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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Still not answering the question. I don't believe the EU is a garden of roses but the reality of what we are doing and the consequences of it are starting to hit home even with the Brexiteers.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. It really is very easy.

    Implementing Article 50 will trigger the two year negotiation for determining the new relationship with the EU and the terms of our departure. What that will look like will depend upon the outcome of those negotiations, something that is currently beyond our knowledge, because, although we have balls they are not crystal balls. We will however seek the best possible deal for the UK. It is in no one's interest, and particularly Germany's, to play hard ball.
  3. That's a veto from Germany then ;).
  4. well the english populace is not as gullable as some may imply,, ( no honest i mean that most sincerely ) but neither is it as clever as it my think,, it is not the EU which has dragged the British into their current economic / cultural mess but rather successive Westminster governments,, so when they , realising that there was a problem and perchance an opportunity to retaliate , did so against the EU whom they had been cadgoled into believing were at fault instead of their own establishmentarian government,,,,and subsequently Scotland after years of miss management by a government which they have never voted for are going to be dragged out of EU by again a government and policy which they did not vote for.......
    " for anyone who for one single second thinks .... etc ...... they can think again ",, N Sturgeon , 13.10.2016........... tak heed ye all....[/QUOTE]
  5. So you have no idea of the consequences then? And don't know what the future of this country may be? What if you were to lose your job?
    Germany is not as heavily reliant on U.K. Exports as some like to think. We are only third in their list of exports and only marginally ahead of the Netherlands.

    One big investor is today predicting the pound will fall below one dollar.
  6. In about 5 years time, we will all look back and wonder what all the fuss was about, in the same way decimilisation came in from shillings and thruppeny bits so it will be little more than a small part of our history

    The biggest thing that has worried me about this whole event is how some politicians have claimed to be promoting democracy but are really trying to take it away.

    Snp asks for a vote, the vote goes against them so they will try again

    Remainers lost so they try to go to court to over rule the public.

    Although there are many more incidences, these two alone have shown that for some politicians democracy and the rule of the democratic vote, is no longer important nor is the electorate so they must be ignored and have those rights taken away

    That worries me more than any thing else.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  7. Just as worrying is that politicians can tell as many lies as they want in a referendum campaign and then say they didn't actually mean that once they have fooled enough people.

    Btw the court campaign isn't about overturning the vote, it's about ensuring any decisions are made after debating in Parliament and that MPs are given a say rather than allowing an autocratic PM and a few cabinet members make the decisions for them without reference or Parliament approval.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Politicians have always told lies, it is their job. perhaps a bit strong but lets say embelish their point of view but the responsibility is down to us to sort the wheat from the chaffe and then take the responsibility before we vote

    Btw the court campaign isn't about overturning the vote, it's about ensuring any decisions are made after debating in Parliament and that MPs are given a say rather than allowing an autocratic PM and a few cabinet members make the decisions for them without reference or Parliament approval.

    Then you are deluded duke. They say they do not want May (the prime minister who's party was elected by a majority only recently and had it in their manifesto) to do what the electorate voted for because it would be undemocratic for parliament would not have a vote. Parliament was never meant to have a vote, the people were and then the peoples wishes were meant to be acted on by the mp's and not have the peoples votes challenged in court.

    That is what they are doing. The tories had it in their manifesto, it was clear if it was voted yes then they were obligated to carry those wishes out

    The remoaners, those challenging it in court, your stance, is similar to Corbyn's on the nuclear submarines. You want the impression that we have subs but don't want to have nukes on them so you can give the impression of freedom but all along usurp it.

    When m.p's challenge a legal vote by a backdoor, that means yes, they are seeking to remove democracy. When politicians can stop a legally applied majority democratic vote then yes m.p's then realise they can challenge every single member of the public vote no matter even if it is the majority.
    #3248 noobie, Oct 14, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
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  9. 65624475.jpg
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  10. Definite possibility. Brilliant. Bet signs in the workshop say 'up to 50% off for returning customers' too ;)
  11. Didnt need to read it. The headlne was enough for a laugh. This lot (SNP) aren't behind the Circuit of Wales too, are they?
  12. You need to read up about what the court case is actually about. Its about ensuring Parliament has a full debate and say on the way this Country moves forward.

    To allow an autocratic PM and her millionaire cabinet decide on their own is not only undemocratic but a recipe for disaster and could potentially split her own Party.

    The only votes cast at the referendum were about whether the country should stay in the EU or not. It asked nothing about the way forward after that. The PM has no mandate of her own to do as she pleases.

    Brexit case 'of fundamental constitutional importance' - BBC News
  13. But of course in Unionist Britain it’s only the losing side in a referendum that has to comply with any promises made during the campaign, the winners get a carte blanche and can do exactly as they please, up to and including ripping up all the vows that they made in order to win. It’s a peculiar perversion of democracy, but it’s Great British democracy and we’re ordered to respect it.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I'm still waiting to see where the £350 million per week will be spent......though of course its worth a shit load less than that now in World terms.:grinning:

    See that American investor reckons we could see £1 = $1 with a hard Brexit and Scotland leaving the Union.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. He may well be right, but equally as an 'investor', especially American, he's not what you'd call a neutral when it comes to putting suggestions out there that parity between the $ and £ will happen.

    In fact I'd say that'd play straight in to his hands.
    #3256 damodici, Oct 14, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  16. Wonder what the Scottish pound will be worth?! 5 sprouts and a carrot?
  17. I don't suppose the fact they were voted in to do the job has any mention in your assumption? Although I can see your position has a definate repetitive direction

    The tories had the vote in their manifesto, they were voted in by a majority to govern. You only want them to govern on the bits you approve of

    The vote said we leave, it's the government of the day to carry out that role. You again demand they do not have the right to govern unless it is the bits you approve of

    You still do not see the irony of your argument

    The only votes cast at the referendum were about whether the country should stay in the EU or not. It asked nothing about the way forward after that. The PM has no mandate of her own to do as she pleases.

    And yet even the remainers still voted, I have to ask why when they had the poor argument you have put forward, surely the remainers could have simply not voted claiming it doesn't matter what the vote says as she has no mandate ( she did, it was in the manifesto and vote question)

    So why did you vote if you thought she had no mandate?

    Because you thought you would win, and if you had then you would have accepted that a stay vote with no mandate would have been okay

    The proof is in the pudding, remainers lost the vote and now they are weeping like spoilt children and trying to find anyway to spoil it but they are basically so blinkered they do now see the irony.

    If no agreement is reached within the two years, then all agreements are cut, they simply cease, and then there is nothing you can do at all about any agreement because it will be simply down to the appointed government of the day to govern and make their own rules, The exact same thing you say you are trying to stop

    What the court case is doing is accepting that a team have been voted in to manage but then told they cannot manage unless every micro decision goes through a process we do not ask them to do in the normal every day business.

    On that, you refuse the elected government of the day is not allowed to govern and the majority of the country who voted have voted but you refuse that too. Kid yourself different, but that is what it is. remainers trying to sabotage brexit because they lost and do not like demoracy
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Governments are elected to govern through and with Parliament.

    All that bollocks about being a PM for all the people is already looking very shaky.

    I bet she doesn't last two years from March.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Yip Finm, your still shit at politics, don't get involved bud :Smuggrin:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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