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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. re fascists, and tbh i have been called worse.( whats a bollocktitan btw?) And in all fairness to my mate, he only got to look at some of the EU threads, he never got to see some of the more.. eh..topical :Angelic: threads. so you really cant blame him for not getting the chance to gain a more balanced view of things. :smileys:
    anyhoo. tory conference over.:upyeah: worst movie ever.
  2. Bollocktitian dude :Facepalm::Finger: where did you see that, on yer badge :smileys:
  3. Amber Rudd says 'don't call me a racist' amid foreign workers row - BBC News

    So having listened to that and reading the article, I can't see how what she says is racist or xenophobic.

    Yes, if you wanted to you could misconstrue it that way, but it would almost be blinkered to do so.

    She's asking businesses to at least attempt to employ locally first before heading off to the far reaches of Europe to draft in mass cheap labour.

    So as opposed to businesses being able to lazily gaurantee a dirt cheap work force and cream even more profits for themselves, she's asking that they instead try to create provisions for training local British nationals.

    What exactly is wrong with that? I presume the people who see that as xenophobic,or racist, aren't contending in the job market at that level?

    Luckily I work at a company that gives young, old, skilled and unskilled a chance.

    We have some non British employees and many local employees.

    We train, train again, and train some more. All in house and all done at our expense.

    There is absolutely nothing remotely wrong with employing a migrant, especially if it adds a highly skilled person to the existing workforce. As we have done when necessary.

    But almost exclusively employing a foreign workforce due to it being cheap and effortless is wrong in my book.

    Being a racist or xenophobe is a far cry from ensuring provision for British nationals
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  4. Business will always do what is right for them. They are not interested in anything else. Employing foreign workers just because they are cheap is a bit of a misnomer as they are still entitled to the minimum wage. They feedback I get from employers is that there are simply not enough skilled British people to do the jobs required. Many British youngsters leave school with zero skills that are any use to employers. A lot cannot even read or write properly.

    Maybe the Government should be doing more to ensure that British youngsters have those skills rather than bleating at employers. Its seems the way of politics these days to blame everyone but the policy makers themselves.
  5. More swathing guff presented as facts. Many leave not being able to read and write pmsl please quantify 'many': 90%, 9%, 0.9%, 0.09%..but the point about making more skilled is on target. Although they have done that, given extra ed at 16 is now compulsory either A levels or college to learn a skill

    Damo has it bang on. Providing locals of all races, religions, sex, persuasion, creeds are offerred equal opportunities
  6. This part I can agree with to an extent although I guess I'm lucky in the fact my employer actually sees the workforce as our most valuable asset, regardless of costs to surroundings or training provided.

    However back to this point of businesses always doing what's right for them.

    Well unless the government puts policy in place to ensure that local people are given a chance, or at the very least provision put in place to train them, then how else is it going to be stopped?

    Unless some companies are challenged by government as to how they make up their workforce, and the skills gap decisions that lead them to making employment decisions , some of the more unscrupulous businesses out there will continue to draft in cheap labour on mass from the poorest regions of Europe, thus in turn making the local population poorer as a result.

    The facts are if the job required a particular level of high skill which they haven't had met by any applicants, then fair enough.

    But equally if they have zero training provision on offer, maybe they should be 'encouraged' to put something in place so to employ locally.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. according to slab half of all school kids leave primary up here not being able to read. Ruth Davidson says its never been so bad up here also.all unchallenged of course. strange. the stats along with other organizations both home grown and international say otherwise. in fact they go as far to say they are the best in the uk? so, thats education now also. Why is it the devolved areas in some parts of the uk are doing consistently better than others? it cant be genetics seeing as we are essentially a mongrel nation so just what is the common denominator? why is it all going wrong else where?
  8. Nice people. :eek:penmouth:

  9. needs a brain scan? good luck with that.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Watch out for what's going on behind the scenes and what Theresa May is up to
    The ukip brawl could well be a smoke screen
    Trust no one
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Lol at least it wasnt a cabinet member smacking a voter in the face...

  12. i might actually get that framed you know

    the stuff of dreams
  13. tbh here and it just goes to show, i actually like the guy as a talker, he comes across as a genuine guy.
    yip. just goes to show.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Steven Woolfe grew up on Moss Side, one of the roughest areas of Manchester, yet through hard work became a barrister. He just might be able to turn UKIP from a protest party into a mainstream party.

    Remember a similar number of people voted for UKIP as voted for SNP at the last election. UKIP are portrayed as xenophobic whilst the SNP are portrayed as being outward looking, despite a survey last year in which a majority of Scots said it was OK to discriminate against foreigners.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Nice people indeed.
  16. yep, im sure he got a slap for being nice
  17. Just as well really as he'd never have made a boxer :tearsofjoy:
  18. well good luck to him jv. because that what it needs.
    interested in this survey jv.:smileys:. who conducted it and what was the question?
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