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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Sounds like they are the same then?

    Not according to the Supreme Court?

    It would appear a common problem?
  2. not really, the remainers continue to try and stop brexit happening, the supreme court ruling was from that day forward and remainers continue to ignore the amount of times it was found to be valid on previous cases

    No blinkerage on the leave side. The government is trying to carry out the democratic vote to leave the people gave

    the remainers aided by multinationals and the eu themselves, are trying to stop brexit by saying sorry that was not the democratic answer we wanted, so have another go or stop it

    31 days to go :D
  3. Would that be the beyond reproach Supreme Court that has no vested interest in political matters including those that touch on "Brexit" aka British Independence and which has nine members currently in receipt of substantial stipends/ emoluments/ moola from EU institutions and the ECJ?

    *That* Supreme Court?

    Perish the thought!
  4. Now you've made Diane face palm!

    #39184 Jez900ie, Sep 30, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Loz you're reaching a wider audience!

    • Like Like x 1
  6. Hey, I will stand up for the EU's Supreme Court [UK Branch] every single time, buddy.

    Those selfless servants of a portion of the public are heroes.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. is it worth pointing out there was no refference to Cherrys case or the Court of Sesion decission. who, i would of thaught had a better idea of what underpins the UK than some retired old fart with an axe to grind.
    i also suspect thats why the C/S and Cherrys case is slowly but surely errased from the history books.
    those ancient documents have considerably more influince on the future of the UK than some would care to admit.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. erased? ooo get you mr special snowflake, cherrys cases are not being erased, you think that because she isn't being carried shoulder high by the remainers and through the streets

    Back to bare bones, which group are seeking to repsect AND carry out the peoples wishes to leave, what groups are seeking to stop all attempts of any kind to leave?
  9. speical snowflake? it's quotes like that that will ensure you will never get the country on board. you and they cant keep speaking to people like that and expect an engaged population not to respond.
    we can quible over who is getting the recognition they deserve. i dont expect anything other than piss and wind from the likes of yersel. but maybe thats the plan, double down on the pish in the hope people will disengauge.
    while i cant really speak for the brittish partys, i am totally convinced as to why the SNP are attempting to block a bad/no deal sceario from taking place. the list is long.
    i also accept they will attempt to push their own agenda in seaking indi, but why not? you want the threat of no deal to push the EU. we will use the threat of INDI to gain a voice in all this. and in those ancient documents that influinced the C/U and S/C desicion, is the right of scots to chose their future. over and over and over again if and when the rUK attemt to take is somewhere we dont want to go.
  10. What do you mean, "Lady Hale and Shami Chakrabati were on a working holiday together prior to the Supreme Court sitting in judgment over the prorogation"?

    What the HELL are you implying?
  11. Scots did choose their future fin, the Scottish politicians chose to ignore the Scots because they gave the wrong answer and here is where I will show the truth of it.

    The snpee say they inserted a clause so even if the Scottish people voted to stay in the U.K. and then we left europe, this would give the snpee in their eyes, a right to ask for indi 2, so you have to ask why are the snpee seeking to cancel brexit?

    If brexit is cancelled, then the basis of an indi 2 vote, using the snp's own justification for it, goes away, why would they cancel their own chance to have indi 2?

    as to the rest

    lid dems have said they want to stop/revoke the leave the eu democratic vote
    Labour have said they will not accept any deal the tories come up with
    snpee have said they want to stop the democratic vote and stop any chance of leaving
    plaid cymru have said also the peoples democratic vote doesn't matter, they want to cancel brexit
    The greens, should be correctly the green, has said they want to ignore the democratic vote and stop leaving europe

    The only uk party in the commons seeking to carryout the democratic vote is johnson and the tories and yet they are the ones being accused of damaging democracy, go figure
  12. the skill of trolling you have masterd so well?
  13. yip, we chose our future bassed on a particular offer made to us. the UK Gov renaged on that deal. tough titty, your beef is with them.
    yer right, the SNP won the 2016 election on a manifesto. elected by the people. there is a majority in hollyrood for using that manifest. infact, its been voted on and passd already. again, tough titty.
    if its cancelled will they call a reff? hmm. they could, but not sure if they would, or in deed could win it.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. He is presumably about to annouce the easiest deal in human history has been completed and the free trade agreement between the largest block in history is complete, and fully negotiated as promised?
    David Davis
    14 July 2016

    This is because he has found Goves fabled pack " we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want" and obviously has implemented a new customs declaration service, which has replaced the old HMRC customs system and provides a non-visible border operational along the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland
    David Davis
    5 September 2017

    Or are you saying that "johnson and the tories only want to carryout part of the democratic vote thus they are the ones damaging democracy?
  15. And they could have been the easiest deal, could have. We were leaving a organisation we were friendly with and wished to remain friendly with after.

    Our mistake was underestimating just how much of europe, the eu commission and project were prepared to throw under the bus just to protect the project.

    It did re-enforce what many of us said, a clean break is the only way to deal with the eu but again the point you keep ignoring, the vote was to leave and NOT depending on a deal.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. you dont actually beleive that. its just more tub thumpng for you and yours.
  17. I voted leave and was told that it was WITH a deal, more money for NHS etc and no mention (none at all) of "no deal" at the time of the vote...was i alone in thinking that was what I voted for?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. You and 60+million other people were too.

    Now apparently some think they are entitled to edit the idea of Leave to an entirely different set concept, though one which suits them. They then shout loudly, use emotive slogans, and call it Democracy.

    I have dictionary. I have a laptop to access the public record of what Leave is meant to comprise. I politely suggest these people purchase & use both.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  19. [​IMG]

    60+ million voted on brexit diane? :D
    #39200 noobie, Sep 30, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
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