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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Amended for you
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  2. [​IMG]
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  3. No need to wait,I'm back now. Speaking of waiting, I'm still waiting for your reply showing the bus actually said the nhs will get the £350 million, given you ducked that yesterday and then came back with whataboutery, I presume you have no answer.

    Now, to your picture, assuming the picture is real then yes it says it there as part of the vote leave presentation. I would just for accuracy you understand, the first line of that story says Boris Johnson has said the NHS will get substantial extra funding after Brexit, and nowhere in the article does it mention the 350 million

    Now if you could answer for accuracy you understand , the bus question, I'm happy to await your answer
  4. I think we both know the sham of the snp's siezing powers argument fin, what they have always meant is, it is ok for the eu to have those powers, and if they come back to the U.K. government, okay to be passed to the scottish devolved government but anyone but the tories at westminster.

    When it comes to the snp challenging the eu about those very same powers being in eu hands, I'm reminded of the carpenters

  5. Not sure what is on that link el as all it keeps doing is spinning the loading circle then flicking the pages?

    It's okay now, adblock was stopping it.

    The title, the london economic is quite missleading given it is a left wing, corbyn supporting, remaining media source which does not openly declare that till you look at who they are

    It's a very odd headline
    A rationalist has destroyed Leave claims that exiting the EU means “taking back control” by listing all the EU laws that have been forced on us against our will.

    In regards to eu laws, the biggest wish was for us to make our own, not what we were being forced to accept by the eu. I have no doubt a few have said that but the general majority wish on having U.K. specific laws for the U.K. so a slightly missleading headline by a hard lefty claiming to be a rationalist :D

    Still,an entertaining read never the less
    #31246 noobie, Apr 10, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2019
  6. [​IMG]

    FFS sake @noobie it is clear as day .... it says "instead" of one, lets do the other. "Instead" ... in place of, rather than. Comprende?

    I despair at your convoluted attempts to twist language, facts and reality.

    Same as this last time ...

    You are like the Ducati Forum’s own little Donald Trump


    PLEASE can we have some reality in this thread ... if not PLEASE kill it @El Toro.
    #31247 Dave, Apr 10, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. Perhaps if you strayed further into words other than a wetherspoons menu Dave, you might understand the wording.

    The bus wording had it said, let's spend that £350 million on the nhs instead then you would have a point but it did not. It's there as clear as day, your picture shows that. That is reality, it's just one you probably jumped in with two feet using it as anti brexit only to find it never said what you think it does.

    You may not like that level of accuracy but accurate it is.
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  8. Please help me understand the fine point of English grammar you are making ????
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. You say, the bus said they would spend the £350 million on the nhs, as clear as day, it doesn't. I hope that helps
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. Ah so given that "we" already fund the NHS without the £350m a week we will be saving, what are the leavers going to do with this weekly windfall?

    Because I (and millions of others including the people that voted to leave) must have missed that
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Doublespeak @noobie ...


    ... I’m a reasonable Man and was happy to give you the benefit of the doubt but I’m now 100% certain that you are deliberately twisting the truth. Doublespeak is dishonest, dangerous and ultimately evil. You, your type and your language help create an environment in which extremism is normalised, and racism is legitimised.
    33F0B651-0A2B-49BD-B74E-FE63A2B4E044.jpeg 59B7FA1A-3B25-402A-92C4-4757687C1DBA.jpeg F5344116-174F-46C0-A624-8FE3E3ACBEDC.jpeg

    One shouldn’t feed trolls so I won’t give you and your nasty views oxygen any more.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. As soon as we are able to leave I'm sure we will find out el, at the moment and for the last 3 years, the remainers have been trying to stop us using any of the eu funding as extra money for the nhs.

    When they stop trying to stop brexit, we might have a clearer idea. I wonder, could you give those millions a nudge and ask them to stop playing silly buggers so we can increase the nhs spend? cheers
    #31253 noobie, Apr 10, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2019
  13. It's hardly double speak if you have trouble understanding single speak.

    Where on that bus does it say, just for accuracy you understand, where does it actually say £350 million eu money will be spent on the nhs, happy for you to copy and paste. You know it does not say that, it suggests extra money will be available for the nhs but never the amount.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  14. It does not suggest that in the slightest. It suggests it will all go to the NHS. Or at least that's how your chinless wonders put it across to kid you all into voting to leave.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. perhaps we could of used the millions spent on the project fear leaflet drop on the NHS instead?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. the slogan re the 350 million on the side of a bus merely suggests we could spend it that way rather than we will spend it that way.

    Its not like saying god knows how many times, "we will be leaving the European Union on March 29th" that has no element of doubt in it...........er
    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Mate,please do us a favour and stop accusing others of being kidded or anything else.
    You don’t know what other people thought that convinced them to vote leave-you only know why you voted to remain.
    So why don’t you tell us that? What exactly are the reasons you voted to remain,why do you think the EU is good value for the membership fee,why you think that the trade imbalance/EU tariffs/loss of UK sovereignty etc etc are either good for you personally or why you think millions of others should swallow their disadvantage because you benefit?
    Also,I wouldn’t mind knowing why you consider democracy unimportant?
    If you say referenda are not valid etc,why did the government hold one to try and legalise entry in 1976?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. Then I put the same challenge to you el that I put to Dave, please show me where it says we will spend that £350 million a week on the nhs? You can't because it is not there

    using Daves own picture please show me where?


    I'll type it, incase some have picture cataracts

    We send the eu £350 million a week let's fund our nhs instead. Absolutely nowhere does it say, let's spend that £350 million a week on the nhs, nowhere. Sorry gents but you're quite wrong even when your own submitted picture displays it quite honestly
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  19. To answer the question, that was never asked of me specifically, of the text on the side of the bus: it was purposefully written to be ambiguous. PURPOSEFULLY.

    The intention was that the layman would infer that the NHS would be getting £350m extra per week, but that the Leave campaign could quite easily dismiss this as "we never said that!" as spoken by Chief Gammon Farage himself the day after the referendum. And so it came to pass that it worked.

    Other tactics of Leave included calling into question the views of experts, dismissing them as "Project Fear". It's almost like calling a photograph of Boris Johnson (or Liam Fox, or indeed both at the same time) in front of the same text "photoshop" to plant a seed of discredit in the viewer's mind.

    It's almost using the theoretical figure of £350m when quoting how much the UK pays for its membership of the EU, rather than the actual figure after rebates which is closer to £250m after rebates.

    And yet here you are, repeating the same bullshit tactic. Bait and switch. Promise but not deliver.

    Promise but not deliver; that would have been a much better Leave campaign slogan!

    And to surmise: You won, we lost, get over it.

    • Funny Funny x 1
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