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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. aye, i thought his essay would get a rise from you. like i said, i dont necessary agree with the language, he tends to mirror yours in his generalizations tho he is always a tad more interesting to read with references to history and current affairs that i can relate to. i dont understand yer dislike for the label "British nationalist" you seem happy enough to throw the "nationalist" label around at anybody else as you see fit. and quite a few are happy to agree. its quite an obvious piece of hypocrisy dont you think?.
    but if majorities are all that matter, we are all "British nationalists" now.
    being labeled a "nationalist" aint so bad. its the form of nationalism that counts. the brexit leaders (and you) promote an ugly nationalism i dont like or can even begin to relate to. its the same leaders that have built and milked the policies of inequality that led to brexit in the first place.
    i think its fair that those that dont relate or condone "British nationalism" and the brexit its led to, and seeing as most supporters of Scottish civic nationalism are ex members/supporters of British party's that have attempted but failed to change the priorities and direction of the UK from within have the right to take the next legal path that's open to them. i personally think you should have your brexit, i think those that have different options should take them.
    btw, i don't if ever drink these days, and never when i am on here. its not the place it was.
  2. I think it's more you have created a british nationalist as your bogie man whilst yours is the only current party with national in its name. Most brits who are not "snp indi feed me, feed me now" don't see the nationalism you seem to have at your centre, most just see brits as brits or rarely even think of a need. In many ways the snp and their extreme supporters remind of that that vegan joke, how do you know if someone is a vegan? they will effin tell you.

    I'm sure at some points in my life I have been a hypocrite fin as we all have but in regards to being a brit, you seem to use it like something you know you are but don't like to admit, it's like you spend more time trying to convince yourself that you are not than anyone else

    Unless I have missed something fin, we have had scots being part of the uk for quite sometimes, it's not as though none have ever been involved in various guises in shaping this country too

    haven't you just described the uk's wish to leave the eu?
  3. aye. if thats your belief. its yours to have. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. I can’t recall there being one major infrastructure project being completed between 1999-2005.

    Since the SNP came to power there have been several, such as the Queensferry Crossing, Raith Interchange, progress on the A9, Borders Railway. I do recall Labour/LibDems handing back £2billion of Scottish tax payers money to further subsidise Westminster, while presiding over poverty, poor housing, etc.
  5. As an aside I wish people would learn the definition of the word condone. Nick Ferrari being one. Last week he kept saying “I don’t condone what the British soldiers did, but.........”

    And as soon as you say “but”, you are condoning what happened.


    • 1with object, often with negative Accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive)

      ‘the college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs’

  6. oooo 749er's back, hiya

  7. Been getting my house sale over the Line and then moving house, so been a bit busy.

    A lot has happened, or should have happened.

    We should have left the EU but due to Treason May incompetence and HoC not being able to agree on the colour of shite we haven’t. I expect those who voted to leave are furious and rightfully too.

    We should be out. Instead we are fannying about looking even more stupid and incompetent that we did before.

    But hey, you get the politicians you deserve and England voted Tory and the the Tories voted for Treason May. So you are just going to have to suck it up.

    Meanwhile, I have a big bag of popcorn
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  8. Why oh why oh why, couldn't we have voted Labour?

    We get the Government we deserve. Every time.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  9. Aberdeen bypass
    but credit due to the previous administration, they build 6 council houses.
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  10. Not everyone's cuppa tea but there was an article in the express yesterday in regards to the european army. I was from a speech at the 70th nato summit by the ex nato secretary general/former danish prime minister Fogh Rasmussen.

    Nato effectively is to stop another war in europe by protecting member states from Russia, particularly the european states, however he explains that once the U.K. leaves the eu, then 80% of the funding for Nato will not come from the eu or those same european countries demanding they be kept safe from the big Putin bear.

    He highlights how despite an agreement by all the nato countries in 2014, Germany and others, still are refusing to pay their fair agreed share whilst at the same time becoming more dependent on Russia for oil and gas.

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  11. 6.00 minutes in to 7.20 if you don't have time to watch it all :eyes:
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  12. If you are on Twitter, following Veterans for Britain is a useful thing to do.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  13. Is that the same bloke who wrote for channel 4 dispatches and regular on question time?

    if he was a brexiteer, he changed his mind an awful long time ago but not as long ago as his favour for labour and lack of favour for the tories.

    The trouble with the open democracy article is that a simple check on his own twitter account contravenes much of his opinion in the article
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  14. If you read his twitter, he dislikes isreal, dislikes trump, likes labour, dislikes brexit, says the tories are captured by bigots, is no fan of jrm, talks about the cuban missile crisis, dunno, I'm not seeing a lot of I used to be a brexiteer in there
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. Like this you mean?

    • Funny Funny x 3
  16. His whole article is written as though Brexiteers are the enemy - with no more reference to his 'previous views' he's a cock, but Antonye loves him :bucktooth:

    *FACEPALM* :joy:
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