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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. That's funny Birdie, north of Scotland is full of English that have emigrated due to selling their 500grand 1 bed council flat darrn saaf and buying a 5 bed in Scotchland...true story.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. How many have sold their one-bed property in England to move to a one-bed property on Scotland?

    Hint: This question is a trap.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. a third of skye is resided by people originally from england.
    easy 1 in 3 of my customers are english. many more are looking to move here to escape brexit
    many of my customers used to be mainland EU citizens.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Cheers

    The link when you scroll down as far as Table 1: Population by region and place of birth, 2017

    they rather show what has been said before, when push comes to shove, it has not been the freedom of movement but peoples preference when they come here, where they want to go.

    this is a challenge for the snp government to make Scotland more appealing to migrants and not the fault of anyone else
  5. Slightly misleading, this one.

    Had the crim with the ankle-bracelet-that-beeps not voted, the tally would have been a draw.

    Cue the fiercely patriotic Bercow, the speaker himself, to the rescue ... to break the tie.
  6. seen that one fin. You have repated it in here more than the bbc has done with the two ronnies...although the two ronnies are far more entertaining most agree

  7. Oh the irony.


  8. You shouldn't expect anything less from the hard-brexiteers!

    If we were to start excluding criminal MPs, the amendment would have been won by a lot more than a single vote! :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. no you havent. max once, it was only released last week. some MP's where not happy a tall.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I think drinking moss water is addling your memory, you've shown that more than the kardashians has shown their nunu's
  11. She DID vote for it.
    Bercow MIGHT have voted for it.
    In an earlier vote he went for no,as he said protocol demands that.
    No guarantee that he wouldn't have changed his mind for this one,but as the convict voted for it,we shall never know.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. There simply isn't slightly-in, slightly-out compromise here, Jez. Honestly, there isn't. This is a political issue unlike any other.

    If the UK could be in a preferential-terms trade arrangement with the EU - tariff-free, easy movement of goods in and out, but without the Brexiteer sticking points - without freedom of movement of people, without taking rules from Brussels, without ceding control of our armed forces to the "EU Army", etc ... ie, all the advantages of being "in" the EU, none of the disadvantages ... I am sure Leavers would have gone for this. That is a "compromise", of sorts, albeit entirely in the UK's favour.

    That sort of compromise is impossible, no one sane would have expected it. Some horse-trading would be necessary, the UK would have to accept one or more of the "Brexiteer" sticking points I mentioned above in exchange for a beneficial trade deal.

    Unfortunately, the EU is unwilling to sacrifice ANY of their "red lines" - they have said as much themselves. Combine that with Brexiteers, who are unwilling to accept any of these red lines either, and you have the impossibility of compromise.

    Compromise is impossible though, for a more compelling reason. The goal of the EU is to retain the UK within their Project, or ensure te UK re-joins asap. The EU will not, cannot, compromise on this strategy, even if Brexiteers were willing to accept a part-in, part-out solution.

    And of course, there is the logical truth - if you are "partly" in the EU, you are *in* the EU. Brexiteers don't want to be in the EU.

    TL;DR - Allegory version - what is the compromise between being pregnant and not being pregnant - what is the middle ground?
  13. Heh. You numpty.

    If criminal MPs had all been excluded - HTF would there have been a vote?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. The Leave campaigners also weren't projecting leave with a crap deal, but a lot of leave voters are now saying have a deal, 6 million plus Remain voters signed a petition to revoke article 50, they're not up for a compromise.
  15. Be fair, she’s done her porridge and is now a fully rehabilitated ex-offender.

    Where else can she get a decent wage now that she’s been struck off as a barista and is known to be a lying scheming con-artist.

    Perhaps she should be the next PM?
    • Like Like x 2
  16. The customs union deals being mentioned only deals with the trade issues within N.I. it would still require a hard border by demand of the e.u. because it does not deal with the issue of people movement.
  17. The expectation of a decent trade deal that some Leavers had, showed that they understood that it was in the Trade interests of the EU to come to an arrangement with the UK. The trade numbers clearly showed this to be true.

    Those "optimistic" leavers clearly didn't know what the EU really is - unlike some of their more worldly and wise "realist" Leaver colleagues. The optimists, over the past two years, have had a crash course in EU Realities 101 and have had their eyes truly opened.

    Persuade me that, having had the education of the past two years or so, those formerly optimistic Leavers now want to Remain, rather than Leave on WTO terms.

  18. Not if she is still wearing a tag.

    I wonder what her tag curfew conditions are. Perhaps she broke her curfew by being in the House at the time of the votes.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. No, she is still doing her "porridge". Ankle tag, remember?

    PM is a strong possibility in the next fifteen years, I agree with that.
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