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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Me, the driving force behind the independence movement? I'm flattered. But I think you're being too generous. I'm sure I'm really not that important. Still I'll keep doing my best if it helps.
    By the way, how's that independence thing going? Sorted out the currency question yet, or your balance of payments deficit which post-independence will be the worst in the western world or how you're going to persuade Spain and several other EU states not to veto your membership of he EU? In fact all the things that made you lose the last referendum.
  2. Sssshhhhhh, Gimlet.

  3. no no,, not you personally , but you attitude certainly is .
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  4. I really don't think he will, he's soooo shit at politics :Finger:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  5. In the Jocks defence I think you'll find that should they vote for indepenence this time or the next or next until that dwarf with the biggest chip on her shoulder gives up, the Scottish deficit would be slightly less than Greece. That said I'd sooner go to Athens than Arbroath.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Faced with Angry Voters, the Elites Sour on Democracy | Mises Wire
  7. yip, isnt that the whole point? offer a vision and champion your support? or create division and follow the result over a cliff?
    how can you guys possibly have a clue what our government( spending unit) are up to when i am interested yet still i have to dig deep to get any accurate and verifiable information?
    Referendums or any contract for that matter, if you dont honer the terms of the contract, the contracts null and void. look to Westminster for the problems around both indi and brexit. whats their plan B let alone plan A?. the way i see it, it's some of you that cant except the results of the referendums. and why this just isnt gonna go away.
    if your not interested dont look,(no need for a fight), but you guys could save your self a lot stress if you just read these two articles top to bottom. maybe after that we can move on. quick, easy. but pretty much sums it up.
    this should take care of the 15bill deficit (we have no deficit)
    Wings Over Scotland | Exploring the options
    this should take care of the mythical powers.
    The most powerful devolved parliament in the world. So that’s OK then. « Wee Ginger Dug
    you will note despite them being dedicated pro indi/EU sites the comments although at times angry and a bit repetitive dont come close to the ignorance/ rage and bile expressed in some of the daily's.not least the headline. a lot more should be done to call out the pish you see in there. the worlds looking quite closely at the mo.
  8. :Stop:.......:Finger:
  9. are you trying to silence me exe? aint happening:Stop:.......... :Finger:. :smileys:
  10. No! Just reminding you politics, not for you, with fewer words :Bucktooth:
  11. Whilst you have political parties running every country with free elections, you will never have true democracy because they will always put themselves and their Party before the voters.

    Equally i live in an area where my vote will never make a difference as the same Party will always win this seat because so many people will only ever vote one way regardless of what anyone says.

    Can it be healthy for our Nation to be run by elites who have no idea of how ordinary people have to live their lives, how hard so many have to work whilst so many do very little. Something like 3/4 of the current cabinet and ministers are millionaires.
  12. yip but i get another chance to grumble, you get another chance to advertise. win win. :upyeah:
  13. Ah you'v noticed that then? And you think being ruled by the unelected Commissars of the EU is an improvement. The mind boggles.
  14. So you know how corrupt our system is but still turn it round to blame the EU. The mind boggles.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. No that isn't what I did. I acknowledge that our system of government is dominated by an elite of professional politicians, technocrats and media manipulators who are motivated by vested interests. The point is the EU is even worse. It commits all the same offences but turned up to eleven and without the check of representative democracy. Which we still have, albeit flawed. But if we accept that our system is flawed, why would any sane person willingly replace it with something that is not only many times worse in exactly the same areas but has been designed specifically to be impervious to democratic reform?
    #3318 Gimlet, Oct 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2016
  16. Our system is identical in every way. We had an opportunity to change the way votes were counted in this Country a few years ago but both main parties ensured it didn't happen to protect themselves. A last kick in the balls for democracy.

    I would much rather have the opportunity to view and visit the whole world as i wish without Governments telling me I can't go there which is the way we are heading and very quickly too The world is becoming very insular and inward looking which is leading to mistrust, lies and probably wars on much larger scales. That can never be good for anyone.

    Its what we view as freedom i guess. I don't believe you will ever change what you really want to change by a vote in a ballot box. Its just a scam to make you think you live in a democracy so you can be controlled in the way the elites wish. I don't think I have ever voted in a marginal seat so you could argue my vote has never counted for jack shit.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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