And the shower of shit carries on. She is apparently going to bring her deal back for a fourth time. She really needs to be forcibly removed before she finishes the Country for good.
Long clip on YouTube, the fun starts at around 7:18. Listen to it from there, for as long as you can hold onto your breakfast/ lunch /dinner. I'd heard the rumours but finally found this clip. Pretty much a smoking gun as far as Theresa May's treachery and collusion with a foreign power is concerned. There was an earlier alternative to the WA, one less harmful to the UK, which never got publicly explored. Why?
I doubt you'll get odds. It includes the following get-outs: "Maybe" "You never know" and "might". Nothing definite/no promises/no prophecies,and as always I live in hope rather than expectation. I've obviously been watching too many weasel politicians and civil,"servants".
I sign in to see you 749er, have threatened to sue the site unless peoples posts are removed. I know this to be true as I received a message from admin telling me so this morning. May I politely suggest, if you are using a forum and a thread that has vigorous debate, threatening to sue the forum 749er, might mean that you are in the wrong thread. It's one thing to ask an admin to ask them to look at a thread, but it's another completely for you 749er to threaten to sue the site. It might be a thread for you to avoid or use the ignore facility for a particular member but to threaten to sue the site is not cricket sir
How dare you suggest such a thing. Remain voters are perfectly normal people, all young hip and....oh
St Pancras International just now. Why are so many people jumping on the Eurostar? We haven’t left yet Bloody Brussels
Are there lots of cheap tickets available now they think we are staying in the EU with no hard border?
I think the st pancreas thingy was due to a bloke climbing onto the buildings roof so they shut the services down for several hours?
you made the comparison. i agree, the knuckle dragers are the one promoting rule brittania by every bigoted means possible.