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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. It is simple economics and power greed that will see the European project collapse and I forsee just like project fear, the remoaners will go quiet on that too.

    When it started as the EEC it was genuinely a project most people, not all, got behind. A group of countries with a similar financial basis and funds who did enough business with each other that a trade agreement made sense.

    As usual with with Humans, (particularly the Germans in Europe) someone wanted to control it and then the bureaucracy kicked in. An organisation tried to create a united states of Europe so took in more and more countries that should never have been let in. A comparison is giving someone who is bankrupt a new credit card.

    It was at this point the see saw rather than finely balanced, started to go down on one side with countries who were taking more out than they put in. The EU knew this but turned a blind eye because the union was getting bigger. It's that sort of economics that will see it sink.

    Even now, they appear to be more intent on punishing us for leaving than being honest about how it is run causing us to leave and the financial bust that is soon to come to Europe.

    You cannot build a working empire that will last on the majority taking out and not putting in, simple economics.
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  2. Why is the UK so different? Plenty take out more than they put in.

    Plenty get wealthier at the expense of others.

    Plenty of companies ensure that they profit at the expense of others.

    All those are as true of the UK as Europe. More so in many cases due to our past Class system.

    The idea of the European Union is to ensure Europe prospers as a whole entity in the world.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  3. Which sounds all super lovely, till you then look at Greece where the EU acted like Wonga
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  4. It isn't delivering it though, is it ?

    The EU is getting left behind the rest of the world.

    Have you ever asked yourself why ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Oooh ooh! I know I know!

    Is it because of *The Tories*?
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. If I may Duke, put up a link from The Telegraph that was published in Jan of this year and the article shows a financial bar chart from 2013 who puts in and what do they take out, it's about half way down the page.

    What it shows is that out of the 28 countries, only 9 put in more than they get out. A good example Is Poland who put in 4.21 Billion euros but took out 16.1 Billion Euros.

    Now, ignoring the whole brexit/remain campaign, No organisation can survive when 19 out of 28 partners are taking out more than they put in and some of them are taking out huge differences.

    EU Facts: how much does Britain pay to the EU budget? - Telegraph
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  7. Of course they can if the 9 put in more than the other 19 take out. Looking at that graph Germany is putting in about 17 billion more than it takes out, France about 10 billion, UK about 10 billion...looks like that more than covers what the others take out. Hard to tell though with such a basic graph.

    And if we want to talk about numbers, how about the fact the UK government spends £100 billion more each year than it brings in? Surely that should mean we cannot survive long either?
  8. Yet you, and others, complain about "austerity", or should that be "Tory (hack, cough and spit) austerity".
  9. You have been asked this before more than once but choose to ignore it, then continue with your drivel :)
    Lets try again:

    Ford moved the Transit production from the UK with EU money to Turkey. The EU then gave Ford special rights of free vehicle trade with Turkey selling Transits back to Europe.

    Please explain, if you cannot then what is the point of you commenting further on this thread - at least Finm is just having a laugh and knows he is shit at politics :Finger:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. poland export about half of their population,, who are then used to prop up the economies of many others.
  11. The austerity partly caused because the richest don't pay their fair share of tax (or any at all in many cases)
  12. im not actually exe, what i see mostly on this thread is me me me tory boys, banging their fists while typing that cant see any further than a balance sheet. countries dont work that way. spread the wealth. all interdependent. less social stress that way. how can you put a price on that?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. " tory austerity " as you correctly call it maybe created by them but it is not upon them, tho it may well effect many who think they are in some way tories and give them their vote, instead it falls on the poor ,, who are getting poorer under the so called "austerity ,all in it together " crap ( which obv many still believe ) whilst the real tories get richer...
  14. You keep banging on about this. Its not as straight forward as you might believe but if you want a bit of light reading here it is.

    There are quotas and I think you will find that the Transits are just assembled from parts made within the EU.

    ECPIT2000 - EC preferences: imports from Turkey - HMRC internal manual - GOV.UK
  15. doh, that looks a bit to raj. should of put a wee smiley at the end there. :smileys:
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  16. You can see the contradiction duke, on one hand you say it's okay for the 9 (richest) to pay and the other 19 (poorest) to take out more than they put in, then you counter that with the rich don't pay their way

    In the case of the EU, your two opposite opinions show and that is why people ask you to clarify.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. anything like this union of counrties it will be the poor of that 9
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. I said answer the question as to 'why' considering your statement attached to my comments??? Thanks for Googling and also adding an incorrect statement too. I know of many tooling items being shipped to Turkey for part manufacture, most value add is in the assembly and lots and lots of labour too ;) Thanks for the unnecessary Google though - answer the question will you as your statement suggests this is anti EU Establishment :p or calm down your misconstrued love of the failed EU programme :D
  19. Are we there yet?
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 3
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