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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I can help here.

    Leaving the EU (properly) is not the wrong thing to do and thus it will be not be possible to admit we were wrong to do so.

    So pleased to have been given the opportunity to assist here.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Well thank you.

    But, try to imagine that the U.K. has left the Eu and it has later proved to be a bad thing to do - I’m not sure how, let’s say all the Eu countries are flourishing and the U.K. isn’t.

    Then would you admit you were wrong ?

    While we’re here and for fairness.

    If the U.K. flourished and the Eu countries didn’t would you admit you were right ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. If the UK failed to flourish and the EU was successful, and the quality of Brexit was such that there was no suggestion that the UK had been stitched up (as would have happened with the Withdrawal Agreement), I would still not consider leaving the EU as a mistake.

    Same as for if we left the EU and were invaded by Space Vampires - not a mistake. Or if we all turned into Jelly Babies. Or any number of Dr Who scenarios.
    • Useful Useful x 1

  4. What if.....

    B*gger it I give up. You win.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. So no answer to your own question back at you then? :thinkingface: Interesting.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. My conclusion is people that voted leave need to explain themselves and apologise if things ‘go wrong’. People that voted remain are right. :)

    Why do I keep thinking about the film Matilda and the father explaining why he’s right to Matilda.

    • Love You Love You x 2
  7. The questions fall into remainer territory of still leaving with a deal, rather than leaving the eu.

    If we we leave the eu as a clean break then we have already been successful as Loz pointed out. Everything after that is in our own hands
  8. What have you been reading?
    I admit to only dipping into this thread now and again,but I haven't seen any hysterical Brexiteer prophesies,(I do have an extensive ignore list),but there is quite a bit of remoaner fortune telling,all bad news of course.
    Thing is this,NO ONE,Brexiteer,Remoaner, or otherwise,can predict what is in the future.ANYONE who claims to foretell the future is a bloody liar,just like the many and various Gipsy Rose Lees.
    But we can LEARN from past experience,and the majority who could be arsed to vote (17.4 million) have learned being members of the EU is not positive and they do not want any more thank you very much.
    Now,you might be one of those who doesn't care much for those 17.4 milion,(who could be arsed to vote)...you might be someone who feels enriched by EU membership and think whatever the shortcomings of the EU it is worth it, or (god forbid) you just don't give a shit about anyone else except you and your family,school,whatever.
    And as a result you might want to dismiss 17.4 million peoples collective 40+ years of experience on the basis that they were too dumb to realise what was happening to them,they should be lucky their wages only went down by so much/they still have Lidls/blah blah blah...don't be shy if you are one of those,there are plenty on here who feel that way so no need to stay in the closet.
    But having said all that,(because no one can predict the future),the difference between a Brexiteer and a Remoaner is just a difference in hope...the leavers hope that things will be better in the future when we leave,remoaners hope that it will stay the same or we'll stay,(and if we leave that things will be so bad the country has to go grovelling back to the EU and ask to join again).
    So far every prediction by the remoaning media,political scum,BoE chairman etc etc has proven to be totally,spectacularly wrong)....(which begs the question why the hell are these incompetents given so much respect/paid so much when everything that comes out of their trap is bloody nonsense?).
    Now,(pardon me if I'm wrong),but your posts mark you out as a remoaner.Not the most embittered,selfish and arrogant on here,but a remoaner nonetheless.
    And as such,when I see your insinuation that Brexiteers have been slow in coming forward with predictions,(and so they should be,as any prediction would be an outright lie),but at the same time wanting everyone to ignore that asking a remoaner to say what is so good about EU membership will only result in a deathly silence,makes me wonder whether you have been reading Saul Alinsky.
    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions"
    "Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt"

    No one cares whether you like being in the EU mate,that ship has sailed.You have had 40+ years of membership,others have suffered it,it should be their turn to have a nice life.
    Oh and by the way,I have never given two hoots whether Scotland is part of the United kingdom,and given the chance would vote for your independence.(You lost that one as well didn't you? oh well never mind).
    The Irish and Northern Irish will no doubt get their chance at reunification one day,but it will be up to them,not the Scots,the English or anyone else.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. :D
    teehee. angry man is in to deep.
  10. That wasn't a cut and paste like what yours are o_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. obviusly. it was full of shit
    • Crap Crap x 1
  12. Get home, it's the weekend :p
  13. ok, crap then.
    yip, heading soon, just counting up me wonga. and deciding which bike to use. man, its no easy.

  14. Here is a prediction for you, we won’t be better off for the simple reason that prosperity comes from the ease of doing business. We just made it harder and more expensive. when we eventually get trade deals sorted they will be less favourable. So again more expensive.

    I suppose trashing Sterling has helped in some respects but in terms of goods we import, like our nice Ducati’s, they just got.......yes, again, more expensive

    Your illustrious leader in waiting
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. Here's a prediction: due to the huge trade deficit with the EU we will be OK, unless the EU wishes to punish us and in turn punish it's own members more - if the latter do you really wish to be part of such a regime, it's beyond me why people succumb to being bullied by the EU council and it's aspirations of total control :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. Earth to you

    They can buy everything we make elsewhere

    Irish whiskey instead of Scottish whisky

    English exceptionalism has a lot of plus points to it, but this arrogance, this is English exceptionalism at its absolute worst

    And come November. I will still be taking delivery of a German car, because it’s depreciation which determines the cost of my lease not the purchase price
    #34856 749er, Jul 12, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Are you real? We buy 50% more off them than they buy off us THINK ABOUT THAT - you are so blinkered!!! no wonder the country is fooked!!!!!! :rolleyes: have a sit in with your mates about it :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. what they lose will be split by the remaining 440,000,000 people. and we will still buy their products, at least for a while. i guess they will be saying. bugger. but, hay ho. onward.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Why modify/add to a post that I have already replied to - just do another post :thinkingface:
  20. Shut it fool :p we are the equivalent spending power of 20 of the other 27 nations and 1000 times more than you lot :joy:
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