upfront about that and openly plan.

    Adjustments to tariffs will come in to play and as much as people may say otherwise, life will go on.
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  2. Its no good taking the top job, taking two years to negotiate your personal vision , without cross party involvement, sacking everyone on your own side who disagrees with you, only to realise that your plan is totally flawed.

    Then you decide after historic margins of defeat, to go on TV & blame everyone else.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  3. Yes, and no

    Historic margins of defeat would have happened regardless of deal proposed.

    Soft Brexit = Historic margins of defeat
    No Deal = Historic margins of defeat
    Current deal = Historic margins of defeat

    The fact of the matter is that various MP's have not represented the views of their voters, many have i admit (those in remain seats), but some of those in leave seats have frankly bottled it and gone against.

    The end of the day, leaving the Eu was the instruction, too many MP's haven't wanted to carry that out, hence a stalemate
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  4. I agree, I just think parliament are determined to avoid no deal, whatever it takes.
  5. Not sure how, but I don’t think it will be long before article 50 is revoked.
  6. I think you will find you are wrong with that.

    The £39billion is our divorce bill and has nothing to do with any future payments that agreed as part of an access to the future markets deal.

    We owe money to cover the costs associated with the EUs budget, which ends in 2021. And we owe additional money for longer term projects, pensions etc.

    The £39billion is the nett figure and already accounts for money owed to the U.K. by the EU.

    The reason some people say we can walk away from it it because Article 50 makes not mention of fulfilling legal obligations- no doubt because it assumes no country would be so stupid to as to not fulfill them.

    In 2014, Scotland was told its credit rating would be trash if it walked away from its share of U.K. debt. So it seems logical that the same would be the case for the U.K.

    Or does the Union Flag have some kind of super power?

    10/20/30 billion ? Non payment is non payment
    #28806 749er, Mar 21, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. I think it’s Putin we should be worried about.


    You think he hasn’t already got people already talking to whatever the IRA are calling themselves this week?

    The former Soviet Union armed the provisionals before. You don’t think Russia will do the same?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Or does the Union Flag have some kind of super power.
    it cleans my arse like no other...
    I know I know. I aint helping. :D
    • Funny Funny x 4
  9. Who are you talking about? Trump?
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  10. I would expect they will do as they are told :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. No deal..... here we come..... tick tock....
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  12. I'm not privy to the legal commitments of the resigning membership of the EU as a result of article 50.

    But I look at like this. If your a member of a golf club you pay your membership with all the other members. The club take your money and do what they want with it. When you resign your membership you make your last monthly payment and that's it. You wouldn't expect the club to say ah well you now owe us another £39k to cover the imminent retirement of the steward and there's his pension to fund, plus we've made plans for a clubhouse extension which need your money, plus the rest of this years rent and rates. Also, we don't want to increase the fees of the existing members so you'll have to fund that. etc etc

    I agree the UK cannot ignore its commitments but if they're not fully defined then they are not a commitment. We're supposed to be paying £39 Billion in exchange for something in return, a deal.

  13. Retract A50? The unspoken Elephant in the room?

    The absence of any obvious debate on this makes me very suspicious.
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  14. Marvelous, bloody marvelous job by May last night. She has even alienated some MP's who were on the journey to vote for her WA V3. So now its a choice of WA with short extension, no deal, or revoke Article 50.
    The Germans aren't too impressed:

    Ever louder voices in Germany are denouncing the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic debacle and festering animosity.
    If the EU’s ultimatum policy causes a geostrategic rupture with a pillar of the European defence, security, and financial system - sooner or later, as it surely must under the existing terms - the recriminations in Berlin will be ugly.“Europe is well on the way to inflicting huge damage on itself for decades by the way it has handled the failed Brexit talks,” said Marcel Fratzscher, head of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin.

    The last 48hrs up to the 29th will be fascinating!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Yes, we could. But only if we wanted to remain. Not to buy more time.
    The EU might have given a longer extension, if May had asked. Only if she had shown the flexibilty to go down a different path, a significanntly different deal.
    The EU should just tell her to do one. Then the UK would have to sort out her mess. At least we could move on.
    May has been disaster, totaly blinkered in her spproach from day one.
  16. A major component is our continued participation through the transition period, as if we are still a member:
    • contribute to and participate in the 2019 and 2020 EU budgets, as part of the transition (or implementation) period;
    • continue to receive EU funding from EU programmes that are part of the 2014 – 2020 budget plan;
    • contribute towards the EU’s outstanding budget commitments at 31 December 2020 (these are budget commitments that have been made, but not yet paid);
    • contribute towards some of the EU’s liabilities – obligations to pay for certain items – incurred before 31 December 2020. EU staff pensions are the main source of such liabilities;
    • remain liable for the EU’s contingent liabilities – potential liabilities that may occur depending on the outcome of an uncertain event – which relate mainly to financial guarantees given and to legal risks;
    • receive back the €3.5 billion of capital it has paid into the European Investment Bank in 12 instalments from 2019, and will receive back the relatively small amount of capital it paid into the ECB on withdrawal;
    • remain liable for EIB liabilities approved before the WA comes into force, and will provide a guarantee to the EIB for its stock of outstanding loans which will decrease as EIB loans associated with it decrease;
    • continue to participate in some of EU’s overseas programmes, such as the European Development Fund, until the current round ends.
    The UK and EU agreed some principles for the settlement:

    • no EU Member State should pay more or receive less because of the UK's withdrawal from the EU;
    • the UK should pay its share of the commitments taken during its membership; and
    • the UK should neither pay more nor earlier than if it had remained a Member State.
  17. They should be making "Yes Prime Minister" and "Spitting Image" specials. This stuff is comedy gold!
    • Agree Agree x 7
    • Love You Love You x 1
  18. You have the two issues, Mays deal is the eu's deal and most agree we will never leave the eu under that deal, they will always be in charge

    The other problem is no matter what the deal, the house of commons will only majority vote yes, for a scrap article 50 deal and cancel brexit leaving parliament versus the people

    This is why when all sides cannot agree , the way forward must be the eu and U.K. legally agreed text, in this case, we leave the eu under wto and free trade next week.
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  19. Would they revoke Article 50 and sign the death warrants of the Conservative and Labour parties rather than take a WTO exit?

    It would be madness, so guess what.............yes they would. Those 650 people in the HoC have absolutely lost the plot with this now.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  20. [​IMG]
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