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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Must be time for Jez to pop back up soon :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. yip, the uk economy has benefit from an increased oil price while cutting costs and upping production. pity its due to run out in 5 months.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Look FFS.................I told you bloody lot immediately after the referendum that it was never going to happen - the nearest would be so watered down, it wouldn't have been worth doing it........

    So why are there over 1500 pages of it when I have given you all the reasons why?
    • WTF WTF x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Erm, it's fun o_O
  5. We know, we have been telling you the biggest growth market is outside the eu but had constant panto replies of OH NO IT ISN'T

    Of course but it also highlights why we were wise to not sign up for the full eu package including the euro and how by the U.K. acting independently, even if we have a clean break wto/free trade deal ,why would would recover far quicker than waiting for 27 other countries to bring the average up.

    The referendum was for the people, not business who have no loyalty to a country. As to the mp's, They know come the next election and possibly the euro mp's before it if we have to run, the two conventional parties will have 17.4 million people on the leave side to answer too and 16.1 million remainers asking questions too.
  6. your fucked then :joy:
  7. aye, i haven't heard that before ether.
  8. Oh I'm sure you have :D
  9. aye, mostly from brexiteers telling us how pish it would of been to be out the EU, 5years ago.
    funny old world init?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Even more so as brexit didn't happen till 2016
  11. i know, it only took em about 12 months to go public and do a U turn. then the next 12 months denying it, then the last three years doing.... what?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. And there it is, the lie I was looking for. I will ignore you entirely in future.

    No one, NO ONE, hears anything on James O'Brien's show except for the voice of James O'Brien. O'Brien does not let anyone speak on his show except for O'Brien and you, Sir, have been rumbled.

    You are another lying liar, Al!

    You never said ANYTHING about Brexit not going ahead! Not once! And Al isn't even your real name!

    Disgusted, of West Sussex
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. It’s not flawed. I am highlighting that they have many options
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  14. No one, NO ONE, hears anything on James O'Brien's show except for the voice of James O'Brien. O'Brien does not let anyone speak on his show except for O'Brien and you, Sir, have been rumbled.
    he tends to do his phone ins a favor and interjects to save their blushes, you know, when a tradesman phones in to bitch how busy he is and all them immigrants are driving down his/hers wages...
    uh huh.
  15. I agree with you. It’s no longer going to happen. I now wonder if Treason May has deliberately been running the good ship Brexit towards the rocks from the moment she became PM. For a long time she has said all the right things to keep those who want to leave happy, but her actions don’t back it up.

    I now think it won’t happen.

    She can’t get her party to back her
    She can’t get the opposition to back her
    No deal is about to be added to the statute books

    So in a few days time she will have “no option” but to revoke article 50.

    Towards the end of last year, I was convinced we were headed for a no deal Brexit and had it not been for that 1 vote majority on the Cooper Bill, that’s what would have happened. Many Brexit supporters here thought I was mad and that all the problems would be sorted out. Well I am not and they haven’t been.

    My initial thoughts were, and still are, Brexit is a bad idea, unless you are prepared to be a bit worse off in return for full autonomy. In which case it’s a good idea. Nothing wrong with that. Life isn’t and shouldn’t be all about money. I fully understand why a lot of my friends voted to leave. They did so with good intentions and with pride and belief. It’s not about money for me, it’s about how much simpler life is and that the EU is a strong anchor for social justice which stops the right wingers from turning us into the USA.

    Like Dominic Raab here

  16. I think there are some on here that have been saying something along those lines for a while now.

    Personally I think revoke article 50 and have a GE as soon as possible. That way people can vote to show how happy they are.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. The saddest part about this otherwise decent attempt at analysis - the weak argument that undermines a strong one, if you will - is that the EU somehow represents "a strong anchor for social justice which stops the right wingers from turning us into the USA".

    Give the Globalist forces behind the EU and the Democrats in the US a few years of absolute power ... you'll be crying for the good ol' days of Right Wing "corruption and greed". When corporatism has an iron-grip stranglehold on commerce, social policy, freedom of speech and thought, individuality and individual choice ... you'll positively pine for the old days.

    And that, Sir, is a guarantee. Enjoy your Utopian paradise. Or pray you don't live to see it.

    How is everyone today? Doing OK in the World's newest Banana Republic? (ObPedant: Banana Constitutional Monarchy)
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. yip, with its lack of a written constitution, that is how the UK is described.
    Give the Globalist forces behind the EU and the Democrats in the US a few years of absolute power ... you'll be crying for the good ol' days of Right Wing "corruption and greed". When corporatism has an iron-grip stranglehold on commerce, social policy, freedom of speech and thought, individuality and individual choice ... you'll positively pine for the old days.
    so insular. what makes you think the 500,000,000 people of the EU will let America or indeed give cart blanche to the english tory party to build the EU in their image?
  19. Point 1 -not sure what are you reffering to?
    Point 2 -a difficult one...if she was in the Remain side of the table the figure would be 99%, if the Leave side than she would make up the 5% on her own :) :) based on H x W x D
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