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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. TBH this is such a big mess..I am not even sure on what side of the table TM sits....although she is in a very difficult situation where she has to please both Remain and Leave.
    I still believe this Brexit is a complete nonsense and a lose-lose situation for both UK and EU.
  2. I see where you are going with this and may I suggest you lay off the hippy crack, it makes your voice sound funny and may effect your driving.

    UKIP saw a rise in membership in regards to brexit. This was from some of the tories, some from labour and people who had never voted before under the banner of leave.

    After the vote was won, many ukip memberships lapsed when renewal time came. Many of those who were tory and labour returned to their favoured parties for every day purposes.

    You may try and claim that as a bluekip because it suits your purpose with a catchy echo chamber catchy phrase, but given a substantial amount of labour voters voted for brexit, should labour now be called labkip?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Mess definitely. Harmful certainly.

    Maybot sits on her own side, and always has. For two reasons:
    She is a sly arrogant witch.
    No one else will sit with her
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I really enjoy the incisive and analytical political debate here: it’s such a welcome change from the cant and name calling in the popular me-jar.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  5. You lost the referendum and have cried for nearly 3 years, absolutely meaningless and quite frankly a lil pathetic :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. It would be interesting in the honesty of the questions if there was a second vote. The more choices there are as we have seen in the indicative votes, just means even less people agree.

    Personally if one was had, I'd like to see
    Mays deal
    Leave wto/free trade

    The problem the house has, it asked us to vote and has now said no not that one, so they can't be trusted to carry out any vote other than remain
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Do you discount the damage that continued membership in the EU would have caused the UK (and which will affect the remaining members) or are you unaware of it?
  8. Splitting the leave vote :thinkingface: the cry-babies would love that :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Are you referring to the reverse Unicorns?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. i think if there is to be another vote it should be 'leave with no deal' or 'leave with the offered deal'
  11. WTF?

    I'll add those to the list. I was unaware of these, thanks!

    In answer to your question - no.
  12. I'd agree with that but for the fact that if Leave With No Deal won, it would not be acted upon.

    No, the risk that No Deal would win means it will never be offered as an option in a further referendum. May is crazy, not stupid.
  13. so we could have 'Leave with the offered deal' or 'carry on pontificating'
  14. It would be:

    Leave under the Withdrawal Deal
    Sacrifice your first-born to the Dark Lord (JC Druncker)
  15. Rarely (if ever) have I seen you attempt to answer or discuss something substantively. You name call. It’s all you have.

    You’ve done it twice on this page alone.
    #30055 1976dc, Apr 1, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  16. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 6
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    • Love You Love You x 1
  17. I'm not advocating a second vote exi, We should stick with the vote that was given and yet to be implemented

    I put those three because mays vote is the one unifying vote that everyone agrees is shite, that then leaves what really are the two main options, remain or leave under wto/free trade. I doubt my opinion on which one should the course of action will surprise anyone

    For now, I'm still asking my mp why after 3 years since giving them the plans and the let's go, why they haven't even started yet?
  18. Good so with your two requests granted; I have heard many want Remain added to the list so on that basis that should be added too?
  19. Glad to be able to help.

    In answer to your previous question, I have thought it over and decided: non & mais non. Discounts, what do you think this is, a carpet store?
  20. Sir, this is a McDonalds.
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