Speaking of good arguments ... How's that 29 March Leaving Date looking to you now? And why? Just checking.
Bless The idea a deal must be refused with the states based on chlorinated chicken not only is a red herring but shows the desperation of the extreme remainers. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...on-chickens-will-increase-food-poisoning-risk and from the eu's OWN food safety body the EFSA https://www.euractiv.com/section/ag...monella-on-the-rise-again-eu-officials-admit/ https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/...r-flawed-food-system-has-still-not-been-fixed https://www.politico.eu/article/unsafe-polish-meat-exported-to-12-eu-countries/ jb's favourite source https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-h...ugs-rings-alarm-bells-in-europe-idUKKCN1QF12V and that is just within 30 seconds of searching. Chlorinated chicken is safe to eat, the eu's own food body agrres with this "The European Food Safety Authority has said that there are “no safety concerns” with the chlorination of chicken, but it has also said this practice might not be sufficient for maintaining good hygiene standards throughout the slaughter process." https://fullfact.org/europe/does-eu-say-its-safe-eat-chicken-rinsed-chlorine/ So whilst they say it's perfectly safe to eat, it's the good hygiene and slaughter that has seen the ban despite, the eu year after year being unable to control it's own health and safety and the eu allowing religious culling that goes directly against every other standard required by slaughter houses One of the key protests against the u.s. chicken was we in the eu do it better so it stops infections and banned products and yet tonnes of information shows the eu failing on this every single year. By all means wander into the eu food standards but please be far better informed than you have been
It was funny that most of these people will also preach on plastics and the environment, but leave London full of plastics on the march and what environment? crazy crazy rascals
Is this the same woman who asked where could she get a gun to shoot the prime minister with ? asking just for perspective
That is not why you are asking though, more scoring points. Perspective would be some silly remarks, banter on social media...and unknown people telephoning a 77 year old woman and threatening to kill her. That is perspective.
There's no shortage of nasty people around making threats, it must take a really brave (loser) to abuse an old lady over the 'phone. This crazy stuff gets out of control fast - anyone remember the vapid scumbag rightwing extremist, who shouted “Britain First” before he stabbed and shot Jo Cox MP.
The arresting officers knew the killer's name. Before they had even apprehended him. Peculiar, that. Ah, there's an explanation, I'm sure.
Personally I think May is still playing clever You may remember not long ago when a second vote was mentioned, there was many opinions about what should be on the vote paper, what she seems to be doing is offering several options so in effect splitting the remainers Those who marched will expect remain, those on the petition who might actually be able to vote because they are in the u.k. and are over 18 want remain and will expect the mp's to deliver that Labour is split as it knows to overturn a democratic vote mandated by most of parliament would rip them a new one in any general election the snp will want a second indi vote, no not their one but our one, they have refused democratic votes on both as they lost both but know to do so and remain in the eu, removes much of their ammo for indi 2. Despite claiming to want to work with labour, they don't. It would have the same effect back in Scotchland as the lib dems coalition with tories tories have the largest group of actually carrying out the vote of leaving the eu Greens, 1 mp and from Brighton, nuff said lib dems, they've been consistently against leaving but then that has seen them with one of the lowest mp's in parliament Tigs, Chukka useless won't last long, with all the ego's in that party, I don't see a long term future once brexit is dealt with