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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Weird that apart from British newspapers and media stating Gordon Brown has talked with senior eu officials and they may remove the 31st of October deadline, I can't find any european news media mentioning anything on it?
  2. It’s odd that John Major and Gordon Brown, the persons who signed the Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties are so concerned that we don’t leave the EC?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. after 2014 i find it stranger that anybody up here listens to the Gordisor a tall.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Major must know part of the defendant's (governments) legal team will cross examine him as to why he perogued parliament to avoid answering questions on the "cash for questions" scandal
  5. Really long and no pics,but well worth a couple of minutes:
    The Independent has now foolishly claimed that fifty Remain MPs are planning to set up an “alternative” parliament, which will take control of government and will not accept a No Deal Brexit. What on earth are they thinking, by publishing such a piece? Are they so detached from reality and consequence, that they believe that a coup d’etat is simply a valid expression of a difference of opinion?

    Their announcement – supposedly intended to comfort the distraught losers – is the crowning idiocy of a sequence of events which have exposed precisely the extent of the purge which is needed to ensure our national sovereignty and security is restored.

    The 1163 days since the referendum have been a period of increasing unreality. We voted to Leave the EU. We should have just left – no questions asked – right?
    Apparently not, in a country infested with agents of the 4th Reich – and I make no apologies for this term, as the whole foetid mess was concocted by a Nazi lawyer as a contingency plan to undermine America, and the rest of the Anglosphere, while building a German continental empire.
    The insanities came thick and fast.

    A Spanish hairdresser and a Guyanese model – whose husband was bankrolled by George Soros, who in his teens delivered his own people to the Gestapo – took the government to court to attempt to overturn the decision to leave. Supported by a team of proven Europhile judges, they won their case. Trust in the supremacy of the ballot box, so hard won over so many centuries, began to splinter.
    And then there was the attitude of the emboldened Remain voters, outraged at being disagreed with by those they despise. Instead of the usual attitude of “suck it up” when faced with the indisputable fact that the majority wins, there has been a non-stop and outrageous refusal to accept a democratic choice, open rejoicing over the deaths of Brexiteers, demands that the vote be held again – when they know which areas to rig – demands that unqualified EU nationals be allowed to vote, demands that children should be allowed the vote, demands that Britons over 70 should be disenfranchised.

    There has been an insistence that nobody who supported Brexit knew what they were voting for, and a conflicting yet strident statement that, actually, Leavers wanted a ‘deal’. No ‘deal’ was mentioned on the ballot paper. There were two options: LEAVE or REMAIN. Come to think of it, what is proposed by the EU isn’t even a ‘deal’- it is a withdrawal agreement. Deals supposedly come later, at the whim of 27 nations who intend to bleed us dry – after the payment of 39 months worth of payments.

    Various “rebels” – particularly from the Conservative party – crossed the floor to join a new party, which was wiped out in the EU elections we were not scheduled to take part in while the words BREXIT PARTY were writ large across every constituency of the UK, with the exception of London (populated largely by the wealthy, corrupt elite and non-UK citizens and run by a traitor who defended the Muslim Brotherhood) and Scotland (representing less than 8% of the UK’s population, under the fiefdom of a mad woman from a party which idolises a founder who worked for the Nazis during WW2, and who demands independence for Scotland, despite the Scots having overwhelmingly voted against it only two years previously). And in Northern Ireland, the pro-Brexit DUP cleaned up the opposition.

    The position is clear: Britain wants to leave, and in a democracy, the fact that a minority don’t like it, is, in words of one syllable, just tough shit. And yet, throughout the entire insanity, a strident group of the privileged and the frankly idiotic, have demanded a “People’s Vote.” Which “people” did they have in mind, precisely?

    Theresa May, a charmless woman with the air of a depressed heron, and the leadership qualities of a sponge – a woman who failed in every government position – proved to be a Quisling, attempting to steam-roller Parliament into accepting a “deal” which nobody wanted: Brexiteers because it is no less than an abject surrender-document, Remainers because they thought, by continually refusing to support any deal, they could block the will of their constituencies entirely. The frankly sickening shenanigans in the House of Commons were overseen and manipulated by an obnoxious little toad, John Bercow, whose car carries a sticker reading BOLLOCKS TO BREXIT, and who warped parliamentary procedure to favour his own treachery.

    These agents of a hostile foreign power, working directly against the will of their constituents, being deselected by the dozen, managed to insist that the Quisling PM beg for an extension to our leaving date – which she did, although there was no need for her to do so.

    And when the country could stand no more, and it was clear that the old Conservative Party was dead in the water if it failed to deliver Brexit, along came Boris.

    The Putrid Parliament immediately went into melt-down. Not only that, but – despite the almost universal rejoicing among the Brexiteer majority of the nation – they insisted that his days in office were numbered, to the extent that these unelected minority parties started planning for what they saw as his inevitable removal.

    Comrade Jeremy Corbyn, a known supporter of the IRA and Hezbollah, a proven anti-Semite and traitor, a millionaire ignoramus born in a manor house and dressed as Lenin, but a life-long supporter of Brexit, changed sides according to the threats he sensed from back-benchers, and ranted constantly and inconsequentially and then, faced with what he saw as a chance for power, offered himself as interim Prime Minister and demanded that the decision of 2016 be overturned. Since almost nobody except Jeremy Corbyn actually wants to see Jeremy Corbyn handed the keys to Number Ten, the slight unity between the Remoaners scattered like grease under a splash of detergent.

    G7 saw Boris make clear that we would be leaving – deal or no deal – on the new appointed date of 31st October, to the consternation of Little King Macron (a man essentially under house-arrest in the Elysee Palace, whose capital city has been on fire for a year) and Donald Tusk, who – for no apparent reason as he had no business there – attended the G7 conference looking ever more as if he resides in a haunted cave, and said he would not comply with a No Deal Brexit.
    However, Boris, hailed as the next potential Churchill, stood his ground, and held court with the other, far more important – and elected! – Donald, their blond heads nodding approvingly at each other, bantering across the breakfast table surrounded by funereal Europeans, as if they owned the place: which, indeed, they actually do.

    The EU began to quake, began to make anxious noises, faced with real resistance, from a real British Prime Minister, but – because what the Remoaners want isn’t a “good deal” but a return to the 4th Reich’s fold – moves immediately began to plot against the people again, with ever more fanciful descriptions of Boris, an urbane old-school liberal, as Hitler.

    So Boris and the Queen decided to prorogue parliament, meaning that while MPs would have a few days in which to gobble like turkeys, the treacherous, anti-democratic Remoaners would have little or no time to block the will of the electorate again – something which they shouldn’t be doing anyway, and which should, therefore, elicit nothing more than a guilty shrug.

    But all hell broke loose, because just as the bulk of the minority Remain voters consider themselves inherently superior to the bulk of the majority Leave voters, so the MPs who have attempted the destruction of our democracy and have worked toward the subjugation of our country to a hostile power, have become over-confident, assured that, no matter how long it takes, they will managed to overturn the Referendum result.

    Not only that, but they have not a single leg to stand on, because in fact, parliament is regularly cleared – this is the longest parliament in 400 years – and, in addition, it rests with the elected Prime Minister, and the Head of State, to decide precisely when this will happen.

    The old Guyanese model, Gina Miller, digging deep into George Soros’ pockets again, declared she was once again going to attempt to overthrow British constitution practice and the will of the people – this time supported, not by a Spanish hairdresser, but by a collection of the most unpopular political failures of the past 100 years. One of them just so happened to be John Major, a man who was a national embarrassment during his tenure at Number Ten not only because he had the voice and mannerism of the Monty Python character Arthur Putey (google him) but because he was caught trousers-down with Edwina Curry, who is inextricably linked with infecting British eggs with Salmonella, and British beef herds with Mad Cow Disease. In addition, his outraged protests against prorogation hold no water, as he himself prorogued parliament 22 years ago, in order to prevent debate on one of the more sleazy episodes in his party’s history.

    The Guardian, working on behalf of the inaptly-named Liberal Democrats,posted endless misery memoirs of EU migrants who demand to vote in a foreign country and claim they fear deportation – even though they have been assured no such thing will happen.

    Comrade Corbyn, still pretending to be in some way connected with Labour history, attempted to incite a National Strike, although since most of his supporters are now economically inactive except when they are cashing in their Trust Fund, this will cause about as much disruption to the nation as a flea on a neighbour’s cat.

    Meanwhile, Gordon Brown, a dour and vaguely unhinged man incapable of asking the price of a box of matches without throwing a temper tantrum, claims to have persuaded the Byzantine EU to extend Article 50 (and says this removes Boris’s “excuse” for leaving) as if this were simply a unilateral decision on the part of the toxic empire we have chosen to leave, and we have no right to disagree – which just about sums up the position Remoaners desire for us.

    There is a whiff of terror and desperation about the Remoaners now, to the extent that it’s possible to wonder precisely what they know will be discovered wriggling when the flat stone of the EU-led administration is lifted. After all, even if opposing the national will is discounted as a matter of opinion, definite acts of treachery have already been uncovered: Dominic Grieve is apparently only ‘so far’ avoiding imprisonment for leaking security secrets, and the British Ambassador to our most powerful ally, the USA, has been dismissed for being a mole.

    Protests today, demanding that the democratic will be overthrown for all time by around 200 people from unelectable parties, who promised to enact the will of the people because it was the only way to get elected by a nation in which 75% of Conservative and 61% of Labour constituencies voted to Leave, are insane enough, although it can hardly be said to be the March To The Winter Palace: in fact, the usual Renta-Mob of bored housewives, and outraged retirees, with nothing else to do, and enough money to do it, turned up at midday, shrieked a bit, then went home at 3pm.

    But the leak by The Independent of a planned coup d’etat is in another category altogether, an outrage which, if perpetrated, justifies the use of deadly force to quell it. And if it is not simply a product of some journalist’s imagination, and is found to genuinely be plotted, those implicated face life-long imprisonment: the crime of High Treason still exists, although it no longer carries the death penalty. High Treason encompasses disloyalty to the Crown, and colluding with and giving comfort to, the Sovereign’s enemies. When the trigger for the supposed plot is a lawful action by the monarch and her elected government, working to implement a democratic decision, then the facts surely fit the charge.

    But they seem to forget what they are up against, now: Boris Johnson is not Quisling May. He is a man fighting for his country, his career, and his party. In the interests of fulfilling Brexit, he has informed dissenters that they will be fired – not only from their positions, but from the Conservative Party. He has had one suspect ‘aide’ – to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, no less – removed by the police, applauded by the Chancellor. He has appointed a bullish Brexiteer cabinet, and the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, who would be dealing with any of those implicated in an attempted coup, is not a woman to mess with.

    A hush has fallen since The Independent’s absurd – but useful – revelation, a revelation which, to a determined government justifies the removal of passports, lap-tops, phones, and protection, in the interests of an investigation which could legally see all those involved – and their associates – facing a prison wall for the rest of their natural lives. And if so, the net will spread wide – the judiciary, the Lords, MPs, aides, secretaries, campaigners, the whole appalling throng of those who have gambled our democracy for their privelage – will all be up for grabs…and the national institutions will be drained like the swamp they are.

    I always knew The Independent was edited by idiots. But I never realised they would be such useful ones.

    • Like Like x 1
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. Between now and the 31st of October, the papers and tv media are just going to go silly, what they do not know , they will try the scattergun approach and hope something sticks and what they do know they will try and craft, edit and suggest alternatives where most will be the imagination of manga obsessed spotty ex bloggers posing as reporters. It's part of the game but if we do leave with a clean break, it's not part of the game I will miss.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Sadly, those claiming to be fighting the fascist's, are the biggest fascist's of them all. I often wonder if any of these people get to see these video's and just show how full of hatred and intolerance they are and if they wonder if they have gone too far?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Scottish ain't he :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Some place called giffnock, not far from Glasgow.
  11. brittish. son of a holly man. son of a ..ch more like. and one of the main reasons why we are still here blocking your Brexit.
  12. i always liked Gordon, he should have selected for PM rather than Blair IMO.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Why couldn't Rudolph Hess have been in charge of the Third Reich? Should have been him, not Hitler.

    : o D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. maybe back in the day. i cant remember. he does talk, old labour but his actions betray him. a socialist party with its roots in Scotland with home rule as its core principle while behind the scenes he was doing all in his power to block it. presided over a disproportionate amount of PFI's up here, over 80. the uk had about 700 while his party was sending a fair chunk of our budget back to Whitehall because they couldn't think what to spend it on. his party left us the poorest country in the west while rUK was booming. his local branch's stirred up religious bigotry. the legacy of which we seen in the streets of Govan the other night. along with that great campaigning Scottish socialist Alister Darling, his whole political life seems to be about promoting the too wee, too poor, too dumb message. Fuck him.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. The barnier comment, for him this is his baby and his personal reputation, he would rather sink europe than lose face so I wouldn't take just his comment on it's own. They know whether you want remain, brino or a clean brexit, parliament will not pass it as it has refused it 3 times already

    As to Brown, I never trust a person who shows hardly any income but has a foundation set up in theirs and their wifes name, there is a good reason why people do this. https://gordonandsarahbrown.com/#

    #37277 noobie, Sep 1, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2019
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  16. Brexit: Keir Starmer says MPs 'will propose legislation to stop no deal' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-49541942

    I still think the U.K. will remain in the Eu.

    Politicians are not going to agree to the deal on offer and won’t accept no-deal.
  17. In a battle between MPs who proclaim that they are dead-set against "No Deal" (and thus, Brexit) ...

    ... and MPs who pretend to be prepared for "No Deal" but actually are also dead-set against Brexit ...

    ... who do you think will win?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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