British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. yer man is on the war path
    So why are we expected to believe that what you knew and I knew, what Joanna Cherry knew, what the very dogs in the street knew, was not known to the Queen? Do we really believe that the Queen was “misled” and that she and her courtiers were the only people in the entire country who actually believed that Johnson just wanted the longest prorogation for 89 years to prepare a really good Queen’s speech? Are we really expected to believe that the Queen had not noticed that Brexit was at a crucial stage and the effect that prorogation would have on parliament’s say in the process?
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  2. Aye up captain abnormal :worried:
  3. Not many then - was it about 18% then? Oh, and corrected your spelling mistake o_O
  4. Actually most brexiteers just want to pick and choose which bits of democracy and Parliamentary Sovereignty suit their agenda. Remainers sometimes do likewise when it suits them/us.

    So let’s both sides just drop the specious claims that this is all just a matter of high minded democratic principles eh, Mr Voltaire? Be real. Both sides are using wherever legitimate and possibly illegitimate legal and political means they can in order to get the result they want.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. I am special, not abnormal

    And still working my way up to captain
  6. And to reverse the referendum vote? - you seem to miss the fact that there is a losing side that are trying to reverse a democratic vote - but you would wouldn't you as your sooooo bright :sun::bucktooth::sun:
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  7. needs? :bucktooth:
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  8. Not yet, am sure one day my brain will go tits up. Maybe you will be my carer?

    “Make me a tea Exi baby!”

    “Wipe ma arse Exi”

    “Take a load of deep breathes and muster all yer strength to haul ma tadger out for a pee Exi”
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  9. I bet you can’t even properly define or explain “democracy” can you?

    Go on though. Have a stab at it. Or will that just be another question you dodge in favour of throwing childish emoji packed insults around and generally acting like a shit flinging gibbon?
    • Love You Love You x 1
  10. Nah, I'll drop you at my wee man Finms place, you'd be fine there :):upyeah:but be prepared, it is in Scotchland :eek:
  11. Sounds fair then so using your calculator,

    when neneh cherry and barry blackford say Scotland voted to remain

    what they really mean is 1,661,191 out of 5.3 million voted to remain so only 31% of the Scottish population voted to remain in the eu. cool :upyeah:
  12. You are the insult lobbing loser who's on the wrong side of a democratic vote, crying :( you do get nastier as you lose a debate don't you :bucktooth:
  13. Thought not.

    You’re as yellow as those emojis you’re so fond of ;)
  14. You're not doing very well are you :scream:
  15. I made that point some pages ago when I said the remaniers were "outraged" that boris had used prorogation, a power available to all governments, but thought nothing of it when they went to court to see what was available to them
  16. Both sides are using whatever tricks they have up their sleeves.
  17. My calculator is working around the rules which considers only those eligible to vote, 400,000 of whom were English

    When you learn the difference between people, inanimate objects and collectives you will find it all becomes clear.

    I live in hope
  18. Belfast is fantastic, the Europa is lovely, and the crown (pub) is just across the way. You'll have a brilliant time.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. I feel kind of sorry for you so I’ll help you out.

    There are two basic forms of democracy, “direct” and “representative”

    Look those two terms up. You think we have the former, but we don’t, we have the latter.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  20. dont look exe. it will blow yer mind.
    ignore exe, Z. he's just being a bit..hmm.. you know
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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