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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Alan there will be a change in Tory leader. The will not demand a GE or a second referendum, they would probably agree to the request for sufficient time to do one or other - perhaps both.
  2. They are everywhere :eyes:
  3. I don't accept that WTO is the most popular choice anywhere outside of this forum.
    Selfish reasons? None, I just believe in the best for the country and the people. If you are correct I must be in the 10% group.
  4. Fair enough.
  5. Just read all the previous posts, you can see for yourself...
    You know better than anyone else? But think a soft pretend Brexit is good? You’re wrong, clearly... :)
  6. We surely can accept that there were many views on what Leave & Remain meant? I have no wish to look up a dozen quotes and youtube clips that contradict any claim that a Leave vote was strictly for WTO, made by Leave Leaders.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. whats your selfless reason for screwing the Scottish economy which is predicted to take the biggest hit and cause our population numbers to decline. exe?
  8. Won't be the first time that sort of thing has happened to me.

    It is possible to conclude that the 2016 Ref was merely an internal marketing exercise for the Conservative Party that has gotten somewhat out of hand. In fact, I am fairly certain that that was all it was ever meant to be. However, the internal dispute escaped the confines of CCHQ and got out into the wide world. The electorate seized upon it and the original purpose of the Ref was thereby rendered moot. What you might call, a democratic accident. A bit like a nuclear power-station accident.

    Brexit is no longer wholly owned by the Tories, or Labour, or any political party in the UK. Parliament is doing all it can to reclaim it, box it up and keep it hidden away from the electorate's prying eyes. If they succeed in this, things in the UK will start going very wrong. If Parliament fails the attempt, the UK may recover.

    You are on the polite end of the scale, I will say. That won't save you though : o )
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I know that in a room with ten guys arguing where there are four on either side, one asleep and one who changes his mind, there will not be peace until at least six are happy (idealy seven). Regardless of whether the solution is the "best" one or not.
  10. Noobs, we've been dancing around semantics about what Brexiteers voted for for 1500 pages. I agree with you that Brexiteers weren't particularly listening to any promises fed by BJ and the like but just wanted out, a clean break. If they got a deal fair enough but if not then leave means leave ( where have I heard that before). Now then my question is how do you persuade / convince all those mealy mouthed remain politicians that people knew what they were voting for and that none of us are scared of a no deal Brexit.

    Jez, I see that you are telling us that the remain vote is now ahead by 6%. I'd be interested to know where that statistic came from as no one on this forum nor any of the circle I mix with have changed their minds, in fact they are more entrenched than ever to get out as a result of Barnier, Tusk and Junkers antics.

    Looking forward to your early reply I remain your humble servant

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    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  11. Perhaps the leave or remain vote was more honest and forward thinking than the remainers will admit?

    Up until now the eu has been right on one thing, you, the houses of parliament, keep telling us what you do not want, we need to hear what you do want

    Even with 8 indicative votes, the mp's said Non to all of them, not a single one passed.

    Perhaps knowing this was to be the case and that every option under the spectrum has been refused, the honesty of a yes no vote by the people has always been the best and most honest answer without the need for 3 years of gum flappin.
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  12. Fin, will scotland give a fuck about england should you leave the uk and install a hard border?
  13. [​IMG]
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  14. I don't think you can convince them no deal is the only option, too many have to many fingers in too many pies of multinationals.

    I suspect as grieve is finding out, many who feel let down by their mp will join their local constituency party and then turf out those mp's who forgot who they work for.

    The down side to this will be that mp's selected will be more like car salesman or entertainers than people of content. sadly those in the houses at the moment will have brought this upon themselves because when you start overturning democratic peoples majority votes, then democracy becomes just down to the noisest and not the ones with the most votes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Heres a link to an article that is one of dozens that pop up. I don't know anything about the author.
    The polls (probably 90%+) show the same results. YouGov Ipsos MORI Elect Now etc are only polls, and they get things wrong. What it says to me is that there is no clear majority to Remain or Leave. So a compromise must be found, so everyone gets something,
    #29935 Jez900ie, Mar 31, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
  16. Just found this in my PC files.......


    Odd that I painted it in July 2013 just for the hell of it.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. There are times when I think Scotland is just not in favour of democracy.

    "We don't like the referendum result we want our own way it shouldn't apply to us"

    "We don't like the independence result we need another go at independence"

    If you get independence then another party will arise to become the official opposition to the SNP then there will be two lots of babies crying.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Post moved to the ever-loving Multistrada Forum.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. Which room is this? This room has 5.5 times more backing for WTO than anything else, so you can’t mean this one :thinkingface:
  20. I'm not in tune with this as I think apathy will trump activism.

    In any event your prediction is way too slow to have any impact on whats happening. There needs to be a plan to get no deal front and centre otherwise we may as well get prepared for disappointment.

    • Agree Agree x 1
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