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British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. or just confused
  2. no confusion here. am 100% convinced of why and how in my choices. :upyeah:
  3. Can we stop using the 'remoaners' phrase? It is a bit pathetic. Just because someone doesn't agree with you it doesn't mean they are moaning or indeed are even wrong.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. err,, so sor . my fault,, cert did not mean you ;)
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  5. Good point. It's rather like calling David Cameron "Camoron" or Tony Blair "Bliar". The first time it's used it is quite funny. By the tenth time it's wearing thin. And anyone who is still cracking the same feeble joke for the 100th time just looks like a total twat.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Everyone chooses their level of responsibilities,number of kids/size of mortgage etc etc. They also choose what to spend their money on. There are no guarantees in life,employment,health,whatever. As hard hearted as it sounds,when you paint yourself into a corner,you are responsible for the way out of it. The taxpayer might be cool about giving you a helping hand,but theres no reason on this earth why others ,possibly in similar situations,should be obliged pay for your misfortune
  7. Pots and kettles...
    If feeble little digs are all you have to worry about you've got it easy. Anyone remotely right of centre who supports the nation state, democratic national government, doesn't support membership of the EU or believe in a European superstate or subscribe to the nostrums of socialism and doesn't want to be ruled by unelected technocracies are at best thick, knuckle-dragging oafs or worse, they are slandered hysterically as fascists, Nazis, racists just because they hold alternative views. Grow a thicker skin and, if remotely possible, a sense of humour.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  8. Although you don't see it, it is only you that have made that comparison only because it doesn't work for you. The pittance you mention is the national living wage yes? The same national living wage everyone should get whether full time, part time or zero hours.

    Zero contracts are like any other work, not one single person forces you to work for a company offering or not offering, a zero hour contract.

    There are jobs I've hated, there are jobs that have been okay and there are jobs I have absolutely loved and ALL of them, I have known my rates, terms of conditions before I said yes to it. I have always knowingly worked for a company

    I remember once in a supervisory role I sat on a hr board when we had vacancies. One bloke told us he used to work on a building site and if the gaffer didn't need you anymore or took a dislike then he would give you a quid, tell you to buy a cuppa tea on the way out as you are no longer needed.

    He said he wanted the stability to know where he was working every day, to work in a warm environment and have the ability to earn more money if he wanted. He got the job, 2 weeks later I saw him on the floor and I asked, how's it going? He said this was one of the easiest jobs he has ever had and the people around him don't know what real work was.

    3 months later the trial period was up and his reports were all good but you could tell something had changed but he got a full time contract. 3 months after getting the full time contract, doing the exact same work as day 1 he was moaning and telling people he was bored of the job, it was one of the worst jobs in the world and he felt oppressed working for the man in a shitty job.

    As to me topping up me other earnings with pocket money from zero contracts, what makes you say that? Obviously no facts for that other than anger at your own situation.

    Fair point duke, perhaps we could also stop the "you brexiteers are too stupid to understand what you voted for" :) although I don't hold out much hope on that one :p
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  9. see that cammoron hes a right twat aint he?
  10. I like his biscuits
  11. huh , and yesterday you were being such a pleasant chappy,, today back to the same old same old,,, veiled insults and supposition , i assumed you were topping up your pocket money because you said so, silly me, ,, please do not assume my situation since , due to your assumption , ( although maybe you didnt mean that either ) you know nothing at all about it,,, but i am able to tell when someones glass is half empty instead of an assumed half full.
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  13. Happy for you to show me where I said that?
  14. I was watching the News last night and they were talking about Le Pen in France. Apparently her party is heavily backed with finance by Putin something they are very open about. He is also alleged to back right wing UK parties.

    Is this really the way we want the world to go? It will only end one way.
  15. i would say that if anyone is in a position to pick and or choose as to whither they work for extra money then in the real world it is " pocket money " whatever one chooses to call it..
  16. So I never said what you said I had and that is why you cannot show it, just checking, thanks for confirming it, love you :kissingheart:
  17. :rolleyes:,,,,,,,,,,,,;)
  18. You'd be no good at politics then :Finger:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. 3
    thats hurts. :(
    thanks...mate. :Sorry:
    anyhoo, mr politician guy, whats yer thoughts on the alien act?
  20. What the Westminster Alien Act of 1705 or the US Alien and Sedition Act of 1798? Bit out of date aren't you?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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