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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. That Brexit will ultimately be a compromise should not be a surprise to anyone.
  2. Compromise?

    Can you broadly outline what the "compromise" will be?
  3. There are 3 options

    every option bar 1, leaves the u.k. in a worse deal than it has at the moment
    remain is better than any of the other options bar 1 but will never be allowed because of democracy
    a clean break as was voted for, is the only one that matches the vote

    in it's simplest terms, if any of the compromise options are forced onto the british people, you will still have two sides anti that agreement and the euro question will never go away
  4. I'm not convinced that's a clear enough message for all the uneducated voters though, perhaps some of the words used were too long?

    You know, words such as;


    I mean, surely they didn't realise the poor souls :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. It wont't be No Deal/WTO & it won't be Remain. Best described as Remaining as much as possible whilst Leaving. Though I have heard it said that is more akin to Leaving as much as possible whilst Remaining.
  6. If you are a bit in the EU, you are in the EU. A little bit or a lot, you are in. If you are out of the EU, you are not leaving some part of your legislature, your judiciary, your sovereignty in the EU. You are out.

    You aren't a little pregnant, you're pregnant or you aren't. If you are treating an infection, and require a complete course of antibiotics, it is not a "compromise" to be given some fraction of the whole course you need. If you have suffered a shark attack, you suffered a shark attack, even if the shark has only managed to take a little toe off of you rather than eaten you alive.

    In or out of the EU is binary. If you are a little bit in ... yes, you are in the EU. The people who voted out, and the people who voted Tory on a manifesto of being out, want to be out of the EU. The choice on the Ref ballot was in or out. The Tory manifesto promised all the way out (look it up).

    Why anyone would struggle with this, I have no idea. Unless it is for selfish reasons (or due to inability to reason).
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. That's a bit like claiming to be a vegan whilst ignoring you eat tuna on toast
  8. Oi!

    I was using that one next, you rotter!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. You can claim that the information given by Leave was binary, and convince yourself of it if you like. To avoid disapointment, just make certain you don't ever research it.

    You claim, purely for example, that being part of EFTA is being in the EU. Others do not agree. In a world of colours its odd that you are unable to see any except black & white.

    Since the referendum support for Leaving the EU has diminished steadily. Remain is now at least 6% ahead and increasing. The longer this takes to resolve the less support Leave is likely to have based on the last 18months and all the other varied EU national referendums.

    But all of this is beside the point. For the issue to be resolved a solution where most people are accomodated is necessary. As long as most people are content, the issue will be settled regardless.
  10. You are wrong :bucktooth: but are welcome to keep peddling your pish, while our MP’s do the same, acting against a clear result, your lot will create future damage to our country, well done but don’t be proud about it :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Yeah. Please quote polls at me, I love polls. (Unbelievable!)

    I don't need to research what other people think is "Leaving" to come up with my opinion on the matter. Why would I?

    I see all the colours, trust me. But whilst you are pointing at the "pretty blue bullets" and the "pretty green bullets", etc, trust me to be the one dodging the lot of them, regardless of their colour.
    Of course I see that there are various degrees of "Leave" or "Remain". Arguing that I don't is dishonest, disingenuous and lazy. The fact is, I just don't care, they are a distinction without an important difference. To compromise on what I consider to be a binary issue is to be ignorant of what "compromise" means and what "binary" means. It is definitely and unambiguously to be ignorant of what being part of the EU means.

    Do you think, for one minute, that an "accommodation" will be reached? If that were possible, we would never have seen an EU Referendum. The 2016 ballet took place because Parliament couldn't make the impossible compromise and couldn't make the issue "go away". (It also happened because Remain believed they would easily win). The idea that there is a middle ground between being a sovereign nation and being in the EU (to whatever extent) is, well, if i am being charitable, naive.

    And of course, I reserve the right both to call folks "Stupid" for Remaining (to whatever degree) within the EU. And also the right to say, "I told you so" when the inserted digit of the EU in UK politics ends up with "every closer union" as a result.
  12. Funboy is here lurking :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. hello.
    yip, yer keeping me amused.
  14. That’s why I am here :kissing_heart:
    Also watching for undemocratic bigots, we are on the same side dude (apart from supporting the EU council shits) :bucktooth:
  15. Yes there will be a compromise reached. You might be outside of the majority who find a compromise.

    A very important part of and significant reason why the referendum happened was an effort to stop the Tory Party splitting & because many thought there was a chance to achieve full separation (for good or ill reasons) from the EU. There is not the support to achieve this separation, and the Tories viewing their party splitting now are themselves back pedalling as fast as they can, including the ERG leader. Though I understand he is now known as a "Wizard".

    I'm curious about one thing though.
    When making suggestions and putting forth opinions on a public forum I'm not surprised to be quizzed politely.
  16. the undemocratic bigots? are they still down there, blowing their flutes and banging on the big drum?
  17. I kind of meant based on where we are now, so let’s say extension to Eu membership to allow U.K. to have a GE, no change in leaders.
  18. Leave with WTO has more backing than any other option.
    Put a fererendum out for the 10 options last week and WTO leave would win hands down against me hem all. MP’s know this, this forum poll shows it, you know it but your still crying about the ref result.
    Time to disclose if you have any selfish reasons perhaps? Like 90% of remoaners have on here: over to you :yum
    • Funny Funny x 2

  19. You forget there was a desire in the country also, we had a once in a lifetime chance and we took it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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