What it will mean is that May, or whoever; will get concessions from the EU over some points like borders and immigration; but Article 50 won't be triggered, so we will stay 'In'. Since when did a UK Government undo something a previous UK Government put in place?
If May loses the appeal I would think there is a big chance of a General Election and I suspect the next Parliament would be a coalition.
I'm not so sure. The tories have a majority in the house, many labour politicians are cacking their pants as some of the strongest vote out's were from Labour mp areas and if a general election took place, it is widely acknowledged that labour would get slaughtered and would give the tories an even bigger majority. The SNP would lose quite a few of their mp's as the Scottish people are now being made aware of the recent "Audit Scotland report" This is little more than a lost battle in a very big war. It will go ahead and in time of that I'm pretty sure.
Reports | Audit Scotland The health sector in particular makes interesting reading given how long the snp have been in charge
cool cool i will give it a flicker later does it look at how the targets have risen considerably since 2007 no mention of the satisfaction rates in the snhs has risen from 40%? to 90% in 10years look at the comparable figure from nhs England compared to Scotland take into account of the budget cuts since 2008.the way barrnet works and with the cuts in England effectively a 10%cut in nhs spending but has been protected to less than 1%. why was rooth the mooth using english nhs stats 3 weeks ago at fmq's and caught out later that day? (she does that a fair bit btw.)why wasn't it reported? thing is, most snp members know the unedited/manipulated facts. please, vote anyway you like, but don't be suckerd into it.
There are many people who voted Tory at the last election but don't want to leave the EU. I suspect the Libdems may be the big winners in that and they made decide an SNP/Labour/Libdem coalition is the way forward.
give us the treasury the foreign affairs and home office portfolio and i might consider it.. but only if yer good.
What an awful image to put into my head, hear no, see no and speak no monkeys all on the same bench. Sturgeon will insist the bench needs to be independent, Corbyn will insist the jews did it and Farron, well Farron will jump on the bench with his ex bandmates from "The Voyeurs" and sing we all love cupcakes.
independent? like in a brexit kind of way? you poor sods still haven't realized just how dependent your gonna be to just a relatively few v.powerful people. goat, you couldn't make it up.
As opposed to the alternative, which is ... what, finm? :Hilarious: You are an absolute delight :Shifty: You're still trying to fix the system using the system to fix it. It's like Elise always says - "crap at it" :Smuggrin:
AARRRGGGGHHHHH! NO. how many times. loz, me old china (thats what you guys say innit?) no we are not. your system is broken, it sucks. we want out your system. :Hilarious::smileys:
Do you realise how "independent" you'll be when you leave the Union and run into the death embrace of the imperialist, corporatists, anti-democratic, oligarchical EU? You think you're unhappy now, you ain't seen nothing yet.
That sounds like the argument that was given to SNP voters. Scotland's finances have always depended on someone else, whether it is the U.K. government or the E.U. government Scottish independence my arse
and you guys believe it. yet another reason to dismiss your opinions. there's nothing i can say to get you to remove your blinkers, so just keep voting how you do i will keep watching your displeasure with the outcomes.
That's a harrowing thought. You'd have to be an absolute imbecile to vote Lib dem They're just so flaccid and limp it's comical
It was always going to go to the higher court, it couldn't do anything else Finm, you really are shit at politics but I'm begining to think you don't realise this