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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. it was only a decade before they had realized they had boobed and the first attempt to end the union was made. they had secured a majority before the vote, but at the last min 4 abstained. I wonder what that cost?.
  2. Has anything changed ?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Away from the walk down a distorted memory lane by our northern cousins who next will undoubtedly tell us the tories made greyfriars bobby homeless :D

    Yesterday the lib dems started their conference weekend and their guest speaker was Guy Verhofstadt who said he was there as a fellow liberal party member rather than part of the eu brexit team. I'll include the full video (12 minutes) should you wish to watch it and apart from the usual drivel, three points stood out

    He claimed brexit happened because cameron wanted the party to deal with the eu question once and for all. Bearing in mind the parties membership is around 160,000, he didn't go onto explain why 17.4 million Brits voted to leave

    you will notice in his speech he talks about empires and how a world is now all about empires and the eu with the u.k. in that part it is clear where he see's the eu going

    Lastly, having implied the eu needs to be an empire, he said what every eu politician has said about the eu itself since 2016, the eu needs to change and every year since 2016 they have but more inward looking and more to create an empire itself

    #38683 noobie, Sep 15, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2019
  4. I am going to laugh at that all day
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Love you, peanut. True love.

    Now get goin'!
  6. yip. its a funny thing. but, stranger things have happened. it was only two years ago that SLab and kezia dugdale where encouraging labour voters to vote tory in seats they couldn't win. that led to the bakers dozen and another tory gov. so, never say never.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. In the tale of Aladdin, an evil wizard dresses up as a street vendor and offers new, shiny lamps as a free trade for old ones. Aladdin’s princess foolishly accepts the offer, and so loses the power of the genie of the lamp. It is an entertaining tale, but it contains a serious message: it is foolish to exchange things of proven value for bright shiny gold, which turns out to be illusory.
    It is ironic that precisely at this time, when the crisis of capitalism has completely vindicated Marxism there is a veritable race on the “Left” to throw Marxist theory overboard, as if it were so much useless ballast. The former “communists” no longer even speak of socialism and have consigned the writings of Marx and Engels to the dustbin.
    The ideas of revolutionary Marxism are presented as old fashioned and irrelevant. The middle class intellectuals and “progressives” fall over themselves in their attempts to discredit Marxism. This general atmosphere of ideological confusion, questioning of Marxist “orthodoxy” and rejection of theory can have a pernicious effect even in our own ranks.
    This is not the first time we have seen such things. These anti-revolutionary reformist tendencies have always been present in the movement. As we have seen, Marx, Lenin, Engels and Trotsky all had to deal with the same campaign for “new ideas”, which has always been the battle-cry of every revisionist from Dühring and Bernstein onwards. We have dealt with some of these “contemporary alternatives” in the book by Alan Woods, Reformism or Revolution, Socialism of the 21st Century, Reply to Heinz Dieterich.

    What this incessant quest to revise Marxism reflects is the despondency of the older layer who, demoralised by past defeats and failures, have lost the will to struggle for revolutionary change in practice, but wish to salve their conscience by posing as Marxists who, becoming “older and wiser” have understood that the “old ideas” were only after all utopian dreams with no practical relevance to the present world.
    The sole purpose of these arguments is to divert the attention of the youth, cause the maximum confusion and to act as a barrier to prevent the new generation from gaining access to Marxism. It is only the mirror reflection of the campaign of the bourgeoisie against socialism and communism. But it is far more dangerous and damaging than the latter because it is a campaign waged under a false banner.
    Its proponents are radically opposed to revolution and socialism but they dare not admit this – possibly even to themselves (to what extent they actually believe in the nonsense they write is something that only an expert psychologist can determine). They disguise their reactionary anti-revolutionary and anti-socialist message under a thick layer of “left” and “radical” phraseology that makes it all the more difficult for most people to identify. The ideas of socialism are watered down, revised or simply dropped.
    The Marxist tendency is not immune to the pressures of capitalism. The confused and pessimistic moods of the middle-class intellectuals can sometimes find an echo within the Marxist movement, where they manifest themselves as a constant attack on “stultifying orthodoxy” and a constant appeal for “something new”, which remind us very much of the siren call of Aladdin’s wizard.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Orenz's Thunderbox

    my thunderbox

    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. The same level you say :thinkingface:

    Good morning portly

  10. How do you get your arse up onto that bidet? :confused:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. I don't think he needs one of them, he dumps all his crap on here.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Are those his lugs? o_O
  13. oh that's what it is ? Actually we get lots of plus comments about our little hand wash.
  14. two rare bearded clams, nice exy........
  15. In all seriousness, I'm not surprised they havent taken off. You have to bend so far over as the bog is in the way, or straddle the bog to get to it. You could stand to the side but that looks awkward. o_O

    Interesting and worthy of comment granted, but stoopid. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Nah, i love it, great addition to our only WC, recycles water straight into the cistern, plus i am only 5 ft so no bending over required.
  17. They is molluscs :eyes:
  18. About as tall as a mollusc :thinkingface:
  19. He also quoted Margaret Thatcher as saying about the Single Market 'what a beautiful non bureaucratic project' :sob:
  20. do you think it isn't?
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